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Police Commission Amended Minutes 12/14/09





6:30 P.M. – Meeting Room 1


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Commissioner’s Glen Morron, Tony Camilleri, John Jones, Rob Parlee

OTHERS PRESENT:  First Selectman Gregg Schuster, Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby, Ryan Blessing and Citizens



1. Call to Order – Commissioner Morron called the December 14, 2009 meeting to order at 18:30.


2. Additions to Agenda – None


3. Citizen’s Comments- None


4. Officers Comments – Commissioner Morron announced that the members of the Board of Commission came together and wanted to show their support for the “Stuff a Cruiser” Toy Drive that took place on the Town Green. In appreciation for all that the Police do for the community they contributed $300 worth of toys for the Colchester families in need.


5. Review Correspondence – Officer Green has applied for Officer First Class position.  All board members were given copies of the application.  Officer Green is in the process of instituting a neighborhood watch program and seeing it through.  Part of the application process is to be involved in a community project.


6. Approve minutes of November 23, 2009 – Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to accept as typed.  SECONDED by Commissioner Camilleri.  All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.


7. Budget Review- Commissioner Camilleri reviewed December’s Police overtime expenditures and it seems to be back on track.  Commissioner Camilleri will take another look at the overtime expenditures at the end of this month.


8. Appropriation and Transfer - None


9. Resident Trooper Report:  Sergeant Thompson was unable to attend the meeting but did hand in his monthly Activity Report (see attachment #1).   Commissioner Camilleri MOTIONED to move forward with the AED plan.  SECONDED by Commissioner Jones.  All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.



10. Old Business


a. Update Regarding Compensatory Time Policy – Commissioner Philips met with First Selectman Gregg Schuster earlier this afternoon and briefed him regarding the Compensatory Time Policy.  First Selectman Gregg Schuster had a few questions for the Board Members that he needed clarification on.




Police Commission Meeting cont’d 12/14/09


Those issues were discussed.  Commissioner Morron will get together with Commissioner Philips to move forward with drawing up a policy. The Board of Commission will then schedule a special meeting to review and fine tune the policy to present to the Board of Selectman.

b. Update Regarding K-9 Program – Commissioner Jones MOTIONED to table K-9 Program until July 2010.  SECONDED by Commissioner Parlee.  All members present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED. 

c. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Promotional Criteria – Discussion was had regarding the Promotional Criteria.  Discussion was had regarding the A&O contract.  Discussion was had regarding 3rd shift.  Commissioner Morron voiced his concern regarding the new Resident Trooper’s duties.  Sgt. Thompson has now changed the Resident Trooper’s job description to strictly administrative.  Commissioner Morron and Camilleri have concerns that we are paying for services that we are not receiving.  They believe our money would be better spent by promoting two Colchester Officers to Sergeants and hiring an officer for the same amount of money we are paying for one Resident Trooper.  With the contract coming up Commissioner Morron would like to revisit this issue and see if we really need the 2nd Resident Trooper.  Commissioner Morron also discussed his concern regarding implementing 6pm to 3am patrol shift.  It is a very busy time between 1pm to 3pm that need the most coverage.  It also violates the Officer’s contract to switch the Officer’s shift.  Commissioner Morron will meet with Sgt. Thompson regarding his concern.  Discussion was had regarding the language in the State Police Contract.  Commissioner Morron stated his concern with the language in the State Police Contract that does not address or recognize the Police Commission. This issue needs to be addressed.

d. Update Regarding Status of Cruisers and Equipment – The new cruisers are still scheduled to arrive in January.  Both old cruisers have been stripped and the equipment is in storage awaiting the new cruisers. Discussion regarding moving the cruisers back to Town Hall under the condition that a camera be placed for security reasons.  Commissioner Parlee will look into cost of installing a camera.  Discussion was also had regarding maintaining the cruisers through the winter months by keeping up with washing off  the sand, salt, etc. that could cause damage to the cruisers.

e. Update Regarding Implementation of Third Shift – Due to the lack of personnel this will no longer be implemented at this time.  See bullet c. above.


11. New Business – Commissioner Jones asked about Gun Locks.  It was stated that Gun Locks can be found at the State Police Barracks.


12.  Chairman/Commission Member Comments – Commissioner Morron thanked the First Selectman Gregg Schuster, Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby, Administrative Assistant Gina Cassone and everyone who takes part in the monthly Commission meetings for all they do for the town and the Commission and wished everyone a good Holiday and Safe & Happy New Year. 


13. Adjourn – Commissioner Morron Motioned to adjourn at 7:20p.m.  SECONDED by Commissioner Jones.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.



1.  Monthly Activity Report dated 12/12/09 (Attachment #1)


Note:  This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and is available through the Colchester First Selectman’s office in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.


Respectfully Submitted,


Gina Cassone, Administrative Assistant








Gina Cassone

Administrative Assistant

Colchester Police