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Youth Services Advisory Board Minutes 6.5.12


TUESDAY JUNE 5, 2012 at the YOUTH CENTER 5:30 P.M.



VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT:  Vice-Chairman Lorraine Marvin, Secretary Pam Scheibelein, Linda Bromley, Pastor Shirley Ellis, Gail Baxter

VOTING MEMBERS ABSENT:  Chairman Tom St. Louis

NON VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT:  Director Val Geato, Sgt. Rob Suchecki, Sgt. Marc Petruzzi, Program Coordinator Mike Schaff, Meg Lewis, Meaghan Hickey, Diane Hettrick, Barbara Gilbert, Brittany Berube, Linda Iacobellis, John Reever (liaison BOE), and Rob Tarlov (BOF).

Note:  Y.A.C. members Randie Marino, Matt Caples and Jenna DeVoe, along with Program Coordinator Jen Sloat arrived at 6:00 after spending the afternoon at Ronald McDonald House in New Haven.

NON VOTING MEMBERS ABSENT:  Luke Lamarre, Chris Bennett, Stephanie Spargo (S.E.R.A.C.)


1.                    5:30                       Call Meeting to Order:  Vice-Chairman Lorraine Marvin called the                                                          meeting to order at 5:35p.m.


2.                   5:30                        Approve Minutes of May 1, 2012 Regular Meeting:  Linda Bromley                                                       motioned to aprove the minutes of the May 1, 2012 regular meeting.                                                     Rob Suchecki seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor.                                                  MOTION CARRIED


3.                                                   Public Comments: none


4.                                                   Recommendations for appointment to Youth Service Advisory Board:                                                Director Val Geato recommended the appointment of Kathy Wonderly                                                                 to the Board.  Pam Scheibelein motioned to appoint Kathy Wonderly to                                                                 the YSAB.  Rob Suchecki seconded the motion.  All members present                                                       voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED


5.                  5:35 – 5:45            Program Updates and report from Director: Director Geato updated all                                                             present on summer trips and programs.


6.                   5:45 – 6:10           Subcommittee Meetings (Advisory, Anti-Bullying, L.P.C.)


                                            Teen 101 presented the video made for Community Conversation on                                                drug abuse.


7.                   6:10 - 6:20            Report from subcommittees:  This will include any plan for programs for                                           services, needs/resources, volunteer opportunities, feedback


                                            TIE-DYE UPDATE: Baked goods needed, bring with you to Fest or drop                                              off at Youth Services Office; drop off newspapers at Youth                                                                          Center on Friday or at Fest early Saturday morning

                                            Review of all plans was discussed.



8.                   6:20 - 6:30            Election of Officers, Chairman, Co-Chairman, Secretary

                                                As per By-Laws approved on Nov. 2, 2011, 6.2 Executive                                                                                                Committee/Officers:  “Officers shall serve no more than two (2)                                                               consecutive two-year terms in any single office.”

                                                As per 7.2 Meetings:  An annual meeting will be held in June for the                                                        purpose of election of officers and reappointment of members.  Officers

                                                shall be elected at the annual meeting as needed and shall begin their                                                   term as of July 1 of that year.”

                                                Note:  The current officers were elected in January of 2010. They have in                                                                fact held office for two and one half years.  In order to comply with the                                                                 current By-Laws this election is being held.


                                                It was decided by voting members that election would be held at the                                                     September meeting since all members were not present at this meeting.


                                                Additions for September Agenda:

                                                Elections; Review of Tie-Dye Fest


9.                  6:30 - 7:00             “Appreciation” gifts were presented to Randie Marino, Matt Caples,                                                 and Dan Brainard, graduating seniors.


10.               7:00                        Adjourn:  Vice Chairman Lorraine Marvin motioned to adjourn the                                                       meeting at 6:40p.m.  Pam Scheibelein seconded the motion.  All                                                               members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED



Respectfully submitted,


Pam Scheibelein, Secretary