MONDAY April 27, 2009
6:30 P.M. - MEETING ROOM 3
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bill Otfinoski, Glen Morron, John Jones
OTHERS PRESENT: First Selectman Linda Hodge, Selectman Rosemary Coyle,
Stan Soby
Officer's Edwards, Labonte, Suchecki and Passacantando Police Commission
Candidates and Citizens
Chairman Bill Otfinoski called the meeting to order at 06:30p.m.
1. Citizen's Comments: Officer Edwards on behalf of the Police
Union President stated he was appalled at the unprofessional comments
made to Officer Suchecki by Bill Otfinoski. He also stated that he and
Officer Labonte were concerned about repercussions. G. Morron asked
Officer Suchecki if he concurred with Officer Edward's statement Officer
Suchecki said he did agree. G. Morron said he would like to see action
taken against B. Otfinoski. Officer Rob Labonte said that he doesn't
feel B. Otfinoski can be fair and impartial discussing or acting on any
2. Review Correspondence: B. Otfinoski got an email from Officer
Kelo said he's upset about the Lieutenant taking away investigations.
First Selectman Linda Hodge will set up a meeting with the Lieutenant,
Sgt. Hassett, the Police Commissioners and one Officer.
Letter from Mr. Kevin Kelly about Officer Dumigan, Sgt. Hassett wasn't
at meeting to explain why Mr. Kelly wrote this letter. B. Otfinoski will
talk to Sgt. Hassett this week
Three letters from Officer Labonte One is about the Resident Trooper on
evening shift, Promotions and Budget Issues. B. Otfinoski said the
budget is out of the commissioner's hands the Board of Selectman and
Board of Finance have the final input.
B. Otfinoski received a letter from the Dept. of Justice with
information on a grant, he will look into it.
G. Morron MOTIONED to Add to the Agenda under New Business d. Promotions
3. Approve minutes of March 23, 2009 J. Jones MOTIONED to approve
the minutes. SECONDED by G. Morron. All members present voted in
4. Budget Review: B. Otfinoski has not received the revised budget
but he did say that the new car was cut and the Officer that was to
start in January 2010 was cut. G. Morron asked if that was the position
to replace Officer Simkulak, yes it was. First Selectman Linda Hodge
said that a cost analysis of our own officers to an office fully staffed
by state police is being done. This is a result of discussions occurring
during the budget process.
5. Appropriation and Transfer: None
6. Resident Trooper Report: None. B. Otfinoski said that he
talked to Sgt. Hassett about the statistics and the report will be
changed due to the wrong calculations of the total calls for services.
Police Commission Meeting 04-27-09
7. Old Business
a. Update from K-9 Study Group - J. Jones said that the State
Police K9 Class for the fall was put on hold. Officer Owens has the dog
and is still training him at home. The committee has five citizens that
are willing to participate to give a presentation to the Board of
b. Officer First Class (Officer. Owens) - Officer Owens is still
working with the dog. B. Otfinoski will talk to him this week about his
involvement with the Local Prevention Council.
c. Officer Awards Update - G. Morron handed the commission the
final draft. He would like the presentation of awards in conjunction
with the next Police Commission Meeting in May.
G. Morron MOTIONED to Adopt the Updated Awards and Recognition Policy
8. New Business
a. Interview New Police Commission Candidates - The commission
interviewed A. Camilleri, T. Clark, K. Issa, E. Keeney, K. Kennedy, S.
Dubb and B. Parlee. All the candidates were told that the Board of
Selectman will make the final decision. There will be a Special Meeting
on Monday May 4, 2009 at 6:30p.m. Continue Candidate Interviews.
b. Handouts to be Added to the Minutes - B. Otfinoski
handed out the Board of Police Commissioners and Commissioners Mission
to be posted with the minutes.
b. Agenda Changes - G. Morron MOTIONED to Move Additions to Agenda
to the First Item on the Agenda and Add item 11. Chairman / Commission
Member Comments. SECONDED by J. Jones. MOTION CARRIED.
c. Promotions - B. Otfinoski said that the next step is to review
the Job Descriptions for Sergeant. J. Jones Motioned to have a Special
Meeting on Monday May 11, 2009 at 3:30p.m. Promotion Criteria.
G. Morron MOTIONED to go into Executive Session to Review Grievances to
include Commission Members at 08:55p.m. SECONDED by J. Jones
The Commission came out of Executive Session at 09:20p.m.
MOTION was made by G. Moron to have a Special Meeting on Wednesday April
29, 2009 to Resume Grievances. SECONDED by J. Jones MOTION CARRIED.
9. Citizens Comments: None
10. Additions to Agenda: None
11. Adjourn: J. Jones MOTIONED to adjourn at 09:25 p.m. SECONDED by
G. Morron. All members present voted in
1. Board of Police commissioners
2. Colchester Board of Police Commissioners Mission
3. Updated Awards and Recognition Policy
Note: This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act
Respectfully Submitted,
Ellen Yacono Administrative Assistant
Ellen Yacono
Administrative Assistant
Colchester Police