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Police Commission Minutes 09/21/09

MONDAY September 21, 2009
6:30 P.M. - BOARD OF ED CONF. ROOM (Suite 202)

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Commissioner's Glen Morron, John Jones, Tony
Camilleri, Rob Parlee, Don Phillips
OTHERS PRESENT:  Board of Selectman Liaison Stan Soby, Sergeant John
Thompson, Officer Rob Suchecki
1. Glen Morron called the meeting to order at 6:31p.m.
2. Additions to Agenda - None

3. Citizen's Comments- None  

4. Officers Comments- Officer Suchecki shared that as the new School
Resource Officer things are going well and he is extremely busy.

5. Review Correspondence - Commissioner Morron received correspondence
from Mike Caplet (First Selectman's Office) regarding Commissioner Jones
and Commissioner Parlee's term with the Commission Board up for renewal.
Commissioner Jones has been appointed for another three year term and
Commissioner Parlee with take care of his renewal next month.

6. Approve minutes of August 24, 2009 - Commissioner Morron MOTIONED to
approve the minutes.  SECONDED by Commissioner Camilleri.  All members
present voted in favor, MOTION CARRIED.

7. Budget Review- Budget was reviewed. Commissioner Camilleri stated
that everyone is on track with the budget.  The expenditure for the
purchase of two new cruisers has been passed through the budget and
approved through the First Selectman and Board of Finance.  It will take
approximately three months to order and receive cruisers.

8. Appropriation and Transfer- Commissioner Camilleri has put in a
budget transfer request for funds that had been set aside for training
of a new administrative assistant for the Police Department.
Commissioner Camilleri has requested that the left over funds be
transferred into the Police overtime budget.  Sergeant Thompson feels
that these funds can be better utilized for overtime assignments needed
for the administrative assistant.

9. Resident Trooper Report:  Sergeant J. Thompson reported that all
AED's have been checked by Colchester Fire Dept.  Sgt. Thompson
recommended that Officer Owens be assigned a Community Service Project
to attain the rank of OFC.  Officer Suchecki has had a very productive
three weeks as the School Resource Officer.  Sgt. Thompson reviewed the
schedule and needs for the midnight shift coverage to take place.
Overtime expenditures were reviewed and discussed.  Sgt. Thompson
reported the enforcement statistics for the month of September.
10. Old Business
a. Update Regarding the Updated Bylaws -Comm. Jones MOTIONED to accept
as written.  SECONDED by Comm. Parlee.  All members present voted in


b. Update Regarding Compensatory Time Policy - issue not resolved at
this time.  Comm. Phillips needs to research the appropriate language
needed.  Hopes to have a better and more complete report at next
c. Update Regarding K-9 Program - Comm. Jones would like Commission
members to review policy and give any feedback that they have.
d. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Promotional Criteria -
discussion regarding what the duties of an Administrative Officer would
entail.  Comm.  Jones MOTIONED to table for review and carry to next
month.  SECONDED by Comm. Phillips.  All members present voted in favor
e. Update Regarding Status of Cruisers and Equipment - discussed
f. Update Regarding Awards Committee - Comm. Morron needs to see Officer
Suchecki's ribbons in order to get the proper ribbons.

11. New Business
a. Discussion & Possible Action Regarding Implementation of Third Shift
- discussion regarding moving forward with implementing third shift on a
temporary basis.  Comm. Jones MOTIONED to implement a third shift
schedule on a three month probationary period starting as soon as
possible.  SECONDED by Comm. Parlee.  All members present voted in favor
b. Reinstatement of Juvenile Diversionary Board - discussed implementing
a Juvenile Diversionary Board.  It was suggested that Officer Owens
possibly taking this on as his Community Service Project.

12. Chairman/Commission Member Comments - Comm. Morron thanked everyone
on the Committee for doing a great job.

13. Adjourn - Comm. Jones MOTIONED to adjourn at 8:07p.m.  SECONDED by
Comm. Morron.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.


Note: This meeting was recorded by a digital audio recording system and
is available through the Colchester First Selectman's office in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Cassone
Administrative Assistant
Colchester Police Department