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Police Commission Minutes 03/25/10


5:30 P.M. - Meeting Room 3

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Commissioner's Glen Morron, Tony Camilleri, John
Jones, Rob Parlee, Don Phillips
OTHERS PRESENT:  Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby
1. Call to Order - Commissioner Morron called the March 23, 2010 special
meeting to order at 5:31pm.

2. Additions to Agenda - none

3. Citizen's Comments- none

4. Officers Comments - none

5. Review Correspondence - None

6. Approve minutes of January 25, 2010 Meeting, February 1, 2010 and
March 2, 2010 Special Meetings -Commissioner Morron MOTIONED to accept
as typed.  SECONDED by Commissioner Jones.  All members present voted in

7. Budget Review

a.  2009/2010 Budget Update - Commissioner Camilleri contacted the CT
State Police, as advised by the Board of Finance and the Commission at
the last budget meeting, regarding concerns to terminate one of the two
positions either the  Sgt. Resident State Trooper or the Trooper First
Class.  Commissioner Camilleri sent one email to Captain Frank Griffin
and then discussed with him the possibility of having a Trooper First
class taking care of the officers, the lack of a supervisory position
with that Trooper First Class and having a Sgt. in charge of 10
officers.  The Captain did not feel comfortable with a Trooper First
class in charge of 10 officers.  They discussed the pros and cons.
Commissioner Camilleri agreed with the Captain and would support his
recommendation.  Commissioner Camilleri then reported back to the
Commission and suggested that as the Commission they should ask the
Board of Finance to change their recommendations not to remove or
terminate the Sgt. position.  Instead, to go ahead and remove the
Trooper First class if one position needs to be removed.  Both Captain
Griffin, Commissioner Camilleri and Commissioner Morron agreed putting
the Sgt. position out to pasture was a big mistake for a variety of
reasons and supported the final move of terminating the Trooper First
Class.  Commissioner Camilleri added that the Commission may want to
reconsider this due to the fact that they may be losing a few officers
in the next few months.  They may want to consider keeping the position
of Trooper First Class for a few months until they have an opportunity
to replace the Colchester Officers.  Commissioner Camilleri also stated
there was one phone call he made and one email sent.

Police Commission Special Mtg. cont'd 03/23/2010

8. Appropriation and Transfer - Commissioner Morron stated that three
vests for the Officers have been ordered.  He will look into the
coverage of the cost for the vests.

9. Resident Trooper Report - Commissioner Morron read Sergeant
Thompson's report which stated he for see's a staffing shortage in the
next several months.  The "Rules and Regulations" must be brought
current to parallel the A&O Manual.  Three replacement "bulletproof
vests" have been ordered.  Ammunition has also been ordered for duty as
well as the upcoming range.  Enforcement stats were also reported.

10. Old Business
a. Update Regarding Status of Cruisers and Equipment - New cruisers are
still off line and waiting for installation of equipment.  Commissioner
Morron will look into the status of cruisers.
b. Update Regarding Officer's Uniforms/Vest Issues - Three bulletproof
vests have been ordered.
c. Discussion of 2010/2011 Budget - Discussion was had regarding
additional cuts that the Board of Finance has asked for on the town

11. New Business

a. Election of Police Commission "Liaison to State Police" - An
agreement was made with the First Selectman that the Commissioners have
the overall authority for the general overseeing of the department that
includes the budget.  Commissioners will give the Sergeant more leeway
to do what needs to be done.  Commissioner Morron read from part of the
Town Code which states a liaison to the State Police needs to be in
place.  Commissioner Phillips MOTIONED to nominate Commissioner Morron
as "Liaison to State Police".  SECONDED by Commissioner Jones.  All
members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.
b. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Upcoming Vacancies on Police
Force - Discussion was had regarding possible Officers leaving and
vacancies this will cause.  Discussion continued regarding starting
selection process and possibly advertising for post certified Officers.
c. Discussion Regarding Updating Rules & Regulations - Commissioner
Morron stated that the present rules and regulations are ancient.  There
is a need to progress with this and he would like to see it completed by
the end of the summer.  Commissioner Phillips and Parlee volunteered to
work on this.
d. Discussion Regarding Promotional Testing for Anticipated Sergeant's
Position - Commissioner Morron stated it is still in the budget to
promote an Officer to Sergeant.  If the budget passes the process can
begin.  Discussion continued regarding the process of what this would

12.  Chairman/Commission Member Comments - Commissioner Camilleri has
offered Commissioner Morron a letter of resignation effective at the end
of the business day today for a variety of reasons that will remain
personal at this time.  Commissioner Camilleri asked that everyone
respect his wishes to have his reasons for resigning kept personal.  He
stated it has been a pleasure.

13. Adjourn - Commissioner Camilleri MOTIONED to adjourn at 6:42p.m.
SECONDED by Commissioner Jones.  All members present voted in favor.

Note:  This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

Respectfully Submitted,
Gina Santos, Administrative Assistant