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Colchester Housing Authority Minutes November 2008
December 2, 2008

The Colchester Housing Authority met on November 20, 2008 at Dublin
Village for its regularly scheduled monthly business meeting.  The
following members were present:  Robert Gustafson, Executive Director,
Janet LaBella, Chairperson, Marion Spaulding, Vice Chairperson and
Secretary, Mary Tomasi, Treasurer, Todd Vachon and Gerri DeSanto, Tenant
Commissioner.  Deb Hartley, Resident Services Coordinator submitted her
report in writing.  John Malsbenden, Selectman and Liaison for the Town
of Colchester was unable to attend due to previous commitments.  Janet
LaBella called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM.

Secretary minutes were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mary Tomasi to
accept October minutes as submitted, motion seconded by Todd Vachon and
unanimously accepted.

A motion was made by Mary Tomasi to accept the November Financial Report
as submitted by the Executive Director, and to disburse payables, the
motion was seconded by Gerri DeSanto and unanimously accepted.

PUBLIC COMMENTS - no one from the public attended the meeting.


The schedule of meeting dates was presented and discussed for the
calendar year 2009.  

A motion was made by Mary Tomasi to accept the schedule as submitted;
the motion was seconded by Gerri DeSanto and unanimously accepted.


On October 23, 2008 Rob received a notice regarding the temporary
increase of FDIC coverage to $250,000 until December, 2009

On October 24, 2008 Rob delivered a lease violation letter to a fairly
new Dublin Village resident who has her son living in her unit.  The
letter stated that both mother and son were going to be evicted if this

On October 28, 2008 Rob delivered a highlighted copy of the lease of a
Dublin Village Annex resident who has her daughter living in her unit.
The daughter has moved in her boyfriend and there were many disturbances
as a result - between November 12-14 there was a chaotic situation there
and a turkey for Thanksgiving was also missing from the Community Room
refrigerator (where admittedly the boyfriend had spent the night on the

On November 12, 2008 Rob delivered a letter to a Ponemah resident who is
endangering herself and other residents by smoking when her oxygen is

On November 17, 2008 John Malsbenden, Liaison for the Town of Colchester
stopped by to inform Rob of changes that need to be made on submitting
CHA agenda and minutes to the Town.


Rob reported that he is currently in the process of updating the waiting
list and there are currently 50 applicants on the list.  Dublin Village
unit # 14 is leased.  Ponemah Village has one vacancy.  On October 29,
2008 American Alarm did the annual testing and maintenance at Ponemah
Village fire alarm system.  On November 10, 2008 American Alarm started
the fire alarm system replacement at Dublin Village.  The exterior
staircase hand rails at Ponemah Village are complete and the pavement
has been patched.  On November 20, 2008 the Fire Marshal inspected
Ponemah Village; the village received an A+.  In closing, Rob stated
that the plow and sander has been serviced and ready to go for the
winter season and that the ice melt has been stored.     


Gerri reported that: One Dublin Village is in a nursing home in Groton;
one Dublin resident is still at Harrington Court; a Ponemah resident is
in Backus Hospital; a Ponemah Village resident is in Saint Francis
Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.  There were a few false alarms.


The installation of the new alarm systems at Dublin Village is ongoing.
Upon further study of early withdrawal fees from our savings accounts,
Rob recommended using the majority of the monies in the STIF account
($80K) and the balance of funds from the Citizens CD ($27K) in order to
pay for the Dublin Village alarm system.   

Wish List Items:

Change 30 smoke detectors near the kitchens to heat buttons at Ponemah
Village to reduce the number of calls while staying within the code
limits - estimated cost $3,000.  The detectors removed from Ponemah
Village will be installed into the same type of system at Dublin
Village, reducing the cost of the new alarm system.


Mary Tomasi made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by
Gerri DeSanto.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Marion K. Spaulding
