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Police Commission Minutes 08/22/11


MONDAY, Aug 22, 2011

6:30 P.M. – Meeting Room 1

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Commissioner’s Rob Parlee, Ed Fusco, Stan Nolan and Frank Jackter

OTHERS PRESENT:  First Selectman Gregg Schuster, Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby, Sergeant Petruzzi, Members of the Lions   

1.      Call to Order – Commissioner R. Parlee called the August 22, 2011 meeting to order at 6:30pm.

2.      Additions to Agenda – none

3.      Citizen’s Comments – Paul Picard, member of the Lion’s Club, voiced his concerns regarding the vandalism of the Lion’s trailers on the green.  He would like to see some kind of a curfew on the town green put into place.  He passed out to the members of the commission literature on other towns that have curfews in place.  Discussion was had regarding what options can be put in place and the procedure of how to go about doing this.  First Selectman Schuster will take the information given by Mr. Piccard and pass it along to the town council who is already looking into this issue. First Selectman Schuster also explained the process for adopting an ordinance.

4.      Officers Comments – none

5.      Review Correspondence – none

6.      Approve minutes of July 25, 2011 Police Commission Meeting and August 15, 2011 Police Commission Special Meeting – Commissioner Nolan MOTIONED to accept minutes of the July 25, 2011 meeting as typed.  Commissioner Fusco ABSTAINED from voting due to his absence from meeting.  SECONDED by Commissioner Jackter.  All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED. 

Commissioner Nolan MOTIONED to accept minutes of the August 15, 2011 special meeting as typed.  SECONDED by Commissioner Fusco.  All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

7.      Budget Review – none

8.      Appropriation and Transfer – none

9.  Resident Trooper Report (Sgt. Petruzzi) – see attachment #1


Police Commission meeting minutes cont’d 08/22/2011

10.  Old Business

   a. Discussion and Possible Action on the Colchester Police Strategic Goals – tabled to next meeting.

   b. Discussion and Possible Action on Rules and Regulations

       1.  Patrol Procedures (first reading) – discussion was had and changes were recommended.

       2 Communication - Correspondence (first reading) – discussion was had and changes were recommended.

       3 Investigations (first reading) – discussion was had and changes were recommended.

       4 Arrest and Treatment of Prisoners (Section 18) – discussion was had and changes were recommended.

   c. Discussion and Possible Action on Five Year Equipment Plan – Sgt. Petruzzi, Sgt. Suchecki and Commissioner     Petty had a meeting last week to discuss.  Due to Commissioner Petty’s absence this will be tabled to the next meeting.


11.   New Business – none

12.   Chairman/Commission Member Comments – Commissioner Fusco inquired as to the status of the missing officer’s binders.  Discussion was had.

13.     Executive Session to Discuss Police Union Negotiations – Commissioner Jackter MOTIONED to go into executive session to discuss police union negotiations and to invite First Selectman Schuster, Board of Selectman Liaison S. Soby and Sgt. Petruzzi.  SECONDED by Commissioner Nolan.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.

        The board of police commissioners and invited guests went into executive session at 7:45 p.m.

        The board of police commissioners and invited guests came out of executive session at 8:26 p.m.

14.  Executive Session to Discuss Police Union Grievance – Commissioner Jackter MOTIONED to go into executive session to discuss police union grievance and to invite First Selectman Schuster, board of Selectman S. Soby and Sgt. Petruzzi.  SECONDED by Commissioner Nolan.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.

        The board of police commissioners and invited guests went into executive session at 8:27 p.m.

        The board of police commissioners and invited guests came out of executive session at 9:00 p.m.

13.  Adjourn – Commissioner Jackter MOTIONED to adjourn at 9:04 p.m.  SECONDED by 

       Commissioner Nolan.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.


Resident Trooper Report (Attachment #1)

Note:  This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and is available through the Colchester First Selectman’s office in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Santos, Administrative Assistant