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Colchester Housing Authority Minutes 03/2010
March 26, 2010
The Colchester Housing Authority met on March 18, 2010 for its regularly scheduled monthly business meeting.  The following members were present:  Robert Gustafson, Executive Director, Janet LaBella, Chairperson, Marion Spaulding, Vice Chairperson and Secretary, Lou DelPivo, Tenant Commissioner, Todd Vachon and Denise Salmoiraghi.  Deb Hartley, Resident Services Coordinator submitted her report in written form.  Rosemary Coyle was not present.  The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM.
The Secretary’s minutes for February were reviewed.  A motion was made by Todd Vachon to accept the minutes, as submitted, motion seconded by Denise Salmoiraghi unanimously accepted.
A motion was made by Todd Vachon to accept the March Financial Report as submitted by the Executive Director; the motion was seconded by Denise Salmoiraghi and unanimously accepted.
 Rob is drafting a letter to the Commission of Housing, requesting that Ponemah Village be included in the
weatherization program for the replacement of the windows.  This letter also includes a request for a waiver of the
landlord contribution of up to $500/unit.
 Rob has contacted CHFA regarding the escrow accounts that they are holding in CHA name.  Rob is proposing
to upgrade the fire alarm at Ponemah Village which will be fully funded by the escrow account of Ponemah
Village; any balance left will be transferred into the Dublin escrow account.  The balance in the Annex escrow
account will also be transferred to the Dublin escrow account.  The re-roofing of the Community Building and
most of the first Annex Building at Dublin will be paid out of that escrow account.  The remaining funds needed
for materials and labor, including Rob after hours, will be paid from the operating account. 
 Rob received notice from CMERF regarding the annual amortization payments beginning 7/1/2010.  The amount
will be $1,458.00 including a fee of $100 for one member.
Apt #2 is now occupied; apt #12 at Dublin is leased but won’t be occupied until May.  Apt #13 at Dublin is undergoing major work and will be leased as soon as possible.  Apt #31 at Ponemah Village is leased; the resident is anxiously awaiting completion of the flooring, closet doors, bath vanity and toilet.  Rob reported that on March 4, a drunk driver hit a light pole and smashed down a wooden guard rail at Ponemah Village, they will be paying the expense to repair.  On March 8 and 9, 2010 CT Lead Paint Solutions tested the older section of Dublin Village for lead.  There was no lead found.  Rob has had continued problems with the sewer at Dublin Village.  Rob requested that Hayward Construction jet all the lines that drop in the sewer ejection tank and then pumped out the tank.  Rob has set this up to be done annually hoping this will rectify the problem.  In closing, Rob has three re-determinations left to complete and one unit to fill and Dublin Village celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a Corned Beef Lunch. 
Lou reported that things are going smoothly. 
Rob distributed the new job description for the current duties of the Tenant Commissioner.  The Board reviewed the job description, Janet LaBella made a motion to accept the new job description for the Tenant Commissioner as submitted.  Marion Spaulding seconded the motion and was unanimously accepted.  Rob will price new rain gutters and security cameras for the parking lots at Dublin Village.   
While Rob is demolishing the roof for replacement he will be checking on the substrate to make sure there is no rot.  Rob asked about cutting down the brick chimney and blocking it up.  Rob will check with the Colchester Building Dept to see if this can be done and how it would affect the plans and specifications that the Town has on file for the village.  The sander, which is eight years old, will be dropped off to be refurbished for next year’s winter season. 
March is re-election month here at Colchester Housing Authority.  Marion Spaulding nominated Janet LaBella to boldly go where no woman has gone before in bringing Colchester Housing Authority into the second decade of the new millennium and Janet LaBella nominated Marin Spaulding to co-chair the group in her absence, which we hope would never happen.   Something new and exciting is happening at Colchester Housing Authority, Marion Spaulding is stepping down after many years of trying to keep Board Members informed and entertained simultaneously with the monthly minutes and has nominated Todd Vachon to take the stimulating minutes of each adventure monthly.  Todd accepted gleefully and looks forward to his new position.  Janet LaBella nominated Denise Salmoiraghi to serve as Treasurer.  An individual motion was made by Marion Spaulding and seconded by Todd Vachon to elect the following Commissioners:  Janet LaBella – Chairwoman, Marion Spaulding – Vice Chairwoman, Denise Salmoiraghi - Treasurer, Todd Vachon - Secretary and Lou DelPivo as Tenant Commissioner.  Everyone was overjoyed and the moment was titillating. 
Janet LaBella asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Denise Salmoiraghi.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 pm.
Respectfully Yours,
Marion Spaulding
Secretary (farewell!)
CC:      Janet LaBella – Chairperson
      Rob Gustafson, Executive Director
      Rosemary Coyle, Selectwoman
            Town Cler