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Officers Meeting 06/10/13

June 10, 2013
1900 hours

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Lee, 1st AC McKenna, 2nd AC Giudice, Rescue Capt. Morris, EMSCapt. Babineau, ISO Joseph, FP Capt. Jones, Fire Capt. Papp, Eng Babineau, Eng.King

Called to order:  7:00 pm.

Addition to Agenda: none

Approval of minutes:  The May 6, 2013 Officer’s meeting minutes were read.   Motion to approve made DC Lee, seconded by 2nd AC Guidice.
The following corrections were made: added Eng. Josh King to “Members Present”
Page 2 should have read “Captain Morris – Rescue”

Citizens’ Comments:  none

Budget Issues:  3 wks left to FY 2013.  Capitol equipment reserve going forward. Grip hoist in, tablets being looked at, wireless modem in ambulance 528. Techs will be able to directly access  EMS website. Modem is tied into battery control. Will require about 5 mins start up
RFP for heavy rescue reviewed for legal language. Minimal changes. To be posted tomorrow – opening date : July 11, 2014  2:00 pm
Light tower request is temporarily tabled.
Any purchases need to be approved by Jean Walsh for available funds before purchasing.

Career Staff / Personnel:  
Union negotiation tomorrow 10:00 am
Union grievance – re: 3 consecutive calls – Chief’s response given to Union President/1st Selectman
Trevor Reid developed incentive program data chart re: ambulance scheduling.
(see chart for #’s)
75 openings to 30
Alternative plan: flat fee of $50 per 6 hour shift. vs ppc.
2 requests for private burns.
Thanks to all Tag Sale on Green/Vol. R/R table
Sat. 6/22 veterans coming home-help needed
Sat 6/29 – Sandy Hook ES fundraiser – thank you to first responders-help needed
Cromwell Fire Dept. – Chief Rick Lasky  Sat. 7/13/13 – dynamic speaker. Looking for all officers to attend.
(20 seats reserved).
Sept – upcoming seminars.
EMS protocols – have not heard from Fred Potter – Chief will be approved instructor. Opens up daytime class time.-Only needed 1protocol x yr
Discussion of VFD R/R task force – : Wm Curran, John Knapp, Bob Holdsworth, Dave Martin appointed. No charges developed yet.

Initial EMR in July,  Oct recerts.
Hazmat course can be offered. Flash over training June 2013.

Training: Captains:  calendar posted. No money left for this FY
ISO Joseph-.follow up on highway closures – (see
Capt. Babineau -  EMS -  EMS week, dinner well attended.  Some issues w/ missing run forms, which has been rectified.. Any chart w/ an issue is in the locked call box until all actions are completed. (this system has been in place for 5 yrs)
Laptop in EMS room –
Capt. Papp – Fire – water system waiting for Tony G. ; svc 1 pump waiting for reel motor. ET3 experiencing issues of age. ET1 brakes bad.
?? – weight room ?? – being renovated.
Capt. Jones- Fire Police –.state fp course – 24 around the state, all our guys are certified. FP division will be involved w green ,and walk.
Dispatch center to be moving to Tolland soon.
Capt Morris - Rescue-. air leak resolved. (aux. tank s.b. looked at fittings – loose)
Pickets installed – 6 on special ops trailer k, grip hoist in, will do training next week.
Officer reviews due next month.

Chief Officers:
2nd AC Giudice: - 3 policies complete : a)ff evac drills, b) park procedure policy, c) mayday policy. Need to be reviewed for corrections.
EMS chart admin authority - questioned
1st AC McKenna:  -. Recruitment & retention efforts – since beginning of year : new – 5 full for fire; 5 full for EMS, probationary 1 fp, 1 fire, 2 ems, only 1 member loss in EMS
net gain 9 full members since January 2013. (some members began, had physicals, quit before becoming full members)
DC Lee   - had a  rash of serious calls over last month. Watch for one another. 6/22 training -         Quad town – Franklin, Lebanon,  Preston, __________.
Live burn time credit available – site instructors, safety officers needed, etc
Station alarm should be fixed tomorrow.
Chief Cox –. Town wide Honeywell energy project in progress – weather striping around bay doors, weight room; roof;
Had issue w/ a/c units – repairs made.
Made a call to ConnOSHA for review of headquarters 6/25, also will be visiting Comp 2.  

Stop & Shop donated food for Memorial Day Parade; thanks to Marty Gordon
NFIFS thank you to all those who had input into refined data program- point system, credit system.

Fuel Comp Checks due by EOM.  

President Martin:   - thanks for Memorial day svc, cadets & srs, ladder detail, etc.
This 6/15/13 Sat. 50th Year of Active Service celebration for Capt. John Jones- 1pm dinner.
Limited invitees.

Motion to adjourn @19:55 hours

Motion by DC Lee, seconded by 1st AC McKenna

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Walsh