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Police Commission Minutes 11/23/09


MONDAY November 23, 2009
6:30 P.M. - Meeting Room 1

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Commissioner's John Jones, Rob Parlee, Don Philips
OTHERS PRESENT:  First Selectman Gregg Schuster, Board of Selectman
Liaison Stan Soby, Sergeant John Thompson, Resident Trooper Kathy
Billian, Officer's Rob Suchecki, John Passacantando, Cyril Green, Rob
1. Commissioner Jones called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m.  with a
welcome to our new First Selectman Gregg Schuster and our past and
current Board Member Stan Soby.
2. Additions to Agenda - None

3. Citizen's Comments- None

4. Officers Comments - Officer Suchecki stated that the young adults
that attended the last Commission Meeting were from the Bacon Academy
Civics class.  As a requirement for the classes they must attend Town
Officer Labonte stated that a union meeting was held recently and two
new positions were voted in, a new Union President and Vice President.
Officer Edwards has stepped down as the Union President and Officer
Labonte has taken his place as the Union President.  The Union Vice
President will now be Officer Green.

5. Review Correspondence - None

6. Approve minutes of October 26, 2009 - Commissioner Philips moved to
approve the minutes as presented with an amendment to item #12, so that
it reads "Commissioner Philips suggested that a meeting involving the
Board of Selectman and the Commissioners take place after the election
to update the new Board of Selectman on all the issues that were
discussed this evening."  SECONDED by Commissioner Parlee.  All members
present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

7. Budget Review- None

8. Appropriation and Transfer - None

9. Resident Trooper Report:  Sergeant Thompson gave his Monthly Activity
report to the Board of Commission (see attachment #1).  Sergeant
Thompson also gave the October monthly enforcement statistics for the
Officers (see attachment #2) and the November monthly enforcement
statistics during the period of 11/01/09 to 11/23/09 (see attachment #3)
to the Board of Commission.

Police Commission Mtg. cont'd 11/23/09

10. Old Business

a. Update Regarding Compensatory Time Policy - Commissioner Philips did
not get additional feedback from the past First Selectman.  Commissioner
Philips did have an opportunity to discuss, with Commissioner Morron,
what he believes should be a recommendation from this Commission to the
Board of Selectman.  Commissioner Philips believes they are at a point
where a recommendation can be made.  One issue that the Commission may
wish to address is whether or not there should be a limited number of
compensatory overtime hours that is recommended to the Board. Because of
the missing board members tonight it would be best to hold off in taking
a formal action.    
b. Update Regarding K-9 Program - Still waiting to hear if the class
will be taking place in January or February.  Commissioner Jones
received a call from the vet that the dog is due for shots and will
discuss this with Officer Owens.  
c. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Promotional Criteria -
Commissioner Morron is working on this and due to his absence this will
be discussed at the next Commissioner's Meeting scheduled for next
d. Update Regarding Status of Cruisers and Equipment - Sgt. Thompson
gave the status on the two cruisers that should be arriving in
approximately 60 days.  The Fleet maintenance manager is in the process
of negotiations with Mike Scranton regarding price of changing the
cruisers over.
e. Update Regarding Awards Committee - Commissioner Parlee has all the
information needed for processing.  Commissioner Parlee will contact
Commissioner Camilleri regarding ordering process.
f. Update Regarding Implementation of Third Shift - Commissioner Jones
stated that this is still in a holding pattern.
g. Update Regarding Reinstatement of Juvenile Diversionary Board -
Commissioner Morron was working on this and due to his absence this will
be discussed at the next Commissioner's Meeting scheduled for next

11. New Business - Commissioner Philips inquired how the dinner for Rich
Duval turned out.  Officer Suchecki stated that the dinner for Rich
Duval went very well and a $2,000 scholarship will be awarded this year
to a Bacon Academy graduating Senior.

12.  Chairman/Commission Member Comments - Commissioner Parlee raised a
concern regarding police officers coverage and it was discussed.
Commissioner Philips added his concern regarding overtime coverage and
it was discussed.  Commissioner Philips asked if exit interviews for
police officers are conducted and this was discussed.  Commissioner
Jones asked First Selectman Gregg Schuster if he would like to address
the board.  First Selectman Schuster stated he looks forward to working
with everyone and welcomes questions/comments.

13. Adjourn - Commissioner Parlee Motioned to adjourn at 7:02p.m.
SECONDED by Commissioner Philips.  All members present voted in favor.

1.  Monthly Activity Report dated 11/23/09 (Attachment #1)
2.  October Monthly Enforcement Statistics from 10/1/09 - 10/31/09
(Attachment #2)
3.  November Monthly Enforcement Statistics from 11/1/09 - 11/23/09
(Attachment #3)

Note:  This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Cassone, Administrative Assistant

Gina Cassone
Administrative Assistant
Colchester Police