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Youth Services Advisory Board Minutes 11/05/2008
                       WEDNESDAY, November 5, 2008 at the Youth Center
5:30 P.M.

Members Present:
 L. Marvin, T. St. Louis, S. Dell, P. Scheibelein, H. Pelletier, S.
Tortorigi, N. Goodchild
Members Absent:  C. Bennett, K. Bell

Others Present:  V. Geato, Director, A. Gonzalez, member Youth Force
Group, J. Simkulak, Colchester Police

1.      CALL TO ORDER:  L. Marvin called the meeting to order at 5:33

2.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 1, 2008 meeting:  S. Tortorigi
motioned to approve the minutes, N. Goodchild          seconded the

4.      PROGRAMS:  No discussion; all members received monthly
newsletter covering all programs.

5.      OLD BUSINESS:  
A.  Youth Center Sign:  S. Dell will contact M. Decker, Public Works
Director for the application for the Department of Transportation, State
of CT.


A.   Board Training Review:  V. Geato stated that three board members
accepted her invitation to attend the conference given by the Chamber of
Commerce, Eastern Connecticut, "Your Board Made Perfect".  Those who
attended the conference were Director, V. Geato, Co-Chairman T. St.
Louis, and members S. Dell and P. Scheibelein.
The attendees gave a review of the conference.  All felt it was a very
productive and gave each attendee a new perspective and drive to improve
the Colchester Youth Services Advisory Board .  Fundraising was a major
part of the conference; but governance was a topic discussed and the
current Board members agreed open discussion by Board members should be
an ongoing part of future meetings.

     The following were items discussed:
* Advocacy at many levels, i.e. State, local government, residents (the
* Establishment of a liaison between CYSAB and residents/public.
* Passing along important updates to board members throughout the month.
* Plan family events, directed at parents with toddlers, to advise them
of the services offered, encouraging them to become members now.
* Recruit members of all ages, backgrounds, abilities, to make the Board
* Review the purpose of the Ice Cream Social - it's not about the ice
cream, it's about promoting awareness.

* The Board members were asked to review the following before the
December meeting.
1. A new name for the Board
2. Term limits
3. Mission Statement
4. Will and how will the Board evolve
5.  Complete work sheets given out to members.
6. V. Geato will come up with a list of items that she feels the Board
should do to help her as the Director of the Dept.

A.  Fundraising:  P. Scheibelein reviewed all fall fundraisers in which
a total of $1997.ll was accumulated which included dances, tag sale and
bake sale.  P. Scheibelein stated that the employees at Town Hall were
willing to bake for the sale, and should be recognized for their
assistance in baking and their time.

        B.  SPECIAL EVENTS:  
1.  Scarecrow Contest:  CYSAB received a second place award, $50.00 gift
certificate to S & S Worldwide.

        C. Membership: The resignations of M. Kokofski and A. Floyd were

8.  Next Agenda: Further discussion of the CYSAB review.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Scheibelein