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Police Commission Minutes 06/22/09


MONDAY April 27, 2009
6:30 P.M. - MEETING ROOM 3

MEMBERS PRESENT Glen Morron, John Jones, Tony Camilleri, Rob Parlee, Don
OTHERS PRESENT: First Selectman Linda Hodge, Selectman Stan Soby, Greg
Officer's Edwards, Suchecki, Owens and a few Citizens.
1.      John Jones called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. He welcomed
the new commission members and thanked the Board of Selectman for
expediting their appointments.

2.      Elect Chair & Clerk- J. Jones nominated Glenn Morron as
Chairman. Tony Camilleri moved to close the nominations. D. Phillips
Seconded. PASSED. The commission unanimously voted for Glen Morron as
G. Morron nominated Tony Camilleri as Clerk. J. Jones moved to close the
nominations.  D. Phillips Seconded. PASSED The commission unanimously
voted for Tony Camilleri as Clerk.
3.      Additions to Agenda - None

4.      Citizen's Comments- None  

5.      Officers Comments - Officer Edwards on behalf of the Police
Union  Welcomed the new commission members. Officer Edwards handed out
Duties of Patrol Sergeant and Administrative Supervisor for review.

6.      Review Correspondence The Commission received a letter from Val
Geato Director of Youth Services thanking Officer Kelo for his help with
the bake sale and for his support at youth services meetings and the
juvenile review board. Sgt. Hassett said he gave Officer Kelo a positive
P.O.R. for his files. Letter of resignations from Ellen Yacono. J Jones
said that Ellen was the glue that held the department and will be

7.      Approve   minutes of April 27, 2009 J. Jones MOTIONED to approve
the minutes.  SECONDED by G. Morron.  Abstained B. Parley, D. Phillips
and T. Camilleri.  MOTION CARRIED

8.      Police Commission Operations - L. Hodge handed out packets of
information to the new commissioners. A new grant has been submitted for
Community Policing. She is also working on getting a new car. The new
state bid is less than the cost to fix the old cruiser. T. Camilleri
will be going to the Department Head Meetings along with Sgt. Hassett.
The State Police Contract is on hold for now.       
9.      Budget Review: T. Camilleri said that he was out for a week but
he will be talking with Maggie C. to make transfers.  

10.      Appropriation and Transfer: None

Police Commission Meeting 06-22-09

11.     Resident Trooper Report:  Sgt. Hassett said that he will miss
Ellen. Evening shift officers have been busy with D.U.I. and Drug
problems. Car breaks have been occurring again. D.U.I Spot Check will be
held on July 2nd.  T. Camilleri said he would like to have the critical
logs entered into Crime Star and it would be evaluated at a later date.
T. Camilleri would like to see the cruiser report at the next meeting.
Sgt. Hassett said that he had worked on midnight shift and there wasn't
a lot of activity.     

12.     Old Business
a.      Discussion & Possible Action Regarding K-9 Program - J. Jones
said that Dr. Geer is willing to take care of all the veterinarian bills
as long as the town has the K9 program. Also John Gagnon of the Dog
House said he will contribute dog food for the K9. Officer Owens has a
Power Point presentation that he would like to show the Board of
Selectman and Board of Finance. The State Police donated a cage for the
cruiser.  J. Jones MOTIONED to continue with the K9 program and to show
the power point presentation to the board of Selectman and Finance.  T.
Camilleri SECONNED.  After a discussion the commissioners would like to
review the power point presentation before it goes to the Boards. T.
Camilleri Withdrew the Motion. Seconded by D. Phillips. All members
present voted in favor. A Special Meeting to discuss the power point
presentation will be scheduled for Monday June 29, 2009 at 06:00p.m.

b.      Discussion Regarding Promotional Criteria - Officer Edwards
handed out two sample policies. It was suggested that two commissioners
and two officers conduct a work shop. D. Phillips and R. Parlee
volunteered along with Officers Edwards and Suchecki.
13.      New Business
a.      Discuss possible Action regarding Updating Bylaws & Procedures -
G. Morron will review the Bylaws and make the necessary changes.

b.      Discuss possible action regarding Policy for Taking Home Police
Cruisers per Contract   Officer Suchecki handed out a copy of the take
home vehicle policy. There were two changes made. The word driven was
changed to USED also Added was OR Operational Needs.  At this time
Officer Suchecki is the only officer that is eligible. It has to be
approved by the First Selectman. Sgt. Hassett recommended that it should
be a regular cruiser not the SUV.   T. Camilleri MOTIONED to approve the
changed Take Home Vehicle Policy. SECONDED by D. Phillips All members
present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.

14.      Chairman Report - He asked about the badges.  L. Hodge said
that a letter had gone out to all    the past commissioners.

15.      Commission Member Comments - J. Jones would like to meet with
Lt. Spellman to talk about the K9 policy.  Sgt. Hassett suggested that
he call the Lt. Spellman to set up a date and time.  

16.     Adjourn: J. Jones MOTIONED to adjourn at 08:14 p.m.  SECONDED by
T. Camilleri.                              All members present voted in

1. Colchester Police Administrative Supervisor and Patrol Sergeant
2. Letter from Val Geato Director of Youth Services
3.                                 3. Colchester Police Take Home
Vehicle Policy

Note: This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act

Respectfully Submitted,

Ellen Yacono Administrative Assistant