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Police Commission Minutes 02/01/10

Monday February 1, 2010 5:00 p.m.
Meeting Room 1

Members Present:  Commissioner's Glen Morron, Tony Camilleri, John
Jones, and Rob Parlee

Others Present:  First Selectman Gregg Schuster, Board of Selectman
Liaison Stan Soby, Officer Rob Labonte

Commissioner Glenn Morron called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.

1. Discussion and Possible Action of Compensatory Time Policy-
Commissioner Morron reviewed Compensatory Time Policy with Commissioner
Don Phillips based on the recommendations that were made at the last
Police Commission Meeting.  The Commissioners are comfortable in
bringing this forward to the Board of Selectman.  First Selectman Gregg
Schuster stated it can be added to the agenda for the next Board of
Selectman meeting scheduled for Thursday.  The changes that were made to
the Compensatory Time Policy draft were discussed.  Commissioner Morron
placed MOTION on the table to present the Compensatory Time Policy to
the Board of Selectman.  MOTION made by Commissioner Jones.  SECONDED by
Commissioner Camilleri.  All members present voted in favor, MOTION
CARRIED. Commissioner's Morron and Camilleri sat down with the Union
President and Vice President who had concerns with items #2 and 3 in the
Temporary Memorandum of Understanding.  Officers concern with item #3 is
that they do not want the Sergeant taking calls for service due to the
fact that he is a supervisor.  The other concern they have is with
Trooper Billian and her role in taking calls.  Commissioner's Morron and
Camilleri stressed their concern in regards to having unrestricted
access to the Police Department for budget work, policy work, etc.
First Selectman Gregg Schuster stated that this is a town facility and
the Commissioners are not town employees and in the Police Department
only Police Officers are authorized to be there.

Police Commission Special Meeting cont'd 02/01/10

He offered the Commissioners the use of another conference room in Town
Hall if available.  Discussion continued between the Commissioners and
First Selectman regarding concerns that the Police Commissioners have
with the Sergeant in regards to respecting the Police Commission and the
role that they serve.  Commissioners agreed to a meeting with Sergeant
Thompson, First Selectman and the Barracks Commander.  Discussion
continued with the issues and concerns the Officers have with the
Memorandum of Understanding.  Officer Labonte stated that the Officers
prefer to follow the contract and in the event that the overtime budget
dries up the Officers will step up on a voluntary basis to help out
their coworkers.  First Selectman Gregg Schuster was fine with the
Compensatory Time Policy with one stipulation and that is to add #8 to
say the First Selectman can suspend this at any point because he has
serious concerns about this delaying overtime.  Instead of paying
overtime the Officers would get comp. time in addition to overtime as
well.  First Selectman wants it stated in the Compensatory Time Policy
that either entity, the Police Commission or First Selectman, have the
power to suspend the program at any time.  Knowing that a suspension
means that any Officer who has earned comp. time up until that point
will still be entitled to it.  Commissioner Morron agreed to add that
statement to the Compensatory Time Policy and follow up with an email to
the First Selectman.  Discussion was also had with Officer Labonte in
regards to the Officers agreeing to the Memorandum of Understanding on a
temporary basis.  Discussion was had regarding possibly setting up a
meeting with the Board of Commission and all of the Officers to discuss

Discussion of 2010/2011 Budget - First Selectman stated he received the
grand list and there has been no growth in town.  First Selectman spoke
with Officer Labonte earlier regarding the subject that comes up every
year about whether or not to go with all resident state troopers versus
having a local police force.  Everything right now is on the table due
to the seriousness of the situation.  First Selectman asked the
Commission to help out and let the town and various boards understand
what the difference would be between going all resident state troopers
versus having a local police force. Discussions continued regarding
budget issues and where cuts could be possibly made.  The Commissioners
will go back and review the budget.

2. Adjourn - Commissioner Camilleri made a MOTION to ADJOURN at 6:38p.m.
SECONDED by Commissioner Jones.  All members present voted in favor.

Note:  This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act

Respectfully Submitted by,

Gina Cassone

Gina Cassone
Administrative Assistant
Colchester Police