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Police Commission Minutes 01/24/2011


Monday, January 24, 2011

6:30 P.M. – Meeting Room 1

MEMBERS PRESENT:   Commissioner’s Rob Parlee, Edward Fusco, Stanley Nolan, Steve Petty and Frank Jackter

OTHERS PRESENT:  First Selectman Gregg Schuster, Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby, Sergeant John Thompson, Sergeant Petruzzi



1.      Call to Order – Commissioner R. Parlee called the January 24, 2011 meeting to order at 6:30pm.

2.      Additions to Agenda – None

3.      Citizen’s Comments - None

4.      Officers Comments – None

5.      Review Correspondence – None

6.      Approve minutes of December 20, 2010 Police Commission Meeting, December 27, 2010 and January 10, 2011 Police Commission Special Meeting – Commissioner Petty MOTIONED to accept minutes as typed.   Commissioner’s Nolan, Petty and  Jackter ABSTAINED from voting on the December 20, 2010 minutes due to their absence from meeting.  SECONDED by Commissioner Fusco.  All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

7.      Budget Review – Discussion was had between First Selectman Schuster and the Board of Commission regarding the budget deadlines and how to proceed forward.

8.    Appropriation and Transfer – First Selectman Schuster stated he received a transfer request for $211 to

        be transferred from the payroll line item into the professional membership’s line item.

9.  Resident Trooper Report (Sgt. Thompson) – Sgt. Thompson stated there were no significant events that

     occurred this month.  Sergeant Petruzzi will be coming aboard to replace Sgt. Thompson mid February. 

     Discussion was had regarding the police officer’s stats.

Police Commission Meeting cont’d 01/24/2011

10.  Old Business

       a. Discussion and Possible Action on Leasing of Cruisers – the Board of Commission received

 information from Steve Sharpe regarding prices and quotes on potentially new cruisers.  The crown

 Victoria will no longer be available as of March 1st.  Discussion was had in regards to leasing versus

  purchasing a new cruiser.  It was decided to revisit this next year when more options are available.

       b. Discussion and Possible Action on FY12 Budget Priorities – there will be a special meeting on  February 15th scheduled to discuss this.

       c. Discussion and Possible Action on the Colchester Strategic Goals – Commissioner Parlee stated the  commissioners are progressing forward with this.  A few of the commissioners who have reviewed the  Police Task Force findings had a few questions in regards to this which were addressed by  Commissioner Parlee.  Commissioner Parlee asked Commissioner Nolan and Fusco to take the  Colchester Strategic Goals and put this into content to reflect in what direction this needs to go.

       d. Discussion and Possible Action on Rules and Regulations – the Commissioners and First Selectman

 Schuster went through each section of the Rules and Regulations.  Discussions were had.  No action was  taken. 

        e. Discussion and Possible Action on Five Year Equipment Plan – Sgt. Thompson stated Sgt. Suchecki  is in the process of inventorying the police supplies.  Commissioner Petty and Jackter are waiting for  this list to move forward with the Five Year Equipment Plan.


11. New Business

        a. Discussion and Possible Action on Freedom of Information Act – First Selectman Schuster reviewed  the general guidelines of the F.O.I.A. laws with the Commissioners.

        b. Discussion and Possible Action on Police Regionalization Options – First Selectman Schuster briefed  the members of the Commission regarding the research that has been done regarding Police  Regionalization Options.

12.   Chairman/Commission Member Comments – Commissioner Parlee stated  that in the future he will not be making decisions unless all five Police Commission members are aware of what is going on and as a collective Commission decisions will be made.


13.  Adjourn – Commissioner Jackter MOTIONED to adjourn at 8:57 p.m.  SECONDED by 

       Commissioner S. Petty.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.

Note:  This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and is available through the Colchester First Selectman’s office in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Santos, Administrative Assistant