6:30 P.M. - MEETING ROOM 3
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bill Otfinoski, Art Standish, Glen Morran, John Jones, and Jim Stavola
OTHERS PRESENT: First Selectman Linda Hodge, Town Attorney Lisa Metha, Selectman Stan Soby, Sgt. Shane Hassett, Officer's Kelo, Labonte, Simkulak, Owens, Green, Watrous and Dumigan also a reporter from the Reminder News
1. Citizen's Comments: None
2. Review Correspondence: Officer Simkulak wrote a memo regarding the lack of heat in the office on the weekends. It was 52 degrees on Saturday the 22nd. He did call Tony Gallicchio but he wasn't able to arrive until 3:00p.m. to fix the heat. First Selectman Linda Hodge said she would also like a phone call from now on. Officer Kelo wrote a memo regarding Taser training. Officer Kelo's Taser certificate has lapsed and the officers would like to know when the training would be scheduled. Officer Green wrote a memo regarding the parking situation. The garage doors don't work some of the cars are left out side. The officers have found teenagers in the area especially when there is a football game. First Selectman Linda Hodge said that she has been by the town garage on the weekends and the gate
has been open. Letter from Officer Passacantando wrote a memo to the commission in regards to Officer Kelo's attempt to save a man from hanging himself. Officer Kelp tried to talk him down but the person jumped over a rail. Officer Kelo then proceeded to cut him down. Officer Passacantando recommended that Officer Kelo be put in for a Lifesaving Citation. This will be passed to the committee for further discussion.
3. Approve minutes of October 27, 2008: J. Jones motioned to approve the minutes of October 27, 2008, seconded by G. Morran. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Budget Review: B. Otfinoski asked Sgt. Hassett if he had received anything from the officers. Sgt. Hassett gave B. Otfinoski a list from the officers. Officer Kelo asked for batteries for the new camera's the police union bought. They would like to have a supply of C and AA batteries in the office.
5. Appropriation and Transfer: None
B. Otfinoski moved Discuss Commission Duties, Responsibilities and Authority in order to accommodate the Town Attorney Lisa Metha and First Selectman Linda Hodge.
8. New Business
a. Discuss Commission Duties, Responsibilities and Authority: The discussion identified the following as duties and responsibilities of the Police Commission (for job description): Hiring, Discipline, Firing, Promotions, Rules and Regulations, Budget, Police Equipment and Policies. In addition the lines of communication were revisited and will be completed along with the job description of a Police Commissioner. The other duty that was more fully defined was that of the Chair of the Police Commission who sits on the side of the Town Management during contract negotiations. This is similar to other towns whose highest-ranking officers negotiate on the town side. Commissioner J. Stavola expressed his opinion that he felt that the Chair should not be on the side of
the town. He also expressed that the officers do not think the Chairperson should be on the town side. During the heated discussion it was suggested that the commission take a 5-minute break.
Police Commission Meeting 11-24-08
The commission continued the meeting at 07:58 p.m.
6. Resident Trooper Report: There were four high profile cases. Tpr. Girard is investigating a case involving a teacher at Bacon Academy that was providing alcohol to minors. The teacher has resigned and charges will be forthcoming. Tpr. Billian stopped a motorist on Rt. 2 and the person had a warrant, he fled the scene and was chased by troopers and Officer Passacantando. Officer Passacantando deployed his Taser to subdue the person. He was then taken into custody. Officer Labonte handled a domestic involving the entire family, father, mother, son, daughter and daughter's boyfriend. A 10-page warrant was submitted to the court and later signed. Officer Watrous investigated a complaint involving a male walking away from Bacon Academy claiming to harm himself. Officer Watrous located the male, issued him a
summons for possession of tobacco and later committed him. Officer Watrous has completed FTO. Recruit Regnere will be graduating the academy Dec 3rd. Officer Edwards has returned to the office on light duty. The new Police Cruiser Inspection Forms were implemented Nov. 1st. Statistics were handed out for September and October. September had 61 reportable incidents and 17 accidents October had 60 reportable incidents and 15 accidents.
7. Old Business:
a. Status of Cruisers: Cars 8 and 6 Camera's are not working, they are old cameras and it would be very costly to have them repaired. Car 8 just had a new battery installed. Hopefully that will fix the problem of the car battery not charging.
b. Officer of the Year Criteria: It was decided that a committee be formed to include Sgt. Hassett, A. Standish, G. Moran and one police officer. To be discussed at the next meeting.
c. Discuss Uniform: There has been a problem with the new pants. They are pilling and don't hold a crease. Ellen has been talking to Joy at Horwits to fix this problem. Officer Simkulak asked if he could postpone this presentation until next month. He just got sample hats and he would like more time. To be discussed next month.
d. K-9 Discussion: A. Standish MOTIONED to form a committee to explore and Implement a K9 Unit the committee will include 4 members A. Standish, J. Jones, Officer Owens and one other member. SECONDED by J. Jones. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
8. New Business
b. OFC Report from Officer Labonte: Officer Labonte reported that has installed many car seats this year and many were from other towns. Car seats take at least an hour to install and Officer Labonte asked it would be possible to have someone else trained. G. Moran MOTIONED to send S. Dumigan , who has expresses interest in becoming a car seat technician, to the next car seat training. SECONDED by J. Stavola. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED. Officer Labonte also installs car seats at the Town Expo and organizes a Car Seat installation at Park and Rec . He also does a Bicycle Safety
class at the elementary school every year and also does the D.U.I grants that have brought in about $44,000 dollars of federal funds.
c. Information on Statistics (J. Stavola): This will be tabled until next meeting.
e. Update on Police Fund Raiser: J. Stavola, Stan Soby and Jason Sherman meet on November 19, 2008
They discussed things the department can use like a speed trailer, extra training for the officers, new camera's in the other cars, etc., also ways to conduct fundraising.
9. Citizens Comments: Officer Labonte said they are still in negotiations but the chairman is the officers representative and should not be sitting on the other side.
10. Additions to Agenda: There were no additions to the agenda.
11. Adjourn: J. Jones MOTIONED to adjourn at 9:36 p.m. SECONDED by A. Standish. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ellen Yacono Administrative Assistant