Colchester Parks & Recreation Commission
March 1, 2010
Bacon Academy Media Center
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Vice-Chairman C. Ferrante, J. Barr, N. Kaplan, E. Kundahl, L. Stephenson,
L. Dimock, M. Kennedy
Members Absent: A. Spranzo, S. O’Leary, C. Williams
Others Present: Jay Cohen, Park and Rec Director; Greg Cordova, BOS Liaison; Tim Lamp, BOE Liaison; Mike Caplet, BOF Liaison; Paula McDowell
1. Call to Order: Vice-Chairman Ferrante called the meeting to order at7:05 p.m.
2. Citizen’s Comments: None
3. Acceptance of Minutes: February 1, 2010 Meeting: E. Kundahl motioned to accept the minutes of the February 1, 2010 meeting amending to show J. Barr absent and L. Dimock abstaining on approval of minutes, seconded by N. Kaplan. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Reading of Correspondence: None
5. Committee Reports
- Facilities:
- Finance/Administration:
- Programs:
- BOS Liaison:
- Dog Park:
6. Discussion and Possible Action on Pavilion Rental Proposal:
L. Stephenson motioned to recommend to the Board of Selectman an increase pavilion rental fee to $40 for full use of the pavilion affective July 1, 2010, with anyone who has already booked a rental date is charged the current price, seconded by J. Barr. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
N. Kaplan motion to add Discussion and Possible Action of Lighting Fee to follow agenda item 7, seconded by E. Kundahl. All members voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
7. Discussion and Possible Action on Closing of R2 – Tabled from February 1, 2010 Meeting:
J. Barr motioned to accept the report as presented, seconded by M. Kennedy. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
Discussion and Possible Action on Lighting Fees – E. Kundahl motioned to keep lighting fees consistent with the policy, seconded by J. Barr. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
8. Discussion and Possible Action on Strategic Plan
9. Director’s Report:
N. Kaplan motion to accept the Director’s report, seconded by L. Stephenson. All members present voted in
10. Recreation Supervisor’s Report (Quarterly): None
11. General Comments: None
12. Adjournment: E. Kundahl motioned to adjourn, seconded by L. Stephenson. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
Vice-Chairman Ferrante adjourned the meeting at 8:29 p.m.
Dawn LePage, Clerk