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Police Commission Minutes 02/23/09


MONDAY, February 23, 2009
6:30 P.M. - MEETING ROOM 3

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bill Otfinoski, Art Standish, Glen Morron,
John Jones

OTHERS PRESENT: First Selectman Linda Hodge, Selectman Stan Soby,
Rosemary Coyle and Greg Cordova,  
Sgt. Shane Hassett, Eight Colchester Police Officers, Citizens and
Reporter from the Norwich Bulletin

Chairman Bill Otfinoski called the meeting to order at 06:30p.m.

1.      Citizen's Comments:  None

2.      Review Correspondence: Bill Otfinoski gave the commissioners a
letter from the Board of Selectman concerning Jim Stavola.

3.       Approve   minutes of January 26, 2009 and Budget workshop
February 9, 2009 J. Jones MOTIONED to approve the minutes of January 26,
2009.  SECONDED by A, Standish.  All members present voted in favor.
MOTION CARRIED.   J. Jones MOTIONED to approve the minutes of February
9, 2009.   SECONDED by A. Standish.  All members present voted in favor.

4.      Budget Review: The town budget is frozen and there will be no
replacement of Officer Simkulak at this time.  B. Otfinoski will be
meeting with the Board of Finance in March 2009.

5.      Appropriation and Transfer: None

6.      Resident Trooper Report: There were six high profile cases.
Officer Kelo investigated a complaint of a 5th grader who threatened to
blow up the school. The student was referred to the juvenile court.
Officer Watrous investigated a missing person who wanted to commit
suicide. Officer Watrous, while working with other police departments,
located the woman in Norwich and was brought to Backus Hospital for
evaluation. Officer Green observed a car in the fire lane at Stop &
Shop. Upon approach he detected and odor of marijuana.  He then located
the drugs and the operator of the car was arrested. Officer Kelo was
asked to check on the well being of several young children in a home on
river road. The mother spoke to Officer Kelo and told him a friend was
doing carpentry work in her home. It was discovered that the person
working in the home had been convicted of rape of juvenile girls. He
left the house and his probation officer was notified.  Officer Kelo
investigated an incident where a woman took an overdose of pills and
alcohol in an attempt to commit suicide she was committed to the
hospital. Officer's Labonte, Regnere assisted the State Police Computer
Crimes with a search warrant in town and found evidence of illegal child
pornography. There were 3 D.U.I's, 11 Accidents, 3 Narcotics Arrests, 8
Domestic Violence incidents and 14 other reportable incidents.  Officer
Jeff Simkulak resigned on February 8, 2009 to take a position with the
Berlin P.D.  Officer Adam Regenere has completed his FTO training and is
working on his own. Two officers were sent to MRT training. Officer
Edwards is still on light duty.  Court Officer Tfc. Burtis held a
training session to update the officers on new court procedures,
policies and guidelines.       

Police Commission Minutes 02-23-09

7.      Old Business
a.      Status of Cruisers - Steve Sharpe is working on a battery
problem. No other issues are known at this time.
b.      Update from Officer Awards Committee - After a discussion B.
Otfinoski would like to have a Special Meeting to go over the final
wording so it can be put into the rules and regulations. The Board of
Inquiry will be giving Officer Kelo a Letter of Recognition to be put
into his file for his actions on July 27, 2008. They also will be giving
Officer Edwards a Meritorious Service Award which was long overdue.
c.      Update from K-9 Committee - Officer B. Owens said that he has
been contacted by many citizens that are willing to help with a K-9 they
volunteered to give a dog, dog food and whatever else would be needed in
order for the department to maintain a dog.  A. Standish said this is
moving quickly.
d.      Information on Statistics (J. Stavola) - None.     
e.      Officer First Class - Officer Owens has an application in for
Officer First Class but it's based on him being a dog handler. At this
time a K-9 has not been approved. It was suggested that he resubmit the
application with an interim project. .

8.       New Business
a.      Commission Chairman's Reinstatement - The Ethics Commission
decided that there was no investigation needed and Bill Otfinoski be
b.      Commission's Relationship with the Press - B. Otfinoski said
that any comments made to the press should go to the First Selectman,
Commission Chairman and Sgt. Hassett.

9.      Citizens Comments: Bill Otfinoski read from the Police
Commission By-Laws and Rules of Procedure saying that the person
speaking under citizens comments has to give their name and address and
is given 5 minutes to speak.  
Officer Edwards spoke as the Police Union President. He stated that it
was unacceptable that the Board of Selectman removed Jim Stavola from
the police commission. He also stated that they thought the Ethics
Commission didn't do a thorough job and B. Otfinoski should not be on
the commission.
10.     Additions to Agenda: Glen Moron would like to add to the agenda
under new business
c.     Reinstatement of Jim Stavola - Glen Morron said that Jim Stavola
has done more for the police department in the time he has been a
commissioner than most of the other commissioners.   Glen Moron MOTIONED
to have a vote to show solidarity and support for Jim Stavola to be
reinstated to the police commission so the Board of Selectman would know
the commission's position when the hearing comes. SECONDED by J. Jones
      Before the vote comments were made by J. Jones stating the
bickering has to stop and           A. Standish said that at this time
the commission is dysfunctional. The vote was 3-0 (Commissioner
Otfinoski does not vote unless there is a tie) MOTIONED CARRIED   

11.     Adjourn: J. Jones MOTIONED to adjourn at 7:35 p.m.  SECONDED by
A. Standish.                            All members present voted in

Respectfully Submitted,

Ellen Yacono Administrative Assistant

Ellen Yacono
Administrative Assistant
Colchester Police