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Police Commission Minutes 01/25/10


MONDAY January 25, 2010
6:30 P.M. - Meeting Room 3

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Commissioner's Glen Morron, Tony Camilleri, John
Jones, Rob Parlee
OTHERS PRESENT:  First Selectman Gregg Schuster, Board of Selectman
Liaison Stan Soby, Sergeant John Thompson and Bacon Academy Student
1. Call to Order - Commissioner Morron called the January 25, 2010
meeting to order at 6:38pm.

2. Additions to Agenda - Commissioner Parlee's information regarding the
CCTV cameras for the cruisers to be parked in the Town Hall parking lot
and the K-9 program.

3. Citizen's Comments- Bacon Student attending from Civics' class asked
for copy of meeting agenda.

4. Officers Comments - none

5. Review Correspondence - Commissioner Morron received a letter from
the State stating there is a grant that is allocated out to towns in the
State of Connecticut with Resident Trooper programs. It helps offset the
cost of the funding of the Resident Trooper program.  It is roughly
about $2,400 credit which we do not have to expend out of the budget to
pay for the Resident Trooper program.

6. Approve minutes of December 14, 2009 - Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to
accept as typed.  Commissioner Camilleri had an issue with the minutes
from the last meeting.  He voiced his concerned that some of the
information that was stated was not placed on the minutes of the
meeting.  Commissioner Jones retracted his MOTION.  Commissioner
Camilleri MOTIONED to discuss and review with secretary the missing
items/topics that were not included.  Please include and provide a
supplemental report to be handed out to all Commission members and to be
published also to amend incorrect date on first page of minutes from
December 14, 2009.  SECONDED by Commissioner Jones.  All members present
voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

7. Budget Review- Commissioner Camilleri handed out the entire police
budget to Commission members.  He would like the members to take a look
at the budget and provide any input or comments that they may have in
preparation for the next budget.  They will discuss at next meeting.
Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby pointed out to Commissioner
Camilleri that the way the meeting is listed on the agenda this
discussion needs to come later under the item that states 2010/2011
Budget.  Commissioner Camilleri said that 75% of the overtime budget has
been spent with 5 months still left.  He asked the board to also look
closely at the overtime budget and share their thoughts or ideas to plan
better for the next budget season.  

8. Appropriation and Transfer - Commissioner Camilleri said the only
transfer was $2,100 for the marking for the new police cruisers.
Commissioner Jones questioned if it is necessary to transfer money
around for Officer's uniforms.  Commissioner Camilleri said there are
funds in budget for uniforms.

Police Commission Meeting cont'd 01/25/10

9. Resident Trooper Report:  Sergeant Thompson reported that Officers
are in need of replacement uniforms.  Discussion was had regarding
uniform vests for Officers.  Officer Suchecki continues to be an
integral part of the Schools "team".  Sergeant Thompson asked for
clarification of contract language allowing or disallowing use of
holidays and vacation times.  First Selectman Greg Schuster said that
the position of the town is that the statement says, "must be approved
by the First Selectman or his designee", that is an operation procedural
question which does not mean it must be approved.  Sergeant Thompson
reported an Officer was late with one report this month.  The new
vehicles are due to arrive shortly.  Decal packages for the new cruisers
have been ordered.  Sgt. Thompson received an email from Mr. Sharpe
regarding rust, maintenance of existing vehicles and is was discussed.
Trooper Billian is performing duties of Resident Trooper in an efficient
manner.  Discussion was also had regarding Neighborhood Crime Watch in
the Park Road neighborhood.  Commissioner Camilleri and Morron concerned
with an Officer not taking the initiative to cover the Neighborhood
Crime Watch.  Sgt. Thompson will have Trooper Billian attend the first
meeting for the Neighborhood Crime Watch in the Park Road neighborhood
and he will then assess the situation and determine the amount of work
that will be required to make this happen.  Sgt. Thompson also reported
the enforcement statistics for the month of December and January 01 thru
24, 2010.
10. Old Business

a. Update Regarding Compensatory Time Policy - Commissioner Morron
presented a draft to the board.  Stated that that Compensatory Time
Policy is a management tool used to help offset the expenditures of
overtime.  Discussion was had regarding the draft.  Commissioner
Camilleri added that the draft was generated based off a meeting with
the First Selectman and the two Union Representatives.  Board of
Selectman Liaison Stan Soby provided procedural corrections regarding
language on draft.  Sergeant Thompson provided information on current
procedure.  First Selectman Greg Schuster also provided suggestions and
possible solutions.  Special Meeting will be held on Monday, February 1,
2010 at 5:00pm to continue discussion and possible action of
Compensatory Time Policy.
b. Update Regarding Status of Cruisers and Equipment - The new cruisers
are in New Jersey right now in the paint shop.  Discussion was had
regarding existing cruisers and maintenance of cruisers.  Car Wash
tickets have been ordered to include under carriage wash for Police
cruisers.  Commissioner Parlee presented the proposals he received from
two different alarm companies for the purchase of cameras and equipment
needed for the Police Department parking lot.  One alarm company quoted
him $5,520 and the other quote was for $7,590.  Commissioner Parlee felt
the quotes were high.  It was decided to leave the cruisers parked at
the garage for now.   Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby has asked the
First Selectman to contact the Public Works Director to get some factual
information regarding the products that are being used in town and
elsewhere and what the scientific studies show thus far which may be
helpful.  The location for the parking of the cruisers will be tabled
until June 2010.
c. Update Regarding K-9 Program - Commissioner Jones met with Colchester
Vet and John Gagnon's Dog House and advised them that the K-9 program
has been terminated until we advise them otherwise and thanked them for
their services and input.  

11. New Business

a. Discussion of 2010/2011 Budget - Budget review and discussion will be
added to the agenda for the Special Meeting being held on Monday,
February 1, 2010.
b. Discussion of Temporary Memorandum of Understanding - Commissioner
Morron handed out an MOU draft to the Board for their review.
Commissioner Morron stated this is an agreement between the town and the
union to help ease the burden in regards to the overtime budget.
First Selectman asked if this is a good policy can we continue it
through the length of the Officer's contract.  Discussion was had with
the members of the board and Selectman Liaison Stan Soby in regards to

12.  Chairman/Commission Member Comments - Commissioner Parlee asked
that Commissioner's Morron and Camilleri do a better job of keeping the
rest of the Board Members up to date.

13. Adjourn - Commissioner Jones Motioned to adjourn at 8:08 p.m.
SECONDED by Commissioner Camilleri.  All members present voted in favor.

Note:  This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Cassone, Administrative Assistant