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Youth Services Advisory Board Minutes 6.1.11


WEDNESDAY, June l, 2011 at the YOUTH CENTER 5:30 P.M.


Members Present:  Tom St. Louis, Lorraine Marvin, Pam Scheibelein, Wynet Reynolds, Kathy Wonderly

Members Absent:  Heather Pelletier, Ellen Weinick, Kerry Parker, Rob Suchecki, Chris Bennett

Others Present:  Bacon Academy Students: Sam Lounsbury, Joel Rosiene, Austin Konon, Devon Coletta, Cameron Panagrosso, Will Bartol, Hayden Young, Zack Bussiere, Rachel Graham, Kevin Armagno, Ryan Pennington; Ryan Blessing, Colchester/Norwich Bulletin reporter; Janelle Gagnon, and parents; Lynn Marra


1.       Call Meeting To Order:  Chairman Tom St. Louis called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.


2.       Approve Minutes of February 10, 2011, March 2, 2011

Note: April 2 meeting did not have a quorum.  May 4 meeting did not have a quorum.

Pam Scheibelein motioned accept the minutes of the February 10th, 2011 Youth Services Advisory Board Regular Meeting, seconded by Lorraine Marvin.  All present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.

Pam Scheibelein motioned to amend the minutes of the March 2, 2011 Youth Services Advisory Board Regular Meeting as follows: Under Approve minutes of January 2, 2011 amend as follows: Rob Suchecki motioned to accept the minutes of the February 9, 2011 Regular Youth Services Advisory Board Meeting, seconded by Heather Pelletier.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.


3.       Presentation of Youth Leadership Award to Janelle Gagnon:  At 6:30 Chairman Tom St. Louise presented Janelle with a plaque; Vice Chairman Lorraine Marvin presented Janelle with a check in the amount of $500.00, Wynet Reynolds (former recipient of this award) presented Janelle with a bouquet of flowers.

4.       Report from Director of Youth and Social Services Bureau:

·         Director Geato advised those present of a survey students in grades 6 through 12 will be asked to complete.  This survey has been put together by Local Prevention Council/Youth First, and addresses the use of alcohol and drugs.

·          Director Geato advised of the Family Day to be held at Country Place on June 11th, from 11 am to 2 pm.  Board members were invited to take part.

·         Director Geato has put together a survey for parents to express their opinion of what programs they would like to see Youth Services provide.

·         Summer programs are being filled.

5.       New Business:

·         Purchase of van (update from Tom St. Louis):  Tom and Val advised that a new van was included in the budget, and that the money raised by The Board, will be used for the purchase of a second van.

·         New Board member solicitation:  Tabled for September meeting.

6.       Old Business: 

·         Bake Sale, May 10th, Budget Referendum:  Pam Scheibelein advised that $640.00 was raised, the largest amount ever!

·         Discussion of future Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser:  Members present agreed it was not realistic to plan a fall Spaghetti Dinner.  Future discussion was tabled for the September meeting.

·         Discussion of additional fundraising ideas:  Members agreed that with the current membership, fundraising (other than bake sales) would not be practical.  Further discussion will be at the September meeting.

7.       Member comments/concerns/suggestions: Members present agreed to meet during the summer to discuss the future of the Advisory Board.  Pam Scheibelein will contact members to determine dates to meet.

8.       Adjourn

Respectfully Submitted,


Pamela Scheibelein, Secretary