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Police Commission Minutes 06/28/10

Monday, June 28, 2010
6:30 P.M. - Meeting Room 3

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Commissioner's Glen Morron, John Jones, Rob Parlee,
Don Phillips
OTHERS PRESENT:  First Selectman Gregg Schuster, Board of Selectman
Liaison Stan Soby, Sergeant John Thompson, Officer Cyril Green, Ryan
Blessing, 3 Police Commission Candidates, Members of the Boy Scout Troop
of Colchester, citizen
1. Call to Order - Commissioner Morron called the June 28, 2010 meeting
to order at 6:30pm.

2. Additions to Agenda - Move Officer Green's presentation to item #7
and Sergeant Thompson's report to item #8.

3. Citizen's Comments -  None

4. Officers Comments - None

5. Review Correspondence - None

6. Approve minutes of May 24, 2010 Special Meeting - Commissioner Jones
MOTIONED to accept as typed.   SECONDED by Commissioner Parlee.  All
members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

7. New Business
a. Officer Green's Presentation for OFC Project (Neighborhood Watch
Program) with Discussion and Possible Action - In October of 2009
Officer Green and Trooper Kraynak presented the idea of a neighborhood
crime watch program to the management and residents of Country Place
located in Colchester.  The idea of the program was very well received.
Officer Green stated the benefits to the residents of Country Place are
more community awareness about crimes in the area, the residents
actively participate to make a difference and better quality of life.
The benefits to the Police Department are more criminal activity being
reported, the flow of information from the residents to the police
department is better and there is a noticeable difference in Calls for
Service.  To date the program has been a success and Officer Green will
continue to hold bi-monthly meetings with the management and residents
of Country Place.  The Commissioners showed an interest in attending the
next meeting and asked Officer Green to please notify them of the date.
Commissioner Parlee MOTIONED to promote Officer Green to OFC.  SECONDED
by Commissioner Jones.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION
Police Commission Meeting cont'd 6/28/10

8. Resident Trooper Report (Sgt. Thompson)
a. Monthly Statistics - please see attachment #1

9. Budget Review
a. 2009/2010 Budget Update - none

10. Appropriation and Transfer - Sgt. Thompson stated money was
transferred from the Resident Trooper's overtime to the Police Officer's
overtime to cover the shortfall due to the shortage of staff.

11. Commissioner Applicant Interviews - Three applicants were present
and interviewed with the Board of Commission.

12. Old Business
a. Update Regarding Status of Cruisers and Equipment - Commissioner
Morron stated the parking of the cruisers at town hall is going well.
Greg Plunkett (Facilities Manager) and Marc Tate (IT) are also looking
into security cameras for the town hall parking lot.  Discussion was had
regarding the Crown Victoria model being replaced as the police cruiser.

b. Updated on Promotional Testing for Anticipated Sergeant's Position -
Commissioner Morron stated the date for the Sergeant's test has been
officially posted and will take place in September.  
c. Update on Hiring Process to Fill Officer Vacancies - Eleven
candidates have been forwarded to the Board of Commission for oral
interviews.  Also three applications have been received from certified
officers.  A posting has been placed in the Hartford Courant and seeking certified officers.
13.  Chairman/Commission Member Comments - Commissioner Phillips stated
that a meeting was scheduled with himself and Commissioner Parlee to
review Rules & Regulations but had to be cancelled at the last minute
due to lack of attendance.  Commissioner Phillips will touch base with
the Sergeant to review and assist with project.  Commissioner Parlee
stated the importance of the Commissioners to be visible in the public
with the officers at town functions.

14.  Adjourn - Commissioner Phillips MOTIONED to adjourn at 8:02p.m.
SECONDED by Commissioner Jones.  All members present voted in favor.

1.  Monthly Activity Report dated 06/25/10 (Attachment #1)

Note:  This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Santos, Administrative Assistant