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Police Commission Minutes 03/23/09


MONDAY, March 23, 2009
6:30 P.M. - MEETING ROOM 3

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bill Otfinoski, Glen Morron, John Jones

OTHERS PRESENT: First Selectman Linda Hodge, Selectman Greg Cordova,  
Sgt. Shane Hassett, Officer Owens, Citizens and About 18 Students from
Bacon Academy Civic Class

Chairman Bill Otfinoski called the meeting to order at 06:35p.m.

1.      Citizen's Comments:  None

2.      Review Correspondence: None

3.       Approve   minutes of February 23, 2009 J. Jones MOTIONED to
approve the minutes.  SECONDED by G. Morron.  All members present voted

4.      Budget Review: B. Otfinoski reviewed the 2009/2010 budget
changes. Copies will be sent out to the commissioners.

5.       Appropriation and Transfer: None

6.      Resident Trooper Report: There were five high profile cases.
Tpr. Briger is investigating a larceny of Thermaco Point Source
Automatic Grease Removal System Cost is $3,000. Weight 2,000 lbs.
Officer Regnere investigated a Criminal Trespass/Domestic which ended in
and arrest. Officer Watrous stopped a vehicle on routine patrol and
arrested two people for possession of marijuana. Officer Labonte is
investigating a reckless burning complaint that was seen on Facebook.
Officer Kelo investigated a burglary and ended up arrested the suspect.
There were 14 D.U.I's, 6 Accidents, 5 Narcotics Arrests, 4 Domestic
Violence incidents and 18 other reportable incidents. Officer Dumigan
attended Ground Fighting training, Officers Edwards and Labonte attended
a Special Needs training class. Officer Edwards attended Grant Training
to receive a $10,000. Grant for After School Youth Projects. Car 4 has a
transmission problem and Car 8 has a camera problem. Welcome Resident
Trooper Kevin Cook #558 who replaced Tpr. Girard on   March 16, 2009. J.
Jones asked if Off. Dumigan went to Car Seat Training? Sgt. Hassett said
that all funds are frozen.  She should be able to go to the next DARE
class which should be after June 2009.   

7.      Old Business
a.      Update from K-9 Study Group - J. Jones MOTIONED to form a K9
Committee and to establish a K9 Unit for the Colchester Police
Department. Members will be John Jones, Officer Brain Owens, Art
Standish, John Gagnon and to include one other person.  SECONDED by G.
Morron.  All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.  
B. Otfinoski reminded J. Jones that as a committee an agenda and minutes
have to be posted.  A presentation should be given to the commission and
the Board of Selectman.

Police Commission Minutes 03-23-09

b.      Officer First Class (Officer. Owens) - G. Morron asked Officer
Owens what if the K9 doesn't get approved, what else would he do for his
OFC assignment?  Officer Owens explained that he is willing to attend
the Local Prevention Council and be a part of their programs and help in
any way that he could. He also would like to be involved with the local
businesses in town, helping in crime prevention.  J. Jones MOTIONED to
accept Officer Owens OFC alternate program until the K9 Unit is approved
effective March 23, 2009. SECONDED by G. Moron.   All members present
voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.  

c.      Set Date to Finalize Officer Awards- B. Otfinoski set a date for
a meeting on March 30, 2009 at 4p.m. in suite 201.

8.       New Business
a.      J. Jones asked when promotions for the police officers would
take place. B. Otfinoski said that they would have to talk to Sgt.
Hassett about interviews and guide lines. He suggested that it be put on
next month's agenda. Also copies of the Police Officers Union Contract
will be sent to all the commissioners.
b.      J. Jones asked if there is a posting for a new commissioner.
First Selectman Linda Hodge said that the Board of Selectman has not
accepted Art Standish's resignation yet.
c.      J. Jones said that it had been mentioned to him that the
Colchester Police merge with East Hampton Police. There is a Regional
Grant available. There are other rumors that the town should go to all
state police troopers.  B. Otfinoski said the commission should have
Long Range and Short Range Plans for the Department. G. Morron said that
the officers should know what way the commission is going as far as
being its own department.
d.       First Selectman Linda Hodge said that there will be a joint
meeting with the Police Commission and the Board of Selectman on April
7, 2009 at 7p.m. in a room to be determined.
9.      Citizens Comments: Joshua from the Civics class asked why Wal
Mart wasn't built. First Selectman Linda Hodge said there were a few
citizens that didn't want it and sued the town. The suit has been six
years in courts. It was just settled with 2 issues substantive and 2
technical issues.  Ms. Lisa Bishel said the Colchester Police Officers
work above and beyond for the town.
10.     Additions to Agenda:

11.     Adjourn: J. Jones MOTIONED to adjourn at 7:35 p.m.  SECONDED by
G. Morron.                              All members present voted in

Respectfully Submitted,
Ellen Yacono Administrative Assistant

Ellen Yacono
Administrative Assistant
Colchester Police