May 26, 2009
The Colchester Housing Authority met on May 21, 2009 at Dublin Village for its regularly scheduled monthly business meeting. The following members were present: Robert Gustafson, Executive Director, Marion Spaulding, Vice Chairperson and Secretary, Mary Tomasi, Treasurer, Gerri DeSanto, Tenant Commissioner and Todd Vachon. Deb Hartley, Resident Services Coordinator submitted her report in writing. John Malsbenden, Selectman and Liaison for the Town of Colchester and Janet LaBella, Chairperson were unable to attend due to previous commitments. Marion Spaulding called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.
Secretary minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Mary Tomasi to accept April minutes as submitted, motion seconded by Todd Vachon and unanimously accepted.
A motion was made by Mary Tomasi to accept the May Financial Report as submitted by the Executive Director the motion was seconded by Gerri DeSanto and unanimously accepted.
PUBLIC COMMENTS – no one from the public attended the meeting.
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA – there were no additions to the agenda
Ø On April 28, 2009 Rob received approval of the Management Plan for the upcoming year from CHFA (Connecticut Housing Finance Authority).
Ø On May 1, 2009 Rob had a visit from Mr. Bernie Blumenthal of Blumenthal and Donahue regarding CHA insurance. Mr. Blumenthal is retired from the State of Connecticut Department of Administrative Services.
Ø On May 18, 2009 Rob received a letter of acceptance (dated May 6, 2009) from DECD (Department of Economic and Community Development) regarding approval of the audit.
Rob reported to both villages are freshly washed. There are currently 47 people on the waiting list (we are fully occupied!). Rob sent a certified letter to the resident who was causing conflict regarding parking. Rob sent another certified letter to the resident who declares that her daughter is not living there but only a guest. In closing, Rob informed the son of a resident that he will be barred from the property if he continues to try and solicit money from the residents.
Gerri reported that one Dublin Village resident is still in rehab.
The installation of the new alarm systems at Dublin Village is complete.
Wish List Items:
Change 30 smoke detectors near the kitchens to heat buttons at Ponemah Village to reduce the number of calls while staying within the code limits – estimated cost $3,000. Rob has requested a quote from American Alarm who just finished the new alarm systems at Dublin Village.
Rob cut out the pavement and filled the area where the sink hold appeared at Dublin Village and the Town Highway Department patched the pavement on May 5, 2009.
Mary Tomasi made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Todd Vachon. The meeting was adjourned at 7:11 PM.
Respectfully yours,
Marion K. Spaulding
Marion K. Spaulding
CC: Janet LaBella, Chairperson
Rob Gustafson, Executive Director
John Malsbenden, Selectman
Town Clerk