TUESDAY April 3, 2012 at the YOUTH CENTER 5:30 P.M.
1. 5:30 Call Meeting to Order
2. 5:35 Approve Minutes of March 6, 2012 Regular Meeting
3. 5:40 to 5:45 Public Comments
4. 5:45 to 6:00 Program updates and report from Director:
5. 6:00 to 6:30 Subcommittee Meetings (Advisory, Anti-Bullying, L.P.C.)
· YSAB discussion of BY-LAWS
6. 6:30 to 6:50 Report from subcommittees: This will include any plan for programs for services, needs/resources, volunteer opportunities, feedback
7. 6:50 to 7:00 Any issues for large group not already discussed:
· Discuss Referendum Day bake sale coverage. Members were asked to check their schedules and see if they could cover 2 hour shift.
· Pam advises she contacted Priscilla at the Senior Center and is waiting for reply in regard to having seniors’ help with baking.
· Tie-Dye Fest update: Tom St. Louis to present advertising flyer to group.
· Jen Sloat to report on Town Green “Board” painting.
· John Reever to advise if S&S Worldwide will donate Tie Die Kit.
· Pam Scheibelein advises the Parks & Recreation Department will show her where the water is, and how to turn on the day of the Tie-Dye Event.
· Pam Scheibelein advises the WJJMS Building Committee would like to be present at the Tie Dye Fest with information for the public. Update from John Reever re donation of Tie Dye Kit from S&S Worldwide.
· Additions to April agenda: Gail Baxter would like the B.O.E. liaison, John Reever to advise if the B.O.E. has addressed the topic of violence in the schools, i.e. school shootings.
8. Adjourn