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Colchester Housing Authority Minutes 07/2009
July 20, 2009
The Colchester Housing Authority met on July 16, 2009 for its regularly scheduled monthly business meeting.  The following members were present:  Robert Gustafson, Executive Director, Janet LaBella, Chairperson, Marion Spaulding, Vice Chairperson and Secretary, Mary Tomasi, Treasurer and Todd Vachon.  Deb Hartley, Resident Services Coordinator is on vacation and Gerri DeSanto is ill and will not be attending the meeting.  John Malsbenden, Selectman and Liaison for the Town of Colchester could not attend due to previous commitments.  Janet LaBella called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
The Secretary’s minutes were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mary Tomasi to accept the June minutes, as submitted, motion seconded by Todd Vachon and unanimously accepted.
A motion was made by Mary Tomasi to accept the July Financial Report as submitted by the Executive Director; the motion was seconded by Todd Vachon and unanimously accepted.
PUBLIC COMMENTSno one from the public attended the meeting.
Breeds Tavern Report – there was no representative present to report.
COMMUNICATIONS – no communications this month.
The community room at Dublin Village is now locked in the evening.  When the Town Highway Department is out crack sealing pavement, they will seal the cracks in the driveways at CHA.  CHA is now insured with Blumenthal and Donahue Insurance Agency.  Rob has begun adding a $20 late fee for residents who pay after the 10th of each month.  In closing, the annual cookouts this year will be held on July 22 at Dublin Village and July 23 at Ponemah Village.
Gerri was not able to attend but forwarded her report one resident at Dublin Village is still in the nursing home and one resident at Dublin Village fell in her apartment but is alright.
Due to a conflict in scheduling the August meeting will be held on August 27, 2009.
Rob received a legal notice from the Town of Colchester regarding land that abuts Ponemah Village which is owned by Leonard Przekopski.  Apparently Mr. Przekopski is clearing land to pasture his cows and he has been demanded to stop work until a public meeting is held next week.  There was a brief discussion.  Colchester Housing Authority has no issues with Mr. Przekopski clearing his property that abuts Ponemah Village for pastureland.
Mary Tomasi made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Todd Vachon.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 pm.
Respectfully Yours,
Marion Spaulding
CC:      Janet LaBella – Chairperson
      Rob Gustafson, Executive Director
      John Malsbenden, Selectman
      Town Clerk