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Police Commission Special Meeting Minutes 9/23/2010

Policy Workshop Meeting
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Police Department Conference Room

MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner's Glen Morron, John Jones, and Don

OTHERS PRESENT: Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby and Phil Kurze

Call to Order - Commissioner Morron called the meeting to order at

1. Discussion of Current and Proposed Policies - Discussion was had
regarding First
Selectman Schuster's proposed "Police Commission Operating Policy".

2. Adjourn - Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to adjourn at 9:05p.m.
SECONDED by Commissioner Philips. MOTION CARRIED.

Respectively submitted,

Commissioner Glenn Morron

BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Policy Workshop Meeting Thursday, September 23, 2010 Police Department Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner's Glen Morron, John Jones, and Don Philips OTHERS PRESENT: Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby and Phil Kurze Call to Order - Commissioner Morron called the meeting to order at 7:04p.m. 1. Discussion of Current and Proposed Policies - Discussion was had regarding First Selectman Schuster's proposed "Police Commission Operating Policy". 2. Adjourn - Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to adjourn at 9:05p.m. SECONDED by Commissioner Philips. MOTION CARRIED. Respectively submitted, Commissioner Glenn Morron