March 10, 2009
The Colchester Housing Authority met on February 19, 2009 at Dublin Village for its regularly scheduled monthly business meeting. The following members were present: Robert Gustafson, Executive Director, Janet LaBella, Chairperson, Marion Spaulding, Vice Chairperson and Secretary, Mary Tomasi, Treasurer and Gerri DeSanto, Tenant Commissioner. Deb Hartley, Resident Services Coordinator submitted her report in writing. John Malsbenden, Selectman and Liaison for the Town of Colchester and Todd Vachon were unable to attend due to previous commitments. Also present was Danielle, Liaison from Breeds Tavern. Janet LaBella called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM.
Secretary minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Mary Tomasi to accept January minutes as submitted, motion seconded by Gerri DeSanto and unanimously accepted.
A motion was made by Mary Tomasi to accept the February Financial Report as submitted by the Executive Director the motion was seconded by Gerri DeSanto and unanimously accepted.
PUBLIC COMMENTS – no one from the public attended the meeting.
Danielle was present to give her report on Breeds Tavern. Danielle reported that elections were held and that she is now the President of the Board and that Eric is Vice President. Danielle reported that she thought there may be some issues with late payment of invoices by the management company. There were discussions regarding the situation where a vendor wanted to get paid earlier than the traditional 30 days. The Board agreed that typically invoices are paid 30-45 days from the date of the invoice unless special arrangements are made. Danielle commented that there are three units in arrears and that final notices have been sent out and that there are three families that are on payment plans, with one of those families receiving a notice to quit. Meetings have been well attended and
the management company has been attending to answer questions. In closing, Danielle stated that all units will require new smoke detectors and that she is working on getting three quotes for the work.
Ø On February 5, 2009 Rob received the second notice from CHFA that the financial statements are overdue.
Ø On February 11, 2009 Rob forwarded all of the information regarding the resident who attended last months meeting to CHA attorney, he is awaiting the attorney’s response.
Ø On February 16, 2009 Rob received the financial statements for CHFA from the accountant.
Ø On February 17, 2009 Rob mailed the financial statement to DECD and CHFA.
Rob reported that the Dublin Village resident who attended last months meeting missed three appointments that had been set up at the office to renew and review the rules of her lease. On February 5, 2009 she came into the office thinking that it was the day after last months meeting and wanted to sign the lease – Rob stated that she had missed three appointments and that her lease would not be renewed. The problems with the sewer main from D33/34 to the pump tank have continued. Rob returned from vacation to find the lateral from 33 was plugged. Rob called Hayward Construction because he wasn’t going to be available since he was transporting a resident to an appointment. Lance Hayward came down and before Rob returned the line was blown clear. Arrangements were made to
camera the line, roots along with a sag in the pipe, was located. Rob cut down two trees on February 13 and February 16, 2009 to aid in the rooting problem. The roots where located in front of unit #36 so that area was dug up. The line was cleaned and the camera was run toward the pump tank, near all the electrical junction boxes. Two bricks were found to be protruding through the top of the pipe. In running the camera in the other direction there was a sag in the pipe. Rob has lowered the start float in the tank to allow that line to empty completely all the time. The area of the sidewalk has settled a few inches where the sag in the line is, the eight inch sewer main is directly under that sidewalk 5-6 feet down. This problem is an engineering error when the units were built and will need to be corrected. The waiting list continues has 54 applicants on it who call daily. The resident in unit P-19 has moved to unit P-17 to be on the
ground floor. P-17 is ready to be leased. D-3 is waiting for new flooring to be installed then it can be finished up and leased. D-11 is undergoing a major makeover and will take quit some time to be ready. In closing, on Friday the 13th Rob received a call the Ponemah Village parking lot lights were out. The wiring in one of the street light poles had burned off flush with the cement inside the pole. Rob dug the cement base out and spliced wires so all the other lights were functional. Rob will have to pour a new base and reinstall the street light as soon as possible.
Gerri reported that: One Dublin Village resident is home from rehab; one Dublin Village resident went to the emergency room and came home; one Dublin Village resident is still at his daughter’s doing rehab from there; one Dublin Village resident is still in rehab and one Ponemah Village resident went to the emergency room and came home.
The installation of the new alarm systems at Dublin Village is nearly complete.
Wish List Items:
Change 30 smoke detectors near the kitchens to heat buttons at Ponemah Village to reduce the number of calls while staying within the code limits – estimated cost $3,000.
The Rotary Club is preparing a dinner for the residents this Saturday at Dublin Village at 3:00 pm. Rob expressed what a great club it was to prepare meals and to stock the food pantry. We are lucky to have them!
Rob attended a ConnNAHRO meeting where Barbara McGrath and Bill Breech from UCONN Law School discussed law students doing internship at housing authorities with regards to legal matters in order to further their law experience in housing matters.
Mary Tomasi made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Gerri DeSanto. The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 PM.
Respectfully yours,
Marion K. Spaulding
Marion K. Spaulding
CC: Janet LaBella, Chairperson
Rob Gustafson, Executive Director
John Malsbenden, Selectman
Town Clerk