“Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs”
127 Norwich Avenue, Colchester, CT 06415
Colchester Parks & Recreation Commission
March 10, 2009
Town Hall, Room 3
7:30 p.m.
Members Present: Chairman S. O’Leary, J. Barr, J. Cohen, N. Kaplan, E. Kundahl, L. Dimock, S. Ashe,
C. Williams
Members Absent: C. Ferrante, L. Stephenson
Others Present: J. Cohen, Park and Rec Director
1. Call to Order: Chairman O’Leary called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
2. Citizen’s Comments: None
3. Acceptance of Minutes: February 2, 2009 Meeting: N. Kaplan motioned to approve the minutes of the February 2, 2009 regular meeting, seconded by J. Barr. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Reading of Correspondence: None
5. Committee Reports
- Facilities: None
- Finance/Administration: None
- Programs: None
- Skate Park: None
- BOS Liaison: None
- Dog Park: J. Cohen reported that the Dog Park committee continues to make great progress. They are currently narrowing down the fund raising possibilities.
* Items 6 and 7 have already been presented to and approved by the Board of Selectmen due to time restraints. No discussion.
6. Discussion and Possible Action on 2009 57 Fest Sponsorship Opportunity:
7. Discussion and Possible Action on Hershey Track & Field Meet Sponsorship Opportunity:
8. Discussion and Possible Action on Updated Sport League Field Use Policy (changes in light fees, etc.):
J. Cohen reviewed the minor changes made to the policy. The main focus of the changes was to eliminate fees from the policy so as the fees change the policy does not have to be rewritten. J. Barr motioned to accept the policy as presented, seconded by L. Dimock. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
9. Discussion and Possible Action on all Parks & Recreation Fees Structure: Prior to the meeting J. Cohen presented to the BOF the Park and Rec department’s proposed budget. The BOF has requested that the current facility use fees be to those of other towns. Once the fees are obtained the commission with further look at the fee structure.
10. Discussion and Possible Action on Recplex Concession Stand: The outcome from the annual inspection showed significant work. There is no money in the budget for repairs. Subway could still use the concession stand but would only be able to do cold sandwiches. Subway is uncertain at this time if they will be able to run the concession under the franchised Subway name. They have asked if it would be possible to run the concession stand not using the Subway name. The commission members were in agreement that if the Subway name cannot be used the bid will need to be opened back up to other applicants. Legalities are uncertain due to the fact that a contract has already been signed between Subway management and the town. J. Cohen will request Subway management notify the commission by March
17, 2009 as to whether the concession stand can be operated using the franchised name.
* A special meeting will be held Tuesday, March 17, 2009 to discuss the concession stand, fees, and hold remaining interviews.
11. Director’s Report: J. Cohen’s report included the following:
• All non-union department heads are taking furlough days to offset any raise.
• There will now be a town-wide brochure.
• April 25, 2009 will be Spring Cleanup. The Land Trust and a group working on preserving wildlife habitat will be partnering with Park and Rec.
• There will be a free show held during spring vacation for kids.
• Results of the town’s survey showed Park and Recreation ranked fourth in importance to citizens.
N. Kaplan motioned to accept the Director’s Report, seconded by L. Dimock. All members voted in favor.
12. Recreation Supervisor’s Report (Quarterly): None
13. Interview and Discussion of Commission Candidates: Frank Ricci and Al Spranzo were interviewed for vacancies on the commission.
(J. Cohen left at this time. 8:45 p.m.)
14. General Comments: L. Dimock would like to schedule another meeting with Karen Loiselle and Greg Plunkett to discuss facility use. She has experienced some issues with facilities, such as double booking of Bacon Academy gym and unpleasantness of janitors at the middle school.
15. Adjournment: C. Williams motioned to adjourn, seconded by L. Dimock. All members voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman O’Leary adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Dawn LePage, Clerk