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P&R Minutes 02-01-10

“Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs”
127 Norwich Avenue, Colchester, CT 06415
(860) 537-7297 | Fax: (888) 468-6093 | |

Colchester Parks & Recreation Commission
February 1, 2010
Town Hall
7:00 p.m.

Members Present: Chairman S. O’Leary, J. Barr,, N. Kaplan, E. Kundahl, L. Stephenson,
C. Ferrante, L. Dimock, C. Williams, , M. Kennedy (7:05 p.m.)
Members Absent:  A. Spranzo
Others Present: Jay Cohen, Park and Rec Director; Greg Cordova, BOS Liaison; Tim Lamp, BOE Liaison, Tom Lambert, Paula McDowell, Steve Ashe, Chris Woodside,

1. Call to Order:  Chairman O’Leary called the meting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Citizen’s Comments: None
3. Acceptance of  January 4, 2010 Meeting Minutes:  N. Kaplan motioned to approve the minutes of the January 4, 2010 meeting, seconded by C. Ferrante.  All members voted  in favor with S. O’Leary, E. Kundahl, and C. Williams abstaining.  MOTION CARRIED.
4. Reading of Correspondence: None
5. Committee Reports
- Facilities: None
- Finance/Administration:  The  finance office and First Selectman are looking at the budgets each department has submitted .  The Park and Rec department budget will be presented to the Board of Finance on March 9, 2010.  J. Cohen introduced Tim Lamp, BOE Liaison.
(M. Kennedy arrived at this time.)
- Programs: None
- BOS Liaison:  G. Cordova reiterated the difficulty of the budget this year.
- Dog Park: They are doing well and continue to progress.
6. Discussion and Possible Action on Sponsorship Opportunities for Spring Clean-Up & Hershey:  The sponsorship opportunity remains the same as last year.   The date has been changed to allow for vacation and will be held on April 10, 2010.   Chris Woodside spoke on the Hershey Track Event.  It will be held in conjunction with Hebron Park and Recreation again. It will be held at East Hampton on May 22, 2010. 
       C. Ferrante motioned to recommend  the sponsorship opportunities for Spring Clean-Up and the Hershey Track and Field Games to the BOS for approval, seconded by N. Kaplan.  All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
7. Discussion and Possible Action on Recommended Fireworks Bid: The company that has done the fireworks in the past did not submit a bid.  The bid fees were reviewed.  E. Kundahl  motioned to award the two year bid to Zambelli Fireworks Internantionale in the amount of  $8,000, seconded by L. Dimock.   There was questioning by members as to  if the sponsorships will cover the cost of the fireworks.  J. Cohen said that in the past,  sponsorships have covered the majority of the cost of the 57 Fest but approximately $10,000 has been paid for out of the program account.  Chairman O’Leary questioned being able to use money out of the program account when the Recreation Supervisor’s position is suppose to now be funded from there.  When comparing the number of firework shells per second  the difference would be an unnoticeable between the $7,000 bid and the $8,000 bid, both by the same company.  E. Kundahl amended his motion to  recommend to the Board of Selectman that the firework bid be awarded to Zambelli Fireworks Internationale, in the amount of  $7,ooo per show.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.
8. Discussion and Possible Action on Closing of R2 – Tabled from January 4, 2010 Meeting: After discussion on the availability of fields if R2 was to be closed Chairman O’Leary charged the Facilities subcommittee with  meeting with all  affected groups  to discuss how to accommodate the closing of R2 for repairs. 
        Any action was tabled until the next meeting.
9. Discussion and Possible Action on Strategic Plan:  Chairman O’Leary asked members to review the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Goals and Strategies and be prepared to discuss at the next meeting.
10. Director’s Report: J. Cohen gave an overview of his written report which included upcoming events and the following: Concession stand contract has been signed, The Colchester Wildlife Habitat Committee and the  Colchester Land Trust have agreed to partner with Park and Rec to present the NRPA training session on environmental stewardship free to the community on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall.   Three top event sponsors have renewed for 2010. Training for sports leagues on how to care for and prep the fields will take place on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Town Hall.    C. Ferrante motioned to accept the Director’s Report as submitted, seconded by N. Kaplan.  All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
11. Recreation Supervisor’s Report (Quarterly):  All members received a written report from Anita Pizzutiello, Recreation Supervisor. E,. Kundahl motioned to accept the Recreation Supervisor’s Report as submitted, seconded by L. Stephenson.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.
12. General Comments: L. Dimock was concerned that bylaws have not been updated to include the subcommittees.  Chairman O’Leary will look into this further. 
J. Cohen commented that  now that Committee has two years profit from ornament sales members might want to consider incorporating other holidays into the decorating of the Green.
Chairman O’Leary wanted to make sure that it is understood by the football league that Park and Rec will not have any money to put into the restoration of the field.  It was his understanding that the football league would partner with lacrosse.  Paula McDowell said she was under the understanding that both lacrosse and football would donate money to the Park and Rec for the purpose of field restoration. She said that football is concerned that that they will have to continuously put money in to maintaining the field.  Chairman O’Leary said that due to budget restrictions,  if the league wants the field to be up kept then they will have to take on the maintenance cost. He stated that this will  continue to be the scenario until the  town budget situation changes. 
 Ms. McDowell expressed  concerned  that once the field is redone, to assure best outcome,  it will have to be mowed and watered regularly, and is worried that this will not be done. 
13. Adjournment: C. Ferrante  motioned to adjourn, seconded by L. Stephenson.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED. 
 Chairman O’Leary adjourned the meeting at 8:11p.m.
Dawn LePage, Clerk