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Youth Service Advisory Board Agenda 5/1/2012


TUESDAY May 1, 2012 at the YOUTH CENTER 5:30 P.M.


1.                    5:30                       Call Meeting to Order


2.                   5:30 – 5:35           Approve Minutes of April 6, 2012 Regular  Meeting         


3.                   5:35 to 5:40         Public Comments


4.                  5:40 – 6:20            Tie –Dye lesson and sub-committee meetings if so desired


5.                   6:20 -6:40             Subcommittee Meetings (Advisory, Anti-Bullying, L.P.C.)  


6.                   6:40- 6:50             Report from subcommittees:  This will include any plan for programs for                                           services, needs/resources, volunteer opportunities, feedback


7.                   6:50 to 7:00         Any issues for large group not already discussed:


·          Report from Director re meeting with Architect re space at WJJS Renovation

·          Discuss Referendum Day bake sale coverage/baking

·         Tie-Dye Fest update:  advertising; update on supplies needed for Fest:  Linda Bromley and Tom St. Louis - buckets and brushes, instructions to hand out; Val Geato - small bags to contain shirts; Linda Bromley – price of printing of YOUTH FIRST on shirts.


8.  Adjourn