November 20, 2009
The Colchester Housing Authority met on November 19, 2009 for its regularly scheduled monthly business meeting. The following members were present: Robert Gustafson, Executive Director, Janet LaBella, Chairperson, Marion Spaulding, Vice Chairperson and Secretary, Gerri DeSanto, Tenant Commissioner and Todd Vachon. John Malsbenden, Selectman and Liaison for the Town of Colchester had a conflict and was not able to attend. Deb Hartley, Resident Services Coordinator submitted her report in written form. Also present was Lou Delpivo, future Tenant Commissioner. The meeting was called to order at 6:59 PM.
The Secretary’s minutes for October were reviewed. A motion was made by Todd Vachon to accept the October minutes, as submitted, motion seconded by Gerri DeSanto unanimously accepted.
A motion was made by Todd Vachon to accept the November Financial Report as submitted by the Executive Director; the motion was seconded by Gerri DeSanto and unanimously accepted.
PUBLIC COMMENTS – no one from the public attended the meeting.
On October 26, 2009 Mr. Ray Mac of CL&P’s Wrap Unit returned Rob’s phone call. Rob had called him because a lot of the lighting that was installed three years ago by CL&P under their energy savings program has been failing. Replacement
of ballasts and light bulbs is becoming very costly for CHA. Mr. Mac has placed CHA on the list to have the lighting replaced and is having one of the contractors contact Rob to set up an appointment.
On October 30, 2009 Rob received the first payment of the Rental Assistance Program.
On November 3, 2009 Rob received the executed copy of the Resident Services Coordinator contract from the DECD. The requisition for payment #1 has already been submitted.
On November 10 and November 11, 2009 Rob received numerous phone calls from CHA attorney regarding the eviction of Dublin Resident #32.
On November 13, 2009 Rob received the First Selectman’s acknowledgment of Mary Tomasi’s resignation from the Colchester Housing Authority Board of Commissions.
Rob gave an update on the issues with the resident, and her daughter, in Unit #D-32.
There was much discussion. The vacated unit at Ponemah has been cleaned, painted and offered to the next person on the waiting list. Rob will wait until Monday, November 23, 2009 before offering it to the next person on the list. Work has begun on Dublin unit #31, after the family removed the final items. Unit #31 will take a lot of work to prepare for re-leasing as the resident who resided there was the only tenant that ever lived in that unit. On November 5 and November 6, 2009 the Colchester Highway Department did the crack sealing of driveways at both villages. On November 9, 2009 the repairs to the sinking catch basin were made leaving on the paving around the basin left to be completed. Rob gave the Alarm Co. approved to go ahead and make the updates on the system at
Gerri gave her last report as Tenant Commissioner as she will be relocating to South Carolina. We will all miss you Gerri!! Two Dublin Village residents came home from the hospital and one Ponemah Village resident is home from the hospital.
Rob is still searching for a great deal on snow tires.
Rob introduced our new Tenant Commissioner, Lou Delpivo who resides at Dublin Village unit #30. Rob also requested a change to the current duties of Tenant Commissioner. Rob will create a new job description for the Board to review next month. Rob will work with Lou on getting sworn in as Tenant Commissioner. Jan also added that she has someone interested in taking a seat on the Board to replace the much missed Mary Tomasi who has been elected to the Board of Education. Jan will work with Denise to get her appointment soon.
Jan LaBella asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Todd Vachon. The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm.
Respectfully Yours,
Marion Spaulding
CC: Janet LaBella – Chairperson
Rob Gustafson, Executive Director
John Malsbenden, Selectman
Town Clerk