Monday, May 24, 2010
6:30 P.M. - Meeting Room 3
MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner's Glen Morron, John Jones, Rob Parlee,
Don Phillips
OTHERS PRESENT: Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby, John Ringo, Civic
Students from Bacon Academy, Sergeant John Thompson
1. Call to Order - Commissioner Morron called the May 24, 2010 meeting
to order at 6:32pm.
2. Additions to Agenda - Sergeant Thompson and Officer Green had an
emergency call and may not make it back for this evening's meeting.
3. Citizen's Comments - Bacon Academy students announced they were in
attendance for a Civics class. The meeting's agenda was distributed to
each of them. John Ringo asked the commissioners for a status regarding
new cruisers and an explanation regarding pulling the School Resource
Officer from the schools. The Commissioners along with Sergeant
Thompson stated the SRO will finish out the school year. With the
shortage of Officers on patrol, which is the priority to the town of
Colchester, the SRO may not return to the schools in the fall.
4. Officers Comments - None
5. Review Correspondence - None
6. Approve minutes of April 27, 2010 Special Meeting - Commissioner
Jones MOTIONED to accept as typed. SECONDED by Commissioner Parlee.
All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.
7. Budget Review
a. 2009/2010 Budget Update - Commissioner Morron and Sergeant Thompson
will get together and review the budget to see what type of funds can be
allocated for a new video camera for the new cruiser.
8. Appropriation and Transfer - Ammo for the Officers was received and
used at the range and frisker gloves were ordered for the Officers.
Police Commission Meeting cont'd 05-24-2010
9. Resident Trooper Report - Commissioner Morron read Sergeant's
Thompson's report in his absence. The Animal Control Officer will be
coming under the supervision of the Sergeant Resident State Trooper
pending approval of the Board of Selectman. Discussion continued
regarding the ACO coming under the supervision of the Sergeant Resident
State Trooper and what this will entail. We have lost Officer Kelo and
Officer Passacantando has handed in his letter of resignation. The
Commissioners have requested that Trooper Billian remain with the Police
Department to assist with regular patrol calls. The physical agility
test for the hiring of a Police Officer has been completed. We have 28
applicants left. The next phase of the hiring process will be the oral
interviews. Discussion continued regarding the hiring process.
10. Old Business
a. Update Regarding Status of Cruisers and Equipment
i. Parking of cruisers next to salt storage shack - All
cruisers have been moved back to the Police Department at Town Hall to
minimize and control continued rot to frame of vehicles being parked
down at the town garage. Commissioner Parlee will revisit the quotes he
received regarding security cameras being placed in the town hall
parking lot to secure the cruisers. Discussion was had regarding damage
and repair to DARE car. Also where can the DARE car be stored to secure
a. Update on Updating Rules & Regulations - Commissioner Phillips and
Parlee still need to get together regarding this and hope to have a more
detailed report at the next meeting.
b. Updated on Promotional Testing for Anticipated Sergeant's Position -
Commissioner Morron received an email from the First Selectman stating
now that the budget has passed they have the allocated funds for
promotion. The process will begin and they anticipate promoting as of
July 1, 2010.
11. New Business
a. Officer Green's presentation for OFC project (Neighborhood Watch
Program) with Discussion and Possible Action - Officer Green was not
able to make his presentation due to an emergency that arose.
Commissioner Morron will contact Officer Green and ask if he would like
to reschedule for next month's scheduled Police Commission meeting or
call a special meeting to make his presentation.
12. Chairman/Commission Member Comments - Commissioner Morron stated at
the June Police Commission meeting he would like to allocate time to
interview the candidates they have to fill the vacancy on the Police
Commission. Commissioner Phillips proposed to commission members if
they feel they should be meeting more than once a month. Discussion
with members was had regarding this. Discussion was also had regarding
reaching out to other resources with their assistance on projects that
the Commissioners are working on. Discussion continued regarding the
possibility of bringing an intern on board to assist with these
13. Adjourn - Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to adjourn at 7:16p.m.
Commissioner Parlee. All members present voted in favor.
Note: This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gina Santos, Administrative Assistant