WEDNESDAY, February 4, 2008 at the Youth Center 5:30
Members present: Heather Peletier, Sheila Tortorigi, Sarah Dell, Nan
Goodchild, Pam
Members absent: Tom St. Louis, Lorraine Marvin, Chris Bennett,
Others present: Valerie Geato, Director Youth Services Bureau, Aaliyah
Greg Cordova, Liaison to the Board of Selectmen, Trooper Girard,(Trooper
Girard left
the meeting at 6:35pm) representing Colchester Police
1. CALL TO ORDER: P. Scheibelein called the meeting to order at 5:40
2.APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM: December 5, 2007: Sarah Dell motioned to
accept the minutes of the December 5, 2008 meeting, seconded by Heather
Peltier. All
members present voted in favor. Motion Carried.
4. New Business
Budget - V. Geato presented information to the Board on the 2009/2010
Youth Services Bureau budget. Reductions were made in printing and
postage line items. "The Grapevine" will be published five times a year
instead of ten.
Director Geato advised the Youth Services Bureau Enhancement Grant, in
the amount of $5000.00 has been cut. This Grant covered CLUB RAP, a
middle school program for students at risk of academic failure.
A joint effort by the Parks & Recreation Department, Senior Center,
Library, Adult Ed. the Youth Services Bureau will be published and added
to the Colchester Bulletin.
New Commission Applications: Aaliyah Gonzalez and Kerry Bell. Sarah
Dell motioned to appoint Kerry Bell as to the Board. Sheila Tortorigi
seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor. Motion
Carried. Pam Scheibelein motioned to appoint Aaliyah Gonzalez as a
Youth Member to the Board. Nan Goodchild seconded the motion. All
members present voted in favor. Motion Carried.
V. Geato advised the Board that Tom St. Louis will not be present at
meetings until September. Tom is teaching a class until June, which is
Wed. nights.
Director Geato advised members that there is a Grant available for youth
employment for juniors in High School from the Easter Connecticut
Workforce Development Board. Applicants must income elegible and
interested in the Health Care field.
A. Fundraising:
1. Dance: The February 20 dance, afternoon: Youth Services Bureau
staff, T. St. Louis and A. Gonzalez. Evening dance: P. Scheibelein, N.
Goodchild, S. Dell, S. Tortorigi, and K. Bell.
2. The Youth Force Group would like to sponsor a dance in March in
conjunction with our scheduled dance. Members present were in
agreement to have the Youth Force Group present at our next meeting to
discuss the dance.
B. Ice Cream Social:
A discuss with members present regarding the success of the Ice Cream
Social ensued. It was determined that while this evening is a success in
bringing out families, it is not a success at raising awareness of
provided by the Bureau. After discussion, it was agreed to replace the
with an Open House at the Youth Center, targeting specific age groups
and their parents. Pam Scheibelein motioned to replace the Ice Cream
Social with an Open House to be held at the Youth Center. Heather
Peltier seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor. Motion
carried. Pam Scheibelein will cancel the rooms reserved for this event.
Tag Sale - Pam Scheibelein suggested a tag sale at the Youth Center the
same day as the CBA Tag Sale in June.
Craig's List - Heather Peltier volunteered to sell donated items on
6. Old Business
A. Board Development: As noted above, under New Business.
B. Pam Scheibelein advised she did contact the Colchester Business
Association in regard to a liaison from their Association attending our
meetings. Further discussion was held, and all agreed we should ask for
CBA member to become a Youth Services Advisory Board member, when
we have revised our mission and goals and have clear expectations of
members. P. Scheibelein will follow up with this.
1. Discussion with Youth Force Group regarding March dances.
2. Discussion of term limits.
3. Discussion of board development. (Members to fill out the questions
accompanying minutes.)
4. Completion of Youth Center Sign permit.
5. Discussion of Youth Center Open House, set dates.
A. Adjournment: P. Scheibelein adjourned the meeting at 7:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela A. Scheibelein
Secretary, Youth Services Advisory Board