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Police Commission Minutes 04/27/10

TUESDAY, April 27, 2010
5:30 P.M. - First Selectman's Conference Room

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Commissioner's Glen Morron, John Jones, Rob Parlee
OTHERS PRESENT:  First Selectman Gregg Schuster, Sergeant John Thompson
1. Call to Order - Commissioner Morron called the April 27, 2010 meeting
to order at 5:35pm.

2. Additions to Agenda - None

3. Citizen's Comments - None

4. Officers Comments - Sergeant Thompson notified the members that
Officer Green unfortunately could not be in attendance.

5. Review Correspondence - None

6. Approve minutes of March 23, 2010 Special Meeting - Commissioner
Jones MOTIONED to accept as typed.   SECONDED by Commissioner Parlee.
All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

7. Election of Commission Chair and Secretary - Commissioner Jones
MOTIONED to have Commissioner Morron continue as Commission Chairman.
SECONDED by Commissioner Parlee.  All members present voted in favor,
MOTION CARRIED.  Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to elect Commissioner
Parlee as clerk.  SECONDED by Commissioner Morron.  All members present
voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

8. Budget Review
a. 2009/2010 Budget Update - None

9. Appropriation and Transfer - None

10. Resident Trooper Report:  Sergeant Thompson reported that
enforcement statistic numbers are up across the board which has to do
with spring time.  Three replacement bulletproof vests have been
received and issued.  Officer Labonte and Resident Trooper Billian
hosted ride alongs with two Rotary International members from Australia.
One is an Officer in the New South Wales Police force.

Police Commission Meeting cont'd 04/27/10

11. Old Business
a. Update Regarding Status of Cruisers and Equipment - MHQ has the
cruisers and they are due in any day.
b. Update on Awards Committee - Commissioner Parlee reported that they
are in the process of designing the bars with the Colchester logo on
them.  Once the redesign is complete and the cost is obtained then the
purchase will be made.  The CBA and Rotary Club will be contacted to set
up the presentation at one of their dinners.
c. Discussion of 2010/2011 Budget - a cruiser is still in the budget
along with the intent of promoting an officer to Sergeant.
d. Update on Possible Vacancies on Police Force and Status of Selection
Process "Coopers" Testing - Commissioner Morron stated that a physical
agility test is scheduled for May 8th.  Officer Kelo has accepted a
position with the State Police and will be leaving for the Academy on
May 7th.  The physical agility test scheduled for May 8th will start the
process and give us a list of candidates to fill the vacancy.
Commissioner Morron also stated that his dealings with Officer Kelo have
been nothing but exceptional.  It is a serious loss for the Town of
Colchester.  Officer Kelo has been an intricate part of our ability to
police the Town of Colchester.  Commissioner Morron wanted to extend to
Officer Kelo best wishes in the Academy.  For any reason if the
opportunity arises that Officer Kelo needed to come back on behalf of
the Commission they would take him back in a heartbeat.  Discussion
continued regarding the hiring process.
e. Update on Updating Rules & Regulations - Commissioner Parlee stated
that as soon as Commissioner Phillips is available they will get
together regarding this.
f. Updated on Promotional Testing for Anticipated Sergeant's Position -
this hinges upon the passing of the budget.  If the budget passes there
are three eligible Officers for the Sergeant position.

12. New Business
a. Officer Green's presentation for OFC project (Neighborhood Watch
Program) with Discussion and Possible Action - Officer Green was not
able to make his presentation due to an emergency that arose.   

13.  Chairman/Commission Member Comments - Commissioner Parlee had the
opportunity to witness a lock down drill at the schools with Officer
Suchecki.  He stated Officer Suchecki did a great job with this.
Commissioner Parlee also thanked Gina for all of her assistance with the
Awards.  He stated she has been a great help.  He also thanked Sergeant
Thompson for his input.

14. Executive Session:  Discussion of Personnel Issues - Commissioner
Jones MOTIONED to go into executive session at 6:07 p.m. with an
invitation to include Sergeant Thompson and Gina.  SECONDED by
Commissioner Parlee.  All members present voted in favor, MOTION
CARRIED.   The Commission came out of executive session at 6:24 p.m.

15. Adjourn - Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to adjourn at 6:25 p.m.
SECONDED by Commissioner Parlee.  All members present voted in favor.

Note:  This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Santos, Administrative Assistant