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Police Commission Minutes 08/24/09

MONDAY August 24, 2009
6:30 P.M. - MEETING ROOM 3

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Commissioner's Glen Morron, John Jones, Tony
Camilleri, Rob Parlee, Don Phillips
OTHERS PRESENT:  Selectman Rosemary Coyle, Board of Selectman Liaison
Stan Soby, Sergeant J. Thompson, Mike Caplet, Greg Schuster, Officer's
Edwards, Labonte and Kelo.
1. Glen Morron called the meeting to order at 6:31p.m.
2. Additions to Agenda - None

3. Citizen's Comments- None  

Commissioner Camilleri introduced and welcomed Sergeant John Thompson
who has replaced Sergeant Hassett as the new Sergeant Resident State
Trooper in the Colchester Police Department.  

4. Officers Comments- None

5. Approve minutes of July 27, 2009 - Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to
approve the minutes.  SECONDED by T. Camilleri.  All members present
voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

6. Approve minutes of August 11, 2009 Special Meeting - Commissioner
Jones MOTIONED to approve the minutes.  SECONDED by Commissioner
Camilleri.  All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

7. Budget Review- Budget was reviewed. Commissioner Camilleri will
follow up with Maggie in the Finance Department regarding allocated

8.  Appropriation and Transfer:  One request for cell phone use for
Sergeant Hassett is now no longer required.  Commissioner Camilleri sent
the First Selectman a letter on behalf of the Commission.  The intention
of the Commission is to request the transfer of monies from the Police
Budget maintenance into buying a new police vehicle.  First Selectman
suggested the Commissioners discuss this first with the new Sergeant.
No transfers are being pursued at this time.

9. Resident Trooper Report:  Sergeant J. Thompson introduced himself.
Extended his pleasure of working in this department. Sergeant Thompson
provided Statistics for Calls for Service.

10. Old Business
a. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Updating Bylaws - Commissioner
Morron handed out amended bylaws to everyone for review and
recommendations.  This discussion will be tabled for review.  Don
Phillips MOTIONED to table for review and carry to next month.  SECONDED
by Commissioner Camilleri.  All members present voted in favor MOTION

Police Commission Meeting 08-24-09

b.  Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Compensatory Time Policy -
Commissioner Morron briefly reviewed the issue has been a concern
regarding officers wanting to fill shifts so that one officer was not
working alone.  Instead of using Overtime using Compensatory Time.   The
concern is if FSLA allowed for it and if State mirrored FSLA without
conflict.  In investigating the State mirrors the Federal FSLA laws
allowing up to 480 hours of Compensatory time.  The Commission is
looking to help offset the overtime budget by allowing officers to use
compensatory time but it would be capped allowing the officers to
acquire 480 hours.  Commissioner Morron suggested having a memorandum of
understanding added to contract.  Selectman Stan Soby suggested looking
at the language in the policy.  Don Phillips will draft a proposal to
submit to the 1st Selectman for review.  Commissioner Phillips MOTIONED
to table for next meeting.  SECONDED by Commissioner Parlee.  All
members present voted in favor MOTION CARRIED.

c. Discussion &Possible Action Regarding K-9 Program - Commissioner
Jones handed out Equipment list and cost for review.  Also, handed out
the Colchester Police K-9 policy which mirrors State Policy K-9 policy
just shorter version created by Officer Owens.  Commissioner Jones
MOTIONED to table for next meeting.  SECONDED by Commissioner Phillips.
All members present voted in favor MOTION CARRIED.

d. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Promotional Criteria -
Commissioner Phillips handed out the draft of the Promotional Criteria
with the suggested revisions from the last meeting. Commissioners would
like Sergeant Thompson to review and make any recommendations or
suggestions.  Commissioner Phillips MOTIONED to table.  SECONDED by
Commissioner Morron.  All members present voted in favor MOTION CARRIED.

e. Status of Cruisers and Equipment - Commissioner Morron reviewed
status of cruisers and equipment. Commissioner Camilleri made a MOTION
to pass and approve the invoice for the taser and all related equipment
as supported by the State Police Sergeant.  SECONDED by Commissioner
Parlee.  All members present voted in favor MOTION CARRIED.

f. Discussion of Awards Committee - Commissioner Morron will pass all
information regarding Awards to Commissioner Parlee for review.

11.  New Business
a. J. Jones asked if anyone would be interested in attending a Fleet
Commission meeting which includes several members from different
departments and some citizens.  The meetings are held Mondays at 1:30 in
Room 201.   The meeting involves charting all equipment in town
including cruisers and the amount of time these cars are lasting.

b. Sergeant Thompson ordered cruisers to be moved and parked back down
at town garage.  The Sergeant's concern was with maintenance being kept
up and concern with vandalism if kept at Town Hall unattended.  It was
suggested can there be a camera placed at town hall to monitor cruisers
if kept at Town Hall.  Commissioner Morron will contact 1st Selectman
Linda Hodge regarding placing a camera to monitor cruisers.

c. Sergeant Thompson announced that Officer Rob Suchecki will be the new
School Resource Officer replacing Trooper Brigger.

12.  Chairman Report -. Special meeting will be held on September 8,
2009 at 5:30pm to discuss topics that were tabled from this meeting.

13. Adjourn: G. Morron MOTIONED to adjourn at 07:48p.m.  SECONDED by J.
Jones.  All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.  

Note: This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Cassone Administrative Assistant

Gina Cassone
Administrative Assistant
Colchester Police