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Colchester Housing Authority Minutes 02/2010
February 19, 2010
The Colchester Housing Authority met on February 18, 2010 for its regularly scheduled monthly business meeting.  The following members were present:  Robert Gustafson, Executive Director, Janet LaBella, Chairperson, Marion Spaulding, Vice Chairperson and Secretary, Lou DelPivo, Tenant Commissioner, Todd Vachon and Denise Salmoiraghi.  Deb Hartley, Resident Services Coordinator submitted her report in written form.  Rosemary Coyle was not present.  The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM.
Also present were representatives of Breed Tavern; Danielle Hutchins and newly elected President Nikki Deynes. 
The Board members took the agenda out of order and discussed the conditions or Breeds Tavern with the representatives who reported that the Co-op is running smoothly and that there was full participation by all units at the recent Annual Meeting when election of officers takes place.  There were some concerns with regard to the Management Company sending monthly reports late or not at all.  Rob confirmed that the last correspondence CHA received from them was dated in November 24, 2009.  Marion will contact Ron Gantick to follow up on the delay of monthly reporting.  Danielle reported that there is a new Property Manager being trained, Jeanette Santiago, who has been very responsive to the members of the Co-Op.  The Management Company has been asked by Breed’s Tavern owners to not attend monthly meetings but to attend Executive Committee meetings only.  It was reported that there is only one three bedroom unit unoccupied and there are two owners that are currently on payment plans with the Management Company.   The Board thanked them for coming to report and moved forward with the monthly meeting.
The Secretary’s minutes for January were reviewed.  A motion was made by Todd Vachon to accept the minutes, as submitted, motion seconded by Denise Salmoiraghi unanimously accepted.
A motion was made by Todd Vachon to accept the February Financial Report as submitted by the Executive Director; the motion was seconded by Denise Salmoiraghi and unanimously accepted.
 Rob contacted CT Lead Paint Solutions for an estimate regarding lead testing.  Their quote for lead testing is $1,900.  
Due to the snow storm on Wednesday, Rob was not able to attend the Weatherization Meeting that was held in Rocky Hill by DECD and CL&P.
Rob received emails from CHFA reminding him that the Annual Report and Commissioners Directory is due by March 1, 2010 and that the Management Plan is due by April 30, 2010.
Rob has completed 41 of 67 re-determinations for the CHA Villages.  Rob reported that Dublin unit #2 has taken a lot of work but is nearly complete.  Dublin #12 is rented for March 1, 2010.  Dublin #13 is moving to Dublin #35 when that unit is complete.  Ponemah unit # 31 needs flooring, Rob will contact the contractor.   This month there were some issues with Ponemah Village #11 resident and Dublin Village resident #5 that Rob brought to the attention of the Board.  Rob purchased an additional 1800 lbs of sidewalk salt.  In closing, Rob reported that both villages enjoyed a turkey dinner put on by the Leo’s. 
Lou reported that things are going smoothly. 
Rob is continuing on the new job description for the current duties of the Tenant Commissioner.  Rob has his new tires on his truck and loves them.  In closing, Rob heard that the cost of roofing will soon rise, the Board agreed that Rob should make a purchase from Harvey Industries (on-line because we get a discount!) of 40 square of roofing for the Community Room at Dublin Village.   Rob will price new rain gutters and security cameras for the parking lots at Dublin Village.   
Jan LaBella asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Todd Vachon.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 pm.
Respectfully Yours,
Marion Spaulding
CC:      Janet LaBella – Chairperson
      Rob Gustafson, Executive Director
      Rosemary Coyle, Selectwoman
      Town Clerk