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Youth Services Advisory Board Minutes 12.7.11


WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 2011 at the YOUTH CENTER 5:30 P.M.


Members Present:  Chairman Tom St. Louis, Vice Chairman Lorraine Marvin, Linda Bromley, Pam Scheibelein, Kathy Wonderly, Chris Bennett, Sgt. Rob Suchecki

Members Absent:  Heather Pelletier, Ellen Weinick, Wynett Reynolds

Others Present:  Director Val Geato; Mike Schaff, Youth Services Program Coordinator; Jen Sloat, Youth Services Program Coordinator; Resident Trooper Sgt. Petruzzi, Local Prevention Council;  Diane Hettrick (Anti Bullying Committee); Barbara Gilbert (Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Staff Development);  Evamarie  Young , Parent Volunteer


1.       Call Meeting To Order:  Chairman St. Louis called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m. NOTE:  To accommodate guests who had to be at other commitments by 7:00 p.m. our regular meeting was delayed until 6:20 in order to discuss the combining of Anti-Bullying Committee, The Local Prevention Council and Youth Services Advisory Board.


2.       Approve Minutes of November 2, 2011 regular meeting:  Chris Bennett motioned to approve the minutes of the Nov. 2, 2011 Regular Youth Services Advisory Board Meeting.  Kathy Wonderly seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED


3.       Public Comments: none


4.       New Business: 


·         Removal of two members by Executive Committee:  Wynett Reynolds and Heather Pelletier submitted their resignation.  Chris Bennett motioned to accept the resignation of Wynett Reynolds.  Pam Scheibelein seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.   MOTION CARRIED.  Pam Scheibelein motioned to accept the resignation of Heather Pelletier.  Tom St. Louis seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.

A letter, signed by the Executive Board, Thomas St. Louis, Lorrain Marvin, and Pam Scheibelein, was sent to Ellen Weinick advising of her removal from the Board.


·         Discussion of combining Anti-Bullying Committee and the Local Prevention Council with the Youth Services Advisory Board:  Discussion began at 5:30p.m. A member of each Board/Committee/ Coalition gave a brief overview of the mission of their group.  All present asked questions in regard to each other’s group.  Representatives of the Anti Bullying Committee and the Local Prevention Council advised the Youth Services Advisory Chairman that their groups were in favor of merging the three groups.  All present agreed that the new group would be called, “YOUTH FIRST”. 

·         A discussion was held regarding the night the new group will meet.  Tuesday at 5:30, at the Youth Center was proposed.  All groups will discuss the new meeting night, and the final decision will be made at a SPECIAL MEETING to be held on Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2012. 

·         The secretary will contact the Town Clerk to determine the correct way to make the change for all three groups to become YOUTH FIRST.

·         The secretary will forward a copy of these minutes to the First Selectman so that he is aware of our intentions in regard to combining all three groups.


5.       Old Business: 

·         Update on Tie Dye Fest 1012:  Tractor Supply responded to the secretary’s letter asking for their sponsorship.  Since their new store will not be open until after the 2012 Fest, they advised they would be interested in sponsoring the 2013 Fest.  The secretary will contact them once the date for the 2013 Fest is set.


·         Bake Sale:  $332.00 was raised.


·         Update on letter sent to parents requesting participation with Advisory Board:  The Director advised the letter was not sent out due to the change from Advisory Board to Youth First.



·         New van delivery date:  The expected date was the second week in December, but we have not received an update on the actual delivery.  It is vital the “Cupcake Van” be delivered ASAP to accommodate upcoming youth programs.


6.       Member comments/concerns/suggestions:  School Physiologist, Kathy Wonderly advised the last opening for a Kids Care Club would be the Spring semester.  Director Geato will discuss further with Ms. Wonderly in regard to confirming date.


7.       Adjourn:  Pam Scheibelein motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m.  Lorraine Marvin seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.


Respectfully submitted,


Pamela Scheibelein
