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Police Commission Agenda 10/24/11


Monday, October 24, 2011

6:30P.M. – Meeting Room 1

1.      Call to Order

2.      Additions to Agenda

3.      Citizen’s Comments

4.      Officer’s Comments

5.      Review Correspondence

6.      Approve minutes of September 26, 2011 Police Commission Meeting

7.      Budget Review

8.      Appropriation and Transfer                                                                                                                                                                                              

9.      Resident Trooper Report (Sgt. Petruzzi)

10.     Old Business

a. Discussion and Possible Action on the Colchester Police Strategic Goals

b. Discussion and Possible Action on Rules and Regulations

    1. Communications-Correspondence (Third Reading)

    2. Investigations (Second Reading)

    3. Arrests and Treatment of Prisoners (Second Reading)

    4. Security of Police Business (First Reading)

    5. Public Activities (First Reading)

    6. Property Seizures (General Discussion)

c. Discussion and Possible Action on Five Year Equipment Plan

11.     New Business

12.     Chairman/Commission Member Comments

13.     Adjourn