Colchester Parks & Recreation Commission
May 14, 2009
Town Hall, Ste 201
7:00 p.m.
Special Meeting
Members Present: Chairman S. O’Leary, J. Barr, C. Williams, C. Ferrante, A. Spranzo
Members Absent: N. Kaplan, L. Dimock, L. Stephenson, E. Kundahl, M. Kennedy
Others Present: Dave Dander
1. Call to Order: Chairman O’Leary called the meeting to order at 7:29 p.m.
2. Discussion and Possible Action on Summer Concert Ice Cream Bids:
The Board of Selectmen sent the recommendation on awarding the summer concert ice cream bid back to the commission after they were made aware that all required documentation to be submitted with the bid had not been received from Scotties Frozen Custard. Chairman O’Leary said that Selectman Soby had expressed concern that the commission had not met their own criteria. After reading the town’s purchasing policy, which states that exceptions can be made that are in the best interest of the town, Chairman O’ Leary felt that the commission was indeed in their rights when making their bid recommendation.
Mr. Dander, New England Soft Serve, was present to discuss the matter. He does not feel that the bid was awarded fairly based on the fact that he submitted all required documentation and Scotties did not. The commission went over the necessary paperwork with Mr. Dander. He explained that, as he had noted on his bid package, a vendor license is actually not required when it is a special event that has already obtained a vendors license, thus being why he did not submit one. Mr. Dander said he regretted not having bid a higher amount. C. Williams said he did not think that the bid amount would have played a factor in the commissioners’ decision. Doc King could fill in for New England Soft Serve on the two dates, one being a rain date, which Mr. Dander was unavailable. New
England Soft Serve does not sublet to Doc King. Doc King has done events in the past after Jay Cohen asked Mr. Dander if he could recommend another ice cream vendor to cover dates New England Soft Serve was unavailable. Mr. Dander does not know what paperwork was submitted to J. Cohen from Doc King. J. Barr said he did not think that Doc King filling in on two occasions had affected any decisions. C. Ferrante said he did not believe that it was even mentioned when making the decision at the prior meeting. The clerk clarified that it had been briefly mentioned when noting that Mr. Dander did have two dates he was not available but had not been a crucial part of the commissioners’ discussion. C. Williams said that he believed there were two major issues that played into the decision, providing variety and supporting another Colchester business giving them an opportunity to showcase their product. Both vendors were given the
same opportunity. Mr. Dander said he was under the understanding that the commission was not aware that all the required documentation was not turned in when they made their decision.
C. Williams said he did not believe that would have changed his decision. He would have presumed that due to the fact that Scottie’s also has a restaurant they would have all the necessary insurance and permits. C. Ferrante would have been more conscience of his decision had he know all paperwork had was not been submitted. Chairman O’Leary read a letter from Steve Yenco dated May 14, 2009 stating that Scotties meets all the requirements. Chairman O’ Leary also now had received a Food Service License. Mr. Dander once again pointed out that the items were not submitted at the time of the bids as required. J. Barr thanked Mr. Dander for educating the commission on how some of the licensing, permits, and insurance are handled in a vending business. He stated that this
information would be useful in the future. C. Ferrante spoke in regards to the fact that the commissioners are not the bid takers but just the reviewers. When he got the bids he was under the interpretation that the bids were equal, meaning all the same documentation was submitted because he had not been told otherwise.
C. Williams motioned to uphold the original decision made at the May 4, 2009 meeting to split the Summer Ice Cream Bid with New England Soft Serve receiving half the concert dates and Scotties receiving the other half of the concert dates, seconded by J. Barr. J. Barr, C. Williams voted in favor. C. Ferrante was opposed. A. Spranzo abstained. MOTION CARRIED. The recommendation will be sent back to the BOS.
3. Adjournment: J. Barr motioned to adjourn, seconded by C. William. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman O’Leary adjourned the meeting at 8:08 p.m.
Dawn LePage, Clerk