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Police Commission Minutes 11/23/2010

Monday, November 23, 2010
6:30 P.M. - Meeting Room 3

MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman of Commission Stan Soby, Board of
Selectman Liaison,
Commissioner's Rob Parlee, Edward Fusco and Stanley Nolan
OTHERS PRESENT: First Selectman Gregg Schuster, Sergeant John Thompson,
members of the press and citizens

1. Call to Order - Acting Chairman S. Soby called the November 23, 2010
meeting to order at 6:35pm.

2. Additions to Agenda - None

3. Citizen's Comments - None

4. Officers Comments - None

5. Review Correspondence - None

6. Approve minutes of October 25, 2010 Police Commission Meeting-
Commissioner Parlee MOTIONED to accept September 27, 2010 meeting
minutes as typed. Commissioner's E. Fusco and S. Nolan ABSTAINED from
voting on the October 25, 2010 minutes due to their absence from
meeting. SECONDED by Commissioner E. Fusco. All members present voted

7. Budget Review - None

8. Appropriation and Transfer - Sgt. Thompson stated that there will
be a monetary transfer that will be
presented at the next Police Commission meeting.

9. Resident Trooper Report (Sgt. Thompson)
a. Resident State Trooper Program Overview - Sgt. Thompson gave the
board an overview of the
Resident State Trooper program.
b. Colchester Police Operations - Sgt. Thompson presented an
overview of the operations of the
Colchester Police.
c. Resident Trooper Supervisor Responsibilities - Sgt. Thompson
stated his responsibilities as
Resident Trooper Supervisor.
d. Monthly Statistics - Sgt. Thompson presented the monthly
Police Commission Meeting cont'd 11/22/2010

10. Old Business - None

11. New Business
a. Possible hiring of Candidate DiMauro - Sgt. Thompson and
Commissioner Parlee gave the new
members of the board an overview regarding the hiring
process of a certified officer. Commissioner
Parlee MOTIONED to move to hire candidate DiMauro and
authorize the First Selectman to sign any
necessary documents. SECONDED by Commissioner E. Fusco.
All members present voted in favor,

b. Remaining meetings for 2010 - the new members were informed
of the remaining meetings for 2010
c. 2011 meeting schedule - Commissioner Parlee MOTIONED to
accept the 2011 meeting dates.
SECONDED by Commissioner Nolan. All members present voted in
d. Leasing of cruisers - First Selectman G. Schuster stated how
the cruisers have been purchased in the past and outfitted. He
stated that the model that has been used in the past is being
discontinued. He suggested the board of Commission look into the
option of purchasing or leasing cruisers for the future.
e. Commission Chairman - Acting Chairman S. Soby stated that he
will fill this role on a temporary basis until a decision is made
on how to move forward.

12. Chairman/Commission Member Comments - First Selectman G. Schuster
handed out supplementary materials to the new Commission members.
13. Executive Session to Discuss Possible Promotion of Officer to
Sergeant - Commissioner Parlee MOTIONED to go into executive session to
discuss the possible promotion of an officer of the Colchester Police
Department to Sergeant and invited the First Selectman, Sergeant
Thompson and Gina Santos to join the Board of Commission. SECONDED by
Commissioner E. Fusco. All members present voted in favor, MOTION

The Board of Police Commissioners and invited guests went into
executive session at 7:39p.m.
The Board of Police Commissioners and invited guests came out of
executive session at 7:50p.m.

14. Possible Promotion of Officer to Sergeant - Commissioner Parlee
MOTIONED to promote Officer First Class Robert Suchecki to Sergeant at a
date and time to be determined by the First Selectman. SECONDED by
Commissioner S. Nolan. All members present voted in favor, MOTION

15. Adjourn - Commissioner Parlee MOTIONED to adjourn at 7:55 p.m.
Commissioner E. Fusco. All members present voted in favor.

Note: This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Santos, Administrative Assistant

CARRIED. 15. Adjourn - Commissioner Parlee MOTIONED to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. SECONDED by Commissioner E. Fusco. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED. Note: This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. Respectfully Submitted, Gina Santos, Administrative Assistant