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Sewer & Water Commission Meeting Minutes 03/12/08

Colchester Sewer and Water Commission
Minutes of the 12 March 2008 Regular Monthly Meeting
Municipal Office Complex
Colchester, Connecticut

Members Present:        R. Tarlov, R. LeMay, T. Tyler, A. Pelletier, K. Fargnoli and S. Boyden (both arrived at approximately 7:10 during discussion of item 4A)
Members Absent: none
Others Present:         M. Decker (Public Works Director), Greg Cordova (Selectman, liaison to the

1.      Call to Order – Chairman Tarlov called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

2.      Approval of the Sewer and Water Commission 13 February 2008 Budget Public Hearing and the 13 February 2008 Regular Monthly Meeting minutesMotion to approve the 13 February 2008 Budget and Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes of the Colchester Sewer and Water Commission as presented, by T. Tyler, second by R. LeMay; Motion approved 4-0

3.      Citizen's Comments - none

4.              Subcommittee Reports
A.      Finance Subcommittee – transfers, monthly update, etc. – Monthly financials were distributed and discussed.  M. Decker noted the Citizen’s Bank account has been closed and the Sewer and Water Commission funds are now pooled with the Town’s funds at People’s Bank.  This will eliminate the lag time between payment of expenses and them showing up in the SWC account due to no longer having to transfer funds via wire line.  Also, discussions have occurred with the CFO to further organize the capital funds.
The BOS approved the SWC budget at the special meeting on 28 February 2008

6.      Water Activities
A.      Water Activities Report - Copies of the lab and production reports were made available at the meeting.  Major activities include meter reading, meter change-outs, work at the plant and O&M facility, attendance at ATCAVE, finalization of XC report, Benefit Assessment past due notices (and development of a demand letter - working with Town’s attorney for tax collection issues).  Monitoring pressure records at the Elmwood Booster Station to ensure continuous pressure maintained even when the larger pumps are off (due to low demand).  Will run jockey pump (in full on position) as first step but may need to purchase a small VFD to operate the pump if build up too much pressure.  Discussed recent Associated Press article published in the Hartford Courant regarding pharmaceuticals/personal care products (PPCP) in drinking water and the environment.  Noted Connecticut is unique in that there are no waste water treatment plants authorized to discharge into drinking water watersheds or groundwater aquifer areas.  However, other potential sources do exist and, while the expectation is the concentrations are so low it is likely the risk is also very low, there is no current testing requirement so the magnitude of the problem is somewhat undefined.  The CWWA and Ct Section of the AWWA are hoping to partner with the DPH in drafting a response to the article.
B.      Water Projects Status – no new activity on building projects; Town submitted request for water and sewer system expansion plan grant (as previously identified by Adam Turner)
C.      APZ Reviews – no new APZ projects

7.      Sewer Activities
A.      Joint Facilities Reportthere was no February meeting – next meeting is 18 March at 5:00 p.m.
B.      Sewer Activities Report- heavy rain once again eroded all around culvert along sewer easement just southeast of PHPS – a new crossing will have to be constructed
C.      Sewer Projects Status – no new activity on building projects

8.      Old Business
A.      Taintor Hill Road Treatment Plant Improvements There has been significant work in preparation for activating the new filters prior to retrofitting the old ones – temporary and permanent piping and controls are being installed, continued electrical work both within the Plant as well as the dry well/tower addition building, bulk storage tank in, chemical storage/day tanks are in, continued painting, flooring installed in office area, vent at wet well
B.      Well 5A/Aeration Tower Project – A rebate check from CL&P in the amount of $39,587 was received last week – presumably for the Well 5A VFDs but there wasn’t anything describing the basis for the check.  Therefore, calls have been made to CL&P for clarification.  If the check is for the CDBG project, it will be used to complete the work on Well 5 including moving the electrical controls from the well 5 building to the new well 5A building, razing the old well 5 metal building, installing the submersible pump and a pitless adaptor.  The work will be coordinated through L. Wagner & Associates because of the association with the grant.
C.      Capital Projects (Tank Painting, Meters, O&M Roof, Lyman Viaduct) –
Tank Painting – received the specifications report from Lenard engineering on the Tanks – it is far more involved than originally expected because of requirements associated with the lead-based paint.  A meeting will be set up with LEI to discuss options and possibly refine the scope to bring the project back closer to the budget.
Meter replacement is temporarily on hold while concentrating on meter reading
        O&M Roof – electrician has completed his work removing the lights and wiring.  Sheet rockers began work this morning
Lyman Viaduct – work completed – trail will be reopened and equipment removed from site this week – additional stone dust work will be required by Town to dress up a little better.  The project was completed in less than the total amount of the Grant.  Therefore, a letter has been issued to DEP requesting revision to scope to include engineering evaluation of culvert and discharge structure which are in desperate need of repair.
D.      CT WARN – the CT WARN agreement was distributed.  M. Decker indicated he has spoken with Ct. AWWA contact who is spearheading the project – they have a short presentation they would be willing to make before the SWC and the BOS if the Commission so desires.  There was a consensus that a joint meeting would be a good idea to avoid duplication of effort and to address all questions at the same time then possibly be able to take action.  Motion to issue a request to the Board of Selectmen to schedule a joint meeting of the Board and Commission with the agenda item being a presentation of the CT WARN program and possible action, by R. LeMay, second by K. Fargnoli; Motion approved 7-0
E.      Other – The attorney for Colchester Courtyard has requested an extension for filing their response to request for information from the DPH/DPUC

9.      New Business - Sewer Booster Station, Credit Cards, E-Mail
Flatbrook Booster Pump Station – M. Decker distributed a draft Request for Qualifications advertisement for design of the booster pump station.  A. Pelletier suggested expanding the project details slightly before advertising.  M. Decker will do so and publish in the appropriate newspaper to meet all DEP Clean Water Fund requirements.

M. Decker indicated the office has investigated the acceptance of credit cards payments for S&W bills.  He contacted the same company used by the Town Tax Department.  There would be no cost to the Water and Sewer Department to set up the service, customers would pay a convenience fee directly to the collecting company.  Different fees would exist if VISA is accepted as compared to just MC, Discover, and American Express.  Because the fees are higher with VISA, it was suggested starting off only with the other three.  Additional investigations will be conducted before a final decision is made.

M. Decker stated an insert will be included in the April, and probably July, bill requesting customers submit their e-mail contact.  A link will also be set up on the Colchester web page so the information can be submitted on line.  The intent is to obtain another way to communicate with our customers – inform them of general information, notices, maintenance schedules, if there are repairs being performed in their area, etc.  

Chairman Tarlov indicated there is a Commission Chairman’s Meeting scheduled for 17 April that he cannot attend and requested the other Commissioners review their schedules so someone can go in his place.

10.     Citizens Comments - none

11.     Adjourn – Motion to adjourn by R. LeMay, second by A. Pelletier; motion approved 7-0.  Chairman Tarlov adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
M. Decker