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Youth Services Advisory Board Minutes 5/6/09

WEDNESDAY, May 6, 2009
Members Present:  L. Marvin, P. Scheibelein, S. Dell, K. Bell, A.
Members Absent:  H. Pelletier, C. Bennett, T. St. Louis
Others Present: G. Cordova - Board of Selectmen Liaison, T. Kelo -
Colchester Police Officer, V. Geato - YSB Director

1. CALL TO ORDER:  L. Marvin called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM February 4, 2009: P. Scheibelein motioned to
accept the February 4, 2009 minutes.  Sarah Dell seconded the motion.
All members present voted in agreement.  Motion carried.
4. PROGRAMS UPDATE: V. Geato reported the combined Town of Colchester
brochure called "Colchester Connection" will go out in the Colchester
Bulletin on May 28th.
A. Goals for next year:  To be determined when the Board decides its
role, commitment level, and areas of interest.
B. Future meetings:  Because the 5th grade open house takes place during
our regularly scheduled June Board meeting, the board decided to add an
additional meeting on TUESDAY, JUNE 9TH at 5:30 PM AT THE YOUTH CENTER
as we have many issues to discuss.

a. Board Development:  V. Geato distributed "Job Descriptions" for Board
members and officers.  Members were asked to take these descriptions
home and review and make honest comments in regard to the suggested job
description.  Additionally, a "Board Development" sub-committee of S.
Dell, L. Marvin, P. Scheibelein and V. Geato was agreed upon. They were
charged with determining the future role of the Colchester Youth
Services Advisory Board. In order to move the "Board" forward the
sub-committee  will meet to discuss the new job descriptions, goals, and
most important, "How to make the volunteer experience a valuable and
rewarding one".  The first meeting date is not yet determined.  In
regard to new recruitment, all members present agreed until we establish
exactly what the future of the Advisory Board is (future
duties/responsibilities) recruitment should be put on hold.

b. 5th grade open house:  June 3, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.  Reminder for
SHOULD BE PRESENT.  September 6th for seventh and 8th grade students,
same time and place.  

 Assignments and responsibilities of members follow:
* V. Geato: will recruit sixth grade students to remain after open youth
center to be part of the Open House.
* P. Scheibelein: will purchase balloons, display Youth Services banner,
close parking lot, display OPEN HOUSE sign, set up coffee for adults,
create sign - in sheet for all who come to Open House, create volunteer
list for those parents interested in helping with events.
* S. Dell: will compose letter to parents for Friday Folder inviting all
fifth grade students and their parents to attend Open House.  An RSVP
will be requested so that we have a general idea of number attending,
this will assist with amount of ice cream supplies to purchase.
* L. Marvin: will have a display board of pictures showing past events
of the Advisory Board.
* K. Bell: will contact Guidas for donation of ice cream.
* P. Scheibelein: will ask H. Pelletier if she will coordinate the "Make
a Sundae" supplies for the Open House.
*  V. Geato: will have K. Spangler order name tags for all Advisor Board
* V. Geato: will ask K. Spangler to send out an e-mail reminder to
Advisory Board members on Monday June 3, 2009.  Reminder should include
time to arrive at Youth Center (4p.m.) baked goods for adult snack. *
Please call L. Marvin with this reminder since she is not able to
receive e-mail.
C. Van update:  Director V. Geato advised members that the van we
currently use will not pass inspection the end of August.  No funds for
a new van are in the budget.  This will impact the number of students
that will be able to be included in programs.  The cost of a new 12
passenger van is $25,000.00.  Discussion followed.  P. Scheibelein
motioned to have all funds raised in the future be put in an account for
a new van.  S. Dell seconded the motion.  All members present voted in
favor.  Motion Carried.
7. Fundraising:
a.  Tag sale:  P. Scheibelein advised members present the CBA tag sale
is June 14th.  Members were asked to gather items and volunteer for this
event.  S. Dell and K. Bell will assist.
b. Bake Sale:  May 12th from 7am to 6pm.  P. Scheibelein stressed the
importance of this as a fund raiser.  Proceeds in the past have been
$400 and $500.  As of this meeting we do not have a volunteer to cover
the hours of 9:00 am .and noon.  L. Marvin will check her calendar and
let Pam know if she is available.
c. If we are able to cover all hours, Pam will ask the help of Town Hall
employees to bake for us; they were instrumental in the success of the
last bake sale.
Scheduled coverage follows:  Pam 7am, Police Officer T. Kelo (off duty)
12 noon until 2:15, S. and A. Gonzalez 2:30pm until 5pm, Pam will sell
from 5pm on if baked goods remain.

D. A list of new/different fund raising events was presented by Director
V. Geato.  All members agreed this will be a major undertaking, but all
agreed it should be a priority.  Members were asked to recommend any new
ideas that will raise large amounts towards this goal.

8. Member Comments:
All members present discussed the importance of a new van, active member
participation, job descriptions, and most important: what is the future

9.  Adjourn:  P. Scheibelein motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:34
p.m.  Sarah Dell seconded the motion.  All members present voted in
agreement.  Motion carried

Respectfully submitted,

Pam Scheibelein, Secretary, CYSAB