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Police Commission Minutes 01/26/09


MONDAY, January 26, 2009
6:30 P.M. - MEETING ROOM 3

MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman Art Standish, Bill Otfinoski, Glen
Morron, John Jones, and Jim Stavola

OTHERS PRESENT: First Selectman Linda Hodge, Selectman Stan Soby, Board
of Finance John Ringo, Sgt. Shane Hassett, Reporter from the Norwich
Bulletin and One Citizen.
Acting Chairman Art Standish called the meeting to order at 06:30p.m.

1.      Citizen's Comments:  None

2.      Review Correspondence: Officer Owens sent in his application for
Officer First Class. A. Standish said to send the application to all the
commission members for review. Tabled until next month's meeting.

3.       Approve minutes of December 15, 2008 and Special Meeting of
January 8, 2009 J. Jones MOTIONED to approve the minutes of December 15,
2009 SECONDED by G. Morran.  All members present voted in favor. MOTION
Approve Minutes of January 8, 2009 J. Stavola MOTIONED to Amend the
Minutes of January 8, 2009 to read Chairman Otfinoski was asked to step
down temporarily as Chairman until the issues in question are resolved
by the Ethics Commission and Chairman Otfinoski voluntarily stepped down
temporarily from his Chairman position until the issues are resolved by
the Ethics Commission. SECONDED by J. Jones All members present voted in

4.      Budget Review: First Selectman Linda Hodge said that the budget
is frozen as of today. B. Otfinoski said that the collect bill has to be
put in the 2009/2010 budget.

5.      Appropriation and Transfer: None

6.      Resident Trooper Report: There were seven high profile cases.
Officer Watrous investigated a case of stolen copper and metal at a cell
phone tower behind Carefree Builders. Officer Dumigan is investigating
an untimely death probably from an overdose .Officer Regnere is
investigating a larceny of credit cards from the Colchester Cinemas.
Officers Passacantando and Kelo are investigating two separate incidents
of larceny from credit cards involving family members. Officer Green
investigated a Criminal Mischief case to construction equipment. Officer
Green observed footprints in the snow and followed them to a
neighborhood and eventually found two juveniles responsible. The State
Police is investigating an alleged sexual assault at WJJ Middle School.
Officer Suchecki investigated an emergency committal in which a man
threatened to kill himself due to business failures. Monthly Statistics-
4 D.U.I's 27 Accidents 1 Drug Arrests 20 Reportable cases. Officer
Simkulak resigned as of February 5, 2009. Several Officers went to
Interview and Interrogation and DUI enforcement classes.

Police Commission Minutes 01-26-09

7.      Old Business
a.      Status of Cruisers - Sgt. Hassett said that the major issued
with the cruisers have been fixed. Car #3 still has computer problems.
Steve Sharpe will be rewiring the computer to the battery. There is a
new updated Vehicle Maintenance Log Book created by Officers Suchecki
and Edwards
b.      Update from Officer Awards Committee - G. Morron asked that the
commission review both copies of the awards criteria. Both copies will
be sent to the commission members. Tabled until next month.
c.      Update from K-9 Committee - A. Standish said there will be a
study group meeting on Thursday January 29, 2009 at 06:00p.m.
d.       Information on Statistics (J. Stavola) - J. Stavola said that
he hasn't been able to talk to Lt. Spellman.     

8.       New Business

9.      Citizens Comments: J. Jones asked First Selectman Linda Hodge if
she was going to replace the vacant position created by Officer
Simkulak's departure. She said that the budget is frozen and no one will
be replaced.
J. Jones mentioned that the back of the town garage isn't safe and one
officer has already fallen back there, he doesn't know what can be done
to fix the problem.

10.     Additions to Agenda: None
11.     Adjourn:  B. Otfinoski MOTIONED to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.
SECONDED by J. Jones. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED

Ellen Yacono
Administrative Assistant
Colchester Police