Colchester Parks & Recreation Commission
February 2, 2009
Town Hall
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Chairman S. O’Leary, J. Barr, N. Kaplan, E. Kundahl, L. Dimock, C. Williams, L. Stephenson,
C. Ferrante
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Greg Cordova (BOS Liaison) , J. Cohen, Park and Rec Director, Linda Hodge, First Selectman
1. Call to Order: Chairman O’Leary called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
2. Citizen’s Comments: None
3. Acceptance of Minutes: January 5, 2009 & January 14, 2009 Special Meeting:
E. Kundahl motioned to approve the minutes of the January 5, 2009 regular meeting, seconded by L. Dimock. All members present voted in favor with C. Williams, L. Stephenson, and C. Ferrante abstaining. MOTION CARRIED.
E. Kundahl motioned to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2009 special meeting, seconded by J. Barr. All members present voted in favor with C. Williams, L. Stephenson, and C. Ferrante abstaining. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Reading of Correspondence: None
*L. Dimock motioned to add Commission Interviews to the agenda as item 6 adjusting numbering accordingly, seconded by C. Ferrante. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
5. Committee Report:
- Facilities: J. Cohen proposed applying for a grant being offered by Kelloggs. Thirty fields will be chose to rebuild. The commission agreed this would be a great opportunity and J. Cohen should pursue the grant. The facilities committee will make a recommendation on what field should be considered at the next meeting.
- Finance/Administration: Chairman O’Leary would like an additional person on the Finance/Administration committee.
- Programs: None
- Skate Park: None
- BOS Liaison: None
- Dog Park: Keith Kelly spoke saying the BOS have approved the dog park. The committee is working on fund raising ideas. They have received some donations. Ideally they would like to open the park in September but the opening will depend on the funding progress. The committee will be requesting a change in the town’s ordinance which currently requires all dogs must be on a leash when in public. The change would allow the dog park as an exception.
6. Commission Interviews: Robert Jones and Melissa Kennedy were interviewed. The commission currently has two vacancies.
7. Discussion and Possible Action on Revised Inclusion Policy: J. Cohen read the current policy and proposed changes. The purpose of the changes is to sound more welcoming. There was some concern that the new policy does not mention ADA. The commission asked that the new policy add an asterisk at the end to include that the ADA Act of 1994 is followed.
N. Kaplan motioned to accept the new policy with changes as discussed, seconded by E. Kundahl. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
8. Discussion on Turf Care Classes for Endorsed Leagues Required by Parks & Rec: The training will be available through a training session as well as online. The leagues will not be required to maintain the fields. The training is to educate those who do work on the fields.
9. Review of Commission Attendance: Chairman O’Leary asked members to continue to make an effort to be at the meetings.
10. Discussion on Parks & Recreation Budget: First Selectman Hodge said she would like to see the budget for the Park and Rec Department is 5% less than it was last year. She does not want services cut though. The commission reviewed the budget prepared by J. Cohen. The budget being presented showed a 6% increase over last year’s. Individual lines items were discussed and cuts considered. The commission felt that all items were essential.
The need for a Park Ranger remained a topic of discussion throughout the budget review. Approximately half of the people that rented the pavilion asked for a refund stating that the bathrooms were not clean and garbage was overflowing. G. Cordova asked for a cost analysis showing how much time and money is spent on repairs due to vandalism. In a 5 to 3 vote the commission recommended to add a park ranger to the proposed budget noting that all members would like to see the park ranger position added but three members felt it was not the time to do it.
11. Director’s Report: J. Cohen reported that the new use of Facebook and Twitter have been well received. Park and Rec will now do a joint brochure with Youth Services, Senior Center, Library, and Adult Education. Wildlife Habitat is working with Park and Rec. They will be holding a hike. N. Kaplan motioned to accept the Director’s Report, seconded by E. Kundahl. All members voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
12. Recreation Supervisor’s Report (Quarterly): None
13. General Comments: E. Kundahl commented that after holding a special meeting on January 14, 2009 to resolve a soccer fee conflict he was very disappointed that no one from soccer even came to the meeting.
14. Adjournment: N. Kaplan motioned to adjourn, seconded by E. Kundahl. All members voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman O’ Leary adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m.
Dawn LePage, Clerk