February 13, 2009
The Colchester Housing Authority met on January 15, 2009 at Dublin Village for its regularly scheduled monthly business meeting. The following members were present: Robert Gustafson, Executive Director, Janet LaBella, Chairperson, Marion Spaulding, Vice Chairperson and Secretary, Mary Tomasi, Treasurer, Todd Vachon and Gerri DeSanto, Tenant Commissioner. Deb Hartley, Resident Services Coordinator submitted her report in writing. John Malsbenden, Selectman and Liaison for the Town of Colchester was unable to attend due to previous commitments. Janet LaBella called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM.
Secretary minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Mary Tomasi to accept November (the December meeting was cancelled) minutes as submitted, motion seconded by Gerri DeSanto and unanimously accepted.
A motion was made by Mary Tomasi to accept the December Financial Report as submitted by the Executive Director, disbursements were made in December, and the motion was seconded by Todd Vachon and unanimously accepted.
A motion was made by Mary Tomasi to accept the January Financial Report as submitted by the Executive Director, and to disburse payables, the motion was seconded by Todd Vachon and unanimously accepted.
PUBLIC COMMENTS – no one from the public attended the meeting.
Rob notified the resident who resides at Dublin Village unit #32 that her lease would not be renewed due to numerous lease violations over the last year. The resident and a friend came into discuss the situation and make a plea in her defense so that CHA will let her remain in her unit. After the resident departed, there was discussion. It was decided by the Board that the resident my stay on for a probationary period of sixty (60) days. Rob will notify the resident. The current waiting list is lengthy.
December 2008: On November 21, 208 Rob delivered the requested Colchester Housing Authority information to the Town Hall, First Selectman’s Office.
Ø On November 25, 2008 Rob received a letter of thanks for getting the information to the First Selectman.
Ø On December 1, 2009 Rob received a letter from Cheryl Good at CHFA that CHA financials are late, Rob called CHA accountant to request expedited reports.
Ø On December 1, 2008 Rob received a fax from Ron Gantick of DeMarco Management Corp regarding Breeds Tavern audit and management plan.
Ø On December 11, 2008 CHA bi-annual audit began.
Ø On December 12, 2008 Rob received a concern from a Breed’s Tavern resident who thought that invoices for the property may not be paid in a timely fashion.
January 2009: Due to a death – The Breeds Tavern report will be given in February.
Ø Rob received a concern from a Breed’s Tavern resident that the day it rained hard and melted the snow from the roof valleys that some of the units leaked.
Ø Rob is still waiting for the audit, financial statement and all the year end paperwork to be completed by the accountant.
December 2008: Rob reported that the waiting list continues to grow. The Fire Alarm replacement at Dublin Village is on-going. Ponemah Village #4 has been leased and unit #19 is being cleaned and painted for the resident in unit #17 who needs a ground floor unit. Dublin Village #3 is nearly emptied and will be cleaned and painting for the next applicant. The Lions sing along holiday party at Dublin on the 3rd was well attended and all that came had a great time. The 30th anniversary and Lions sing along at Ponemah was not very well attended but Mr. Epstein who was CHA Chairperson when Ponemah Village was built was able to attend. The Ponemah Village residents that did attend had a great time. The Lions
and Leo Club not only took the time to come to our villages to spread holiday cheer but also made a donation to our resident fund. The Leo Club gave two baskets filled with food and a turnkey in each that was prepared as a thanksgiving feast for the resident on the day before thanksgiving. They also gave two baskets filled with food and hams that were prepared as a holiday lunch for the residents. The CHA food pantry sponsored by the Colchester Rotary Club continues to be a tremendous asset to many of the residents. Other December holiday events included St. Andrews Church elves visited Dublin Village with food boxes while the Colchester Dept of Social Services visited Ponemah Village with food boxes. There were also many gifts from students at JJES.
January 2009: There are currently 53 applications on file. Ponemah Village unit #19 is ready for the next qualified applicant. Dublin Village unit #3 is empty and undergoing a makeover. Dublin Village unit #11 will soon be vacated and will take a lot of repair work to ready for leasing. Both unit #3 and #11 will need new flooring, closet doors and bathroom renovations. The ice melt that was stored is long gone, having used more this year than last year. There will be some line items that will be off this year based on the amount of snow that has been received this year and the high vacancy rate. Rob gave the Board an update regarding the woman whose son lives with her. The son says that he stays at a
friends house at night, there is a well trodden path to the corner of Elm Street where Rob has seen him being picked up. Rob has seen him walking towards the center of town in the AM and toward Dublin Village in the PM. The progress on the fire alarm replacement is slow but moving along, considering the weather and other commitments by the company who is installing. On Friday, December 26, Rob was summoned to Dublin Village as the high water alarm for the sewer lift station was going off. Both sewer ejection pumps had failed. Both pumps read high amps draw indication motor failure or that they were bound up with debris. Rob asked residents on the system to please not use any water and Rob called Suburban Sanitation to come and pump the tank out as it was almost at flood stage. Rob then called Hungerford Pump Service to pull the pumps. Both companies arrived at the same time – all worked together quickly and cleanly as
to not have an overflow situation. Rob said that what looked like mop strings had bound up the pumps. Rob will send a notice in the newsletter about being careful what gets flushed. On Saturday, January 3, 2009 Rob was summoned to Dublin Village by the resident on unit #33. The drains were stopped, this unit is at the lowest elevation of the sewer ejection system and Rob thought “Not Again”. But, alas, it wasn’t the pump but the main line from her unit. Rob tried to snake the drain but the snake broke at 45 feet out. Rob was able to retrieve the entire snake but was unable to open the drain. Rob called Lance Prentiss of Hayward Construction. The resident stayed overnight with relatives and Rob met Lance Sunday AM who attempted to snake the draw with his much larger power snake but to no avail. The resident stayed another night with relatives and Monday AM Dan Kuster (who helps with snow removal) and Rob
had the drain from the unit dug up as Hayward Construction arrived. Hayward cleared the line and a clean out was installed to aid in the future cleaning of this drain. Rob said the Hayward Construction was A+ and he will use him again.
Gerri reported that: Two Dublin Village residents are in the hospital; one Dublin Village resident is staying with his sister after a hospital stay; one Dublin Village resident is now living at Liberty Hall Nursing Home and one Ponemah Village resident is in the hospital.
The installation of the new alarm systems at Dublin Village is ongoing.
Wish List Items:
Change 30 smoke detectors near the kitchens to heat buttons at Ponemah Village to reduce the number of calls while staying within the code limits – estimated cost $3,000.
The detectors removed from Ponemah Village will be installed into the same type of system at Dublin Village, reducing the cost of the new alarm system.
Todd Vachon made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Mary Tomasi. The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 PM.
Respectfully yours,
Marion K. Spaulding
CC: Janet LaBella, Chairperson
Rob Gustafson, Executive Director
John Malsbenden, Selectman
Town Clerk