Police Commission Meeting Minutes 12/20/2010
Attachments: Attachment Name | Attachment Size | Attachment Date |
| Size: 50K | Last Updated: 2010/12/23 |
POLICE COMMISSION MEETING Monday, December 20, 2010 6:30 P.M. - Meeting Room 3
MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman of Commission/Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby, Commissioner's Rob Parlee, Edward Fusco and Stanley Nolan OTHERS PRESENT: First Selectman Gregg Schuster, Sergeant John Thompson, Board of Education member Brad Bernier 1. Call to Order - Commissioner R. Parlee called the December 20, 2010 meeting to order at 6:30pm.
2. Additions to Agenda - None
3. Citizen's Comments - None
4. Officers Comments - None
5. Review Correspondence - First Selectman G. Schuster informed the Police Commission members that periodically he receives operational type emails from POST or Department of Homeland Security that he forwards to Sgt. Thompson. He would be happy to share those with the Police Commission members if they are ever interested. If it is something that he feels pertains to the Police Commission members then he would bring it to their attention.
6. Approve minutes of November 22, 2010 Police Commission Meeting and December 13, 2010 Police Commission Special Meeting - Commissioner Parlee MOTIONED to accept minutes with the correct date of November 22, 2010. SECONDED by Commissioner S. Nolan. All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.
7. Budget Review - First Selectman G. Schuster stated that the transfer for the second Resident Trooper has been completed, keeping that position for the remainder of the budget year. The current budget to date is on track.
8. Appropriation and Transfer - none
Police Commission Meeting Cont'd 12/20/2010
9. Resident Trooper Report (Sgt. Thompson) - Sgt. Thompson's monthly report stated that the police recruits are in the academy. Officer DiMauro starts her FTO period on 12/17/10. Overtime is being utilized on an as-needed basis. All cruisers are in good to very good operation condition. Cameras have been acquired and will be mounted at the front door to the Police Office. The outfitting of the three new hires has depleted the equipment budget. A budget transfer is in-process from the Resident trooper overtime line item and training line item to cover these purchases. Approximately $4,000.00 will be transferred for these necessary purchases.
10. Old Business a. Leasing of Cruisers - First Selectman G. Schuster stated he left a message with one of the leasing company and is waiting for a call back. Marc Tate from the IT department is looking into replacing the computers in the cruisers with something that would be more affordable and easier to maintain. b. Discussion and Possible Action on By-laws - First Selectman G. Schuster searched through the files in the network and could only find one draft of the By-laws which he believes was created when the past First Selectman was in office. Commissioner R. Parlee did see the final version of the by-laws and does not believe that this one is it. Commissioner R. Parlee will attempt to get a copy of the final version of the by- laws. c. Discussion and Possible Action on FY12 Budget Priorities - First Selectman G. Schuster passed out to the board of Commission members a copy of the Police Department budget. Review and discussion regarding each line item was had. Discussion on benefits of an eleventh officer versus another Resident Trooper. Consensus was to move forward with an eleventh officer in the proposed budget.
11. New Business a. Discussion and Possible Action on a Five Year Equipment Plan - No action was taken. Sgt. Thompson will present plan in January. b. Discussion and Possible Action on Rules and Regulations - Draft revision schedule was discussed. Consensus was to move forward on the proposed schedule. (See Attachment #1) c. Discussion and Possible Action on Agenda Items for 12/27/10 and 1/10/11 Special Meetings - Discussion on removing "Budget Priorities" as an agenda item and adding "FY12 Budget" going forward. Discussion on adding an agenda item for election of a chairman.
12. Chairman/Commission Member Comments - none 13. Adjourn - Commissioner Parlee MOTIONED to adjourn at 8:44 p.m. SECONDED by Commissioner S. Nolan. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
Attachments 1. Colchester Police Rules and Regulations Revision (Attachment #1)
Note: This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gina Santos, Administrative Assistant
Gina Santos Administrative Assistant Colchester Police Department 127 Norwich Avenue Colchester, CT 06415 Tel: 860-537-7270 Fax: 860-537-7252
tem and adding "FY12 Budget" going forward.
Discussion on adding an agenda item for election of a chairman.
12. Chairman/Commission Member Comments - none
13. Adjourn - Commissioner Parlee MOTIONED to adjourn at 8:44 p.m.
Commissioner S. Nolan. All members present voted in favor.
1. Colchester Police Rules and Regulations Revision (Attachment #1)
Note: This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gina Santos, Administrative Assistant
Gina Santos
Administrative Assistant
Colchester Police Department
127 Norwich Avenue
Colchester, CT 06415
Tel: 860-537-7270
Fax: 860-537-7252