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RE: Parks & Rec Commission Minutes May 4, 2009
Colchester Parks & Recreation CommissionMay 4, 2009
Town Hall, Room 1
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Chairman S. O’Leary, J. Barr, N. Kaplan, L. Dimock, C. Williams, C. Ferrante, L. Stephenson,  E. Kundahl, M. Kennedy
Members Absent: A. Spranzo
Others Present:  Jay Cohen, Park and Rec Director, Greg Cordova, BOS Liaison, Jeff Mathieu, Bacon Principal, Anna Dipierro, WJJMS Athletic Director
1. Call to Order: Chairman O’Leary called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Citizen’s Comments:  None
L. Dimock motioned to move Item 6 to this point in the agenda, seconded by E. Kundahl.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.
6. Discussion on School Team Field Use Policy:  N. Kaplan began by saying that it has been good to see that through the years the schools and town have begun to work together for the common interest of the fields being maintained. The Park and Rec commission has made a conscience effort to close fields and do what needs to be done to upkeep the fields.  J. Cohen sent out an e-mail in early spring informing leagues that the fields could not yet be used.  The schools, however, use the fields despite closing notification.  A 7 on 7 was also held causing damage to the fields during this closed period.   J. Mattieu agreed that the 7 on 7 should not have taken place.  Those involved with the tournament have agreed to repair the damage to the best of their ability.  School sports leagues, however, do not have the flexibility to wait to start practices due to closed fields.  The CIAC determines a start date for school sports.  They also require a certain number of practices before a game can be played and that all games must be completed by an end date.  J. Barr questioned part of the problem also being is that youth baseball league parents do not understand why the school can be on the fields but their child’s cannot.  J. Mattieu agreed that is an issue. 
3. Acceptance of Minutes:  April 6, 2009 Special Meeting:  E. Kundahl motioned to approve the minutes of April 6, 2009 amending to show E. Kundahl had approved the minutes of the March 10, 2009 and clarifying under Item 5 that it is the R1 batting cage that is in poor condition, seconded by L. Stephenson.  All members present voted in favor with J. Barr abstaining.  MOTION CARRIED. 
4. Reading of Correspondence: None
5. Committee Reports:
- Facilities: None
- Finance/Administration: None
- Programs: Board of Finance would like the Recreation Supervisor position to begin being allocated for in the Programs budget.  The Programs committee will be meeting again to discuss possibilities on what can be done to accomplish this.  There is some money in the fund this year that could be used.  It is uncertain how to fund the position after that.  The BOF has not given much time for determining a solution.  There is concern as to how to offer affordable programs yet raise enough money to support the Recreation Supervisor position.  J. Cohen believes it could be done in possibly three years but not at this time.   N. Kaplan motioned to accept the Programs report, seconded by E. Kundahl.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.
-         Skate Park:  C. Ferrante informed the commission of ongoing problems at the skate park.  Recently a mother was spit on after approaching a teen at the skate park about profanity he was using in the presence of young children.  She would not give the name of the teen or call the police due to fear for her child. 
- BOS Liaison:  G. Cordova said that the budget is the majority of what the selectmen are working on.
- Dog Park:  J. Cohen reported that the dog park plan has been approved by Zoning and Planning.  The plan
     go back to the BOS for final approval.
6. Discussion on School Team Field Use Policy:  Discussed prior to Item 3.
7. Discussion and Possible Action on Summer Concert Ice Cream Bids: Two bids were received, Scotties Frozen /Custard, and New England Soft Serve.  New England Soft Serve has been providing the ice cream at the concerts, as well as other town events, over the past couple years.  Scotties is a new establishment in town.  Members discussed if those who attend the concerts would like more of a variety than in the past when New England Soft Serve was the vendor for all concerts.  There were two dates that New England Soft Serve was not available, one being a rain date.   Mr. Dander, owner of New England Soft Serve, would make arrangements with Doc’s Flavor King to cover those dates.   Scotties was able to make all dates.   L. Dimock motioned to award, and recommend to the BOS, the ice cream bid for the Summer Concerts to both New England Sort Serve and Scotties Frozen Custard with the dates of the concerts to be split equally, in the event that one vendor does not wish to split the dates the other vendor will receive the full bid, and if neither vendor wishes to share the date the bid will come back to the commission for reconsideration, seconded by L. Stephenson.  All members present voted in favor with E. Kundahl abstaining.  MOTION CARRIED.  
8. Discussion on P&R Budget: The Park and Recreation General Fund Operating Budget Proposal for 2008-2009 was reviewed.  E. Kundahl has volunteered to provide the IPM scouting for a savings of $1,000.   Some areas that were hurt the most by budget cuts were seasonal help, professional services, and ground maintenance supplies. 
9.     Director’s Report:  There are several upcoming events such as Nametag Day, Hershey Track & Field meet, Walk to School Day, and CES Fun Fair.  Numerous repairs and maintenance items have been discontinued or cancelled due to budget cuts.  There is work on a joint grant application with the Greater Hartford Y as well as the possibility of expanding services into Colchester.  Kaplan motioned to accept the Director’s Report, seconded by
E. Kundahl.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.
10. General Comments:  An update on the Cody Camp Foundation is needed. 
11. Adjournment:  E. Kundahl motioned to adjourn, seconded by L. Stephenson.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.  Chairman O’Leary adjourned the meeting at 8:28 p.m.

Dawn LePage, Clerk