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Officers Meeting 07/06/13

July 8, 2013
1900 hours

MEMBERS  PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Lee, 1st AC McKenna, 2nd AC Guiduce, Rescue Captain Morris, Captain Papp, Captain Jones, Eng, King, ISO Joseph

Called to Order: 7:00 pm

Addition to Agenda:

Approval of Minutes:  The June 10, 2013 minutes were read. Motion to approve made by 1ST AC McKenna, seconded by DC Lee

Citizen’s Comments: Jared Szuba asked about fuel levels /  paid staff  . tabled for later discussion.
7/11 heavy rescue bid opening.

June 30th end of fiscal yr.  Started fiscal yr 2014.

Career / Staff Personnel:
Training: AC Giudice – calendar is posted. Cromwell training next week.
Mr. Kennedy sent a letter requesting a meet & greet  Monday 8/12/13 for members re: wills, etc.
DC Lee : DEEP, Ralph Scarpino et al – class Tues.7/9/13  installation of dry hydrant on Jeremy River Bridge., $3500. no impact on training.
EOM July – host class for : $50 / per car , plus cost to deliver Rescue Tech vehicle machinery.
ConnOsha – safety consultation – records, safety, etc – focus on training – what is process of training committee? Does copy go in their file? Yes – if certificate if available it goes into minutes, then into their personnel file, Secretary Audrie Babineau is responsible for doing this. Chief mentioned it was found that it has NOT been done for quite a while.
OSHA required 8 hrs of structural training per qtr. Needs data entry by hrs./ date.
SOP’s from last month. : Fire fighter safety evac #12 & withdrawal; Accountability #15; May Day #14.
Chief had no problem, 1st AC had issue w/ May Day. Original goes to file cabinet. Mr. Knapp scans in copies w/ signatures into server.
DC Lee  made motion to approve as mentioned w/ minor amendment to May Day, 2nd by 1st AC Guidice

Union Contract is up for review. Verbiage re: career staff volunteering. One BOS meeting for July.   Jean Walsh is taking FEMA grant submission after a disaster class.
Conn Osha – physicals – MANY people are NOT up to date. Mask fit tests cannot be done annually if physical is not up to date. All interior FF are going to have to have an annual physical !
EMS people must have a physical every 5 yrs.
Capt Papp will try to contact all members in need. Letters are supposed to be sent out to members “if our records are incorrect please contact…”.
Need to have discussion on ambulance staffing program: $50 flat fee rate. Some people may pick up additional shift. This will take effect after this pay period – retroactive to July 1, 2013. Chief will bring it forward for approval.
I AM RESPONDING – how long in duration do people check for text? Option can go to alpha pager. Kevin McManus is working on this feature. App on smart phone also.
ISO Joseph: nothing to report. Hydrate !
Capt. Babineau – EMS – on a call
Capt. Papp – Fire – light duty for next wk – shoulder dislocated. 6 mth update : performance reviews completed. Successes: focused on basics: engine company – line placement, live burns, ground ladders, hazmat – lpg / metering; RIT once a mth; GOALS : goal to provide an enthusiastic environment to get more guys into the program; mutual aid RIT training; mentoring; mutual aid calls for training; trying to be positive to change environment; promoting sense of ownership / pride in dept.; drivers had recent Q class.
Capt. Jones – Police – police available for Sandy Hook trek. Had Easy Rider van and National Guard.   Police responding to LAH –  blocking apparatus ET 4 & service 3, left out on highway – Chief officer in charge shall be responsible to return the blocking apparatus. Could make scene safer. POV’s to be put off in grass.
Capt. Morris – Rescue – grip hoist on service 1.  After recent calls to Salmon River – discussion was had re: cold water suits for swift water – however – manufacturer does not recommend it. Dry suits , boots,  etc : est: $2500 for 2.  Class available in MA. Tolland county dive team,  Yantic dive team, cost?? tbd

Chief Officers:
2nd AC Giudice:- Hebron – need call #’s  KX can’t pick up our communication until vehicle is in Hebron.  Mutual aid compact not current due to their disaffiliation w/ KX. Tolland County has to come forward. We need to inform Tolland.  NFIRS 100% entered through today (?)
Cadet advisors to meet tomorrow to evaluate.
Call sheets – requesting to  eliminate green sheet / change to use of yellow  only – to be used as front page.
1st AC McKenna -  nothing to report

DC Lee – class starts at 7:00 am on Saturday. 8:00 registration – polo shirts should be worn. Car pool.

Chief Cox – Thur  7/11 – heavy rescue refirb.  7/19 KX rfp,  7/29 hose testing.
ConnOsha – coming in over a few months time. Time wide energy project ongoing. Change in lighting. Motion sensors and increased lighting in bays. Saturday Honeywell to replace front door. People coming in to replace bay doors – springs, rollers, sensors. August Sept millings on front April
6 mths 986 calls – could reach 2000 by yr end.
Norwich Ave – stops at Roger Foote Rd – bridge gone.
7/11 Marvin, Cabin, Windham Ave, River Rd - remilling

President Martin: no report

Motion to adjourn: 8:05 pm
1st AC McKenna – 2nd by 2nd AC Guidice

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Walsh