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Police Commission Minutes 05/23/11
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 45K
Last Updated: 2011/5/25
Size: 62K
Last Updated: 2011/5/25


MONDAY, MAY 23, 2011

6:30 P.M. – Meeting Room 1

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Commissioner’s Rob Parlee, Ed Fusco, Stanley Nolan, Steve Petty and Frank Jackter

OTHERS PRESENT:  First Selectman Gregg Schuster, Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby, Board of Finance Liaison John Ringo, Sergeant Petruzzi, Sergeant Suchecki, Officer’s Watrous and Scheel, Ryan Blessing and Citizens



1.      Call to Order – Commissioner R. Parlee called the May 23, 2011 meeting to order at 6:35pm.

2.      Additions to Agenda – None

3.      Citizen’s Comments - None

4.      Officers Comments – Officer Watrous presented the members of the Commission with a memo signed by him and the majority of Colchester Police Officers in regards to their feelings concerning the purchase of new police uniforms (see attachment #2).  Officer Watrous stated that he has been with the Colchester Police Department for three years.  When he started with the department there was only one cruiser without a working computer.  As of today there are a total of eight cruisers with only two working computers.  He feels having working computers in all cruisers is an important part of the officers doing their job.  Officer Watrous listed the reasons why the present uniforms they have are functional for the officers in successfully doing their job.  He stated if new uniforms are to be purchased then possibly looking into separate Class A uniforms that can be worn at formal functions.  The members of the Commission thanked Officer Watrous for his comments.

5.      Review Correspondence – Commissioner Parlee received a letter from the Police Commissioner’s Association to join and for a list of active members.  Since the members of the Commission already are a part of the Police Chief Association, he feels they do not need to join at this time.  Commissioner Parlee asked Gina to send them a list of active members.

6.      Approve minutes of April 25, 2011 Police Commission Meeting – Commissioner Jackter MOTIONED to approve minutes of the March 28, 2011 meeting with an amendment to remove Commissioner Petty as being present.  SECONDED by Commissioner Fusco.  All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

Police Commission meeting minutes cont’d (2) 05/23/2011

7.      Budget Review – First Selectman Schuster suggested that the members of the Commission begin thinking about the January hire of another officer.

8.       Appropriation and Transfer – Commissioner Parlee stated that there is one transfer from the payroll line item to the uniform purchases from the police budget.  Commissioner Petty MOTIONED to approve the transfer and forward it to the First Selectman.  SECONDED by Commissioner Jackter.  All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

9.  Resident Trooper Report (Sgt. Petruzzi) – see attachment #1

9.      Old Business

          a. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding 3rd Shift Implementation – First Selectman Schuster developed three scenarios to illustrate what it would look like to have 24/7 coverage which may include rank structure and organic growth.  These three scenarios were discussed.  A special meeting will be scheduled to discuss this topic.  First Selectman Schuster will price out all the scenarios and bring it to the next meeting.

          b. Discussion and Possible Action on the Colchester Police Strategic Goals – tabled to next month’s meeting

c. Discussion and Possible Action on Rules and Regulations

1.  Rules of Conduct (Second Reading) – First Selectman Schuster made the changes that were discussed at the last meeting.  He also flagged certain areas for council to review at a later time. Discussion continued and a few more changes were suggested.  First Selectman Schuster will make the necessary changes.

2 Practical and Physical Training (First Reading) – discussion was had and changes were recommended.

3 Intoxicants/Uniforms and Equipment (General Discussion) – tabled to next month’s meeting.

 d. Discussion and Possible Action on Five Year Equipment Plan – tabled to next month’s meeting.

11.   New Business

        a. Presentation of New Police Officer’s Uniform Road Job Shirts – Sgt. Suchecki presented the road job shirts.  The advantage of the shirts vs. the traffic weight is the improved visibility, light weight material which will provide better comfort and they also meet the reflectivity requirements by OSHA.  Commissioner Petty MOTIONED to give the officer’s permission to wear the uniform road job shirts.  SECONDED by Commissioner Jackter.  All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

        b. Presentation of New Police Officer’s Uniform by Sgt. Suchecki and Officer Goss – Sgt. Suchecki stated he was approached to come up with a more professional looking uniform.  There was a committee of three officers that came up with a strategy for a new uniform.  Sgt. Suchecki stated it is his understanding that as of now they are looking into having repairs made to existing computers and replacing computers out of the next fiscal year’s budget.  Sgt. Suchecki presented the new uniform to the members of the board of commissioners.  Discussion continued and the members suggested that Officer Suchecki look into other new uniform options that can be acceptable to all officers.  The members of the board of commissioners also suggested that Sgt. Suchecki get feedback from all the officers regarding what would be acceptable and comfortable for all. 

        Police Commission meeting minutes cont’d (3) 05/23/2011

        c. Discussion and Possible Action on Crimestar Renewal – Sgt. Petruzzi stated that Crimestar is a software system that the office has for data tracking.  The state police input the exact same data into their system.  As an operational standpoint the system is not needed and there is also a renewal cost which can be saved.  Commissioner Petty MOTIONED not to renew the Crimestar program.  SECONDED BY Commissioner Jackter.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.

        d. Discussion and Possible Action on Records Retrieval Letter – First Selectman Schuster had a discussion with town council and they stated that this is a records retention issue which is covered under the state retention laws.  The members of the commission can provide the information to the state agency and let them decide if they will investigate.  Commissioner Jackter MOTIONED to send the Records Retrieval Letter to the appropriate State Commission.  SECONDED by Commissioner Petty.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.

12.   Chairman/Commission Member Comments – Commissioner Jackter stated that he went to the Glastonbury Police fire range and observed the Colchester police officers get re-qualified.  Commissioner Jackter was extremely impressed and proud of the professionalism of all officers.  Sgt. Suchecki and Officer Green who are range certified instructors did a wonderful job of working with all of the officers.  They worked very hard and took it very serious.  Commissioner Jackter wanted to thank all of the officers and Sgt. Petruzzi for the wonderful job that they did. 

        Commissioner Parlee stated he was approached by a few officers who commended the members of the board of commission on the progress they have made.  He also, thanked Sgt. Suchecki for his presentation.  Commissioner Parlee thanked First Selectman Schuster and Board of Selectman Liaison for all of their help and for keeping the open lines of communication.  He stated they are a great resource of information.


13.  Adjourn – Commissioner Petty MOTIONED to adjourn at 9:06p.m.  SECONDED by 

       Commissioner Jackter.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.


Resident Trooper Report (Attachment #1)

Memo (attachment #2)

Note:  This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and is available through the Colchester First Selectman’s office in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Santos, Administrative Assistant

<<Resident Trooper Report.pdf>>  <<Memo.pdf>>