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Police Commission Minutes 10/26/09


MONDAY October 26, 2009
6:30 P.M. - Meeting Room 1

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Commissioner's John Jones, Tony Camilleri, Rob Parlee,
Don Philips
OTHERS PRESENT:  Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby, Sergeant John
Thompson, Officer Rob Suchecki, Mike Caplet, Ryan Blessing, Students
from Bacon Academy Civics Class, and other citizens
1. Commissioner Camilleri called the meeting to order at 6:35p.m.
2. Additions to Agenda - None

3. Citizen's Comments- Stan Soby stated that he received a comment from
a Colchester Resident.

4. Officers Comments - None

5. Review Correspondence - None

6. Approve minutes of September 21, 2009 - Commissioner Jones MOTIONED
to approve the minutes.  SECONDED by Commissioner Philips.  All members
present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

7. Budget Review- Budget was reviewed. Commissioner Camilleri stated
that he has been looking over the budget very closely.  Everything is
moving status quote at this time.  No issues or concerns regarding the

8. Appropriation and Transfer - None

9. Resident Trooper Report:  Sergeant J. Thompson reported that two new
cruisers are due to arrive in approximately 60 days.  Sgt. Thompson also
reported that Officer Suchecki has become an integral part of the
Schools as the School Resource Officer.  Other Operational issues were
reviewed and discussed.  Administrative issues were reviewed and
discussed.  Significant investigations conducted by Officers were
reviewed and discussed.  Sgt. Thompson reported the enforcement
statistics for the entire month of September and the month of October to
date.  Sgt. Thompson reported receiving two thank you notes from
citizens of the community.  One was addressed to Officers Brosnan and
Passacantando from a young gentleman in regards to the kind and
supportive way that both officers interacted with him during an incident
at his home.  The Officers made such a positive impression on this young
gentleman that he stated he aspires to become a Colchester Police
Officer.  The other thank you note was in regards to Officer Suchecki
representing the Colchester Police as a judge for the dog contests at
the Pumpkins and Pooches autumn fair.  It stated," Officer Suchecki
performed his duties as a judge with good humor and interacted in a
positive way with the community."

 Police Commission Meeting cont'd 10-26-09

10. Old Business
a. Update Regarding Compensatory Time Policy - Commissioner Philips
stated he is still in the process of researching the different options.
Commissioner Camilleri stated that Commissioner Phillips will continue
his research and bring his findings to the next meeting.  
b. Update Regarding K-9 Program - Commissioner Jones is waiting on
status of February class in addition to any feedback the Commission
members may have regarding the policy.  Commissioner Camilleri asked the
Commission members to please review the policy and bring any comments or
concerns to the next meeting.  This will also remain on the agenda for
the next meeting.
c. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Promotional Criteria -
Commissioner Camilleri will speak with Commissioner Morron regarding
moving forward with this issue.
d. Update Regarding Status of Cruisers and Equipment - Commissioner
Camilleri will be receiving monthly updates for each vehicle from Steve
Sharpe in the Town Garage.  This will keep everyone informed regarding
status and condition of cruisers.
e. Update Regarding Awards Committee - Commissioner Camilleri requested
that this be left on the agenda for the next Commission meeting.
f. Update Regarding Implementation of Third Shift - Commissioner
Camilleri stated that he received a revised MOA right before this
evenings Commission Meeting.  He wants to give the Commission Board and
the Officers a chance to review the revised MOA.  If everyone is in
agreement the Third Shift will go into effect as soon as possible.
There is a definitive need for a third shift.
g. Update Regarding Reinstatement of Juvenile Diversionary Board -
Commissioner Morron was working on this and due to his absence from this
evenings meeting this will be discussed at the next Commissioner's
Meeting scheduled for next month.

11. New Business - None

12.  Chairman/Commission Member Comments - Commissioner Camilleri
suggested that a meeting involving the Board of Selectman and the
Commissioners take place after the election to update the new Board of
Selectman on all the issues that were discussed this evening.
Commissioner Camilleri thanked the members of the Commission for all
their hard work.  He also thanked the Officers for the exceptional job
that they have done from looking at the statistics it certainly shows
it.  Commissioner Camilleri also thanked Sergeant Thompson for all of
his efforts in particular with the mid-night shift issue.  

Commissioner Jones stressed to all the students that were present how
important it is to volunteer in the community.  

13. Adjourn - Commissioner Philips Motioned to adjourn at 7:36p.m.
SECONDED by Commissioner Parlee.  All members present voted in favor.

Note:  This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Cassone, Administrative Assistant