Monday, September 27, 2010
6:30 P.M. - Meeting Room 1
MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner's Glen Morron, John Jones, Rob Parlee
OTHERS PRESENT: Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby, Sergeant John
Thompson, Civic Students from Bacon Academy and citizens
1. Call to Order - Commissioner Morron called the September 27, 2010
meeting to order at 6:30pm.
2. Additions to Agenda - None
3. Citizen's Comments - None
4. Officers Comments - None
5. Review Correspondence - Commissioner Morron received letters at his
home residence from a concerned anonymous citizen in regards to the
Reggae Festival that took place in town recently. The concerns were in
regards to town liability, permits, etc. Commissioner Morron will
forward the letters to First Selectman Gregg Schuster. Board of
Selectman Liaison Stan Soby stated that these issues are being dealt
6. Approve minutes of July 1 & 2, 2010 police officer applicant
interviews, August 23, 2010 meeting and September 9, 2010 certified
officer interviews - Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to accept July 1 & 2,
2010 special meeting minutes as typed. SECONDED by Commissioner
Parlee. All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.
Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to accept August 23, 2010 meeting minutes as
typed. SECONDED by Commissioner Parlee. All members present voted in
Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to accept September 9, 2010 special meeting
minutes as typed. SECONDED by Commissioner Parlee. All members present
voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.
7. Budget Review - None
Police Commission Meeting cont'd 09/27/10
8. Appropriation and Transfer
a. Commissioner Morron stated that it was discussed in the police
staffing plans to transfer funds for the 2010 Cruiser purchase into the
payroll budget and also transfer funds to cover the cost of the second
resident trooper. Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to transfer funds from
the regular payroll to the resident trooper payroll in the sum of
$79,225 for funding of a second resident trooper. SECONDED by
Commissioner Parlee. All members present voted in favor, MOTION
b. Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to transfer funds from vehicle/equipment
to the regular payroll in the sum of $37,243. SECONDED by Commissioner
Parlee. All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.
9. Resident Trooper Report (Sgt Thompson)
a. Monthly Statistics - Sergeant Thompson reported that the date on the
report should read 9/25/2010. He reported two new hires are currently
in the Academy. Certified Candidate Dimauro has signed her conditional
offer of employment and the background investigation is ongoing. This
has been assigned to Officer Edwards. The "Rules & Regulations" must be
brought current to parallel the A&O Manual. Sergeant Thompson also
reported that overtime is being utilized on an as-needed basis.
Sergeant Thompson reported on the status of vehicles and equipment.
Sergeant Thompson also stated that the 57th Fest went well. Also,
during this month Officer Cyril Green was awarded his M.A.D.D. award.
Commissioner Morron asked Sergeant Thompson for the status of the study
for a second resident trooper. Sergeant Thompson replied that the study
is complete and he has forwarded the study to his chain of command.
10. Old Business
a. Update Regarding Status of Cruisers and Equipment - already
covered in the Sergeant's monthly report.
b. Promotional Testing For Anticipated Sergeant's Position -
Commissioner Morron stated that the three officers' took the written
test last Thursday and all three passed. They will now move on to the
oral portion of the test this Wednesday. Commissioner Morron also
stated that in conjunction with this he has drafted a policy of
guidelines for the promotion of the Sergeant's position and will get
that to the other members of the Commission.
c. Update on hiring process to fill Officer vacancies w/
certified officer - Commissioner Morron stated as Sergeant Thompson
reported the certified candidate has signed the conditional offer of
employment and the next step will be the polygraph test.
d. Update on vacancy on Police Commission - Commissioner Morron
stated that the First Selectman wanted to wait until the Operating
Policy was adopted.
e. Strategic Plan - Commissioner Morron stated that they hope to
present this by the end of the month.
f. Rules and Regulations - Commissioner Morron handed out a
draft to the other Commission members for their review.
11. New Business
a. Discussion of proposed "P.C. Operating Policy" - Commissioner
Morron stated that a meeting was held last week to discuss the Operating
Policy. Phil Kurze was present at the meeting and gave the Commission
good background information. The Commission members will be meeting
with First Selectman Schuster to review the policy before it goes before
the Board of Selectman.
Police Commission Meeting cont'd 09/27/10
12. Chairman/Commission Member Comments - Commissioner Jones announced
he will be resigning as a member of the board of Police Commission
effective October 1, 2010 due to time restraints. Commissioner Morron
thanked Commissioner Jones for his service, experience and town sense he
has brought to the Commission. Commissioner Jones handed his letter of
resignation to First Selectman Liaison Stan Soby to forward to First
Selectman Gregg Schuster.
13. Adjourn - Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to adjourn at 6:51 p.m.
Commissioner Parlee. All members present voted in favor. MOTION
Note: This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gina Santos, Administrative Assistant